Local 728?


Well-Known Member
Higgy is OSSUM! he is smart as a whip,and dosent care what he says or who he says it to.
We had a SCAB come up to Jim a couple of months ago when some of the local higher ups were in the building telling Jim he had 'rights',and he wanted back in the union. Jim told him in front of EVERYBODY "we dont let Scabs back in the union" hahaahahaha the scab was INFURIATED. I havent laughed so hard and so loudly in years

I've known Higgy all the way back to his PT days on the Atlanta Midnight. Boy was that a crew and some stories to boot! :laughing:

Higgy is good people, damn good people! Don't get to see him as much these days but like Scratch if RB decided to hang it up, Higgy gets my support to step up.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I hope that is true Inthegame. I guess we will have to wait until Monday to find out the panel decision. Gosh darn it!

Well BCFan, what happened with the panel? I hope a 30 plus year driver wasn't thrown under the bus. And I hope that driver didn't used to deliver to my in-laws.........


All Trash No Trailer
I guess old 728ups don't know squat.... He probably goes in and works off the clock....BC

you don't know me at all m'friend
at any rate i'm not posting info on this matter on this forum,or any other public forum,but i'd suggest you get the information you seek from reliable sources,not from wannabees that like to start such unfounded rumours to besmirch the current Leadership