Leave of absence_ study abroad


New Member
uh.. well I'm not about to scam them to get them to give me leave. Otherwise I could have easily "gotten pregnant" or something like that. My manager, the night sort manager, my district manager, the feeder manager all want me to stay or come back and encourage me to re apply when I return. I wont rule it out because its obvious times are rough, but after almost 6 years in that company, why would I want to start ALL over again? I just earned my 4th week of vacation... to leave and what, come back and start again and if I'm lucky get my original crappy pay rate back? ...with a college degree for a PART TIME job? NO.I might reapply only to try to go full time since I am well liked and respected but... I have no real high hopes or expectations. I wanted to believe for once, I wouldn't be treated as easily replaceable but lol, we all know better. I wont be easy to replace, but I'm sure it will be done by at least 2 people hah.

Dis-organized Labor

Even if UPS doesn't have leave of absence, don't let that deter you from an expericence of going overseas to learn.

If that concerned about a job, start sending out your resume before you leave Chili. That way you'll have some possible interviews when you get back to the states. Best of luck to you!

You know, I have also put a lot of thought into the study of Chili. I've seen it with beans in it, ground beef and chopped, meatless, and then there's that version with the spaghetti in it.