Local Union #710


Well-Known Member
I am a member of local 710 and I was discussing the 710 website update with my steward today. His thoughts were that the company will wait to see what happens with Louisville before they come to terms with us. His thoughts are that whatever Louisville gets or doesn't get will in turn effect our contract. This is my first contract vote with brown, but from my understanding 710 and 705 are always last and generally get a better agreement then the national. We are having a team care information meeting next week at my building, so it appears as though they are pushing the team care like everywhere else. Just what I have heard.


Well-Known Member
First vote wasn't a strike authorization vote, just a scare tactic. Flynn wants this to pass so he can fill the 2nd floor of the new fancy union hall with Health Insurance employees. Plus only 41% voted, that's piss poor. What would we strike for? What would picket signs say? "we want to keep our free insurance"? Or "we make $34 hr and we want our free insurance too"? Good luck with that.

The first vote gave 710 the right to strike. Pat is not going to fill the second floor with health insurance employees. The only way that was going to happen was if 710 took over the insurance.
The stop in negotiations could easily be as simple as a cooling off period between the parties or equally as simple as having proposals on the table that need to be researched.
Obviously, IMO, the latter is the case or you'd all be making signs right now.


Well-Known Member
I am a member of local 710 and I was discussing the 710 website update with my steward today. His thoughts were that the company will wait to see what happens with Louisville before they come to terms with us. His thoughts are that whatever Louisville gets or doesn't get will in turn effect our contract. This is my first contract vote with brown, but from my understanding 710 and 705 are always last and generally get a better agreement then the national. We are having a team care information meeting next week at my building, so it appears as though they are pushing the team care like everywhere else. Just what I have heard.

It would make sense that it's on the company to sell Teamcare not the Union. That's what UPS should've been doing from the start. They probably didn't want their management seeing the hourly getting better coverage.

710 steward

Well-Known Member
First vote wasn't a strike authorization vote, just a scare tactic. Flynn wants this to pass so he can fill the 2nd floor of the new fancy union hall with Health Insurance employees. Plus only 41% voted, that's piss poor. What would we strike for? What would picket signs say? "we want to keep our free insurance"? Or "we make $34 hr and we want our free insurance too"? Good luck with that.


Put anything you'd like on your sign. Mine would say "UPS wants to do progressive discipline based off a computer that isn't always accurate" but that's me. Giving UPS the 72 hour strike notice does not necessarily mean we'd strike but a way to say we want to negotiate and you will take us seriously if not I guess we strike.

I agree that 41% needs to increase to 100%. Here are a things to consider. How many people threw away their ballots because the believe their vote wouldn't count? Those are all no votes by the way. Does Jerry Paulie really think we are all stupid by stating that the USPS did a horrible job? He stated that at the monthly meeting right after the vote. This contract is full of concessions and give backs so there are reasons to play hardball. I have read almost nothing about hourly wage.

710 steward

Well-Known Member
It would make sense that it's on the company to sell Teamcare not the Union. That's what UPS should've been doing from the start. They probably didn't want their management seeing the hourly getting better coverage.


I disagree. The healthcare is supposed to be the Teamsters new baby. It's really up to the Teamsters to get you up to speed on Teamcare. Now the company is trying to pick up the pieces that 710 dropped. Having a handful of meetings about Teamcare and thinking that's good enough is wrong and careless. 710 arrogantly thought we'd accept this deal because they told us to vote yes. Now the membership is left with a mess in a bad contract and Teamcare that has more questions than answers.


Well-Known Member

I disagree. The healthcare is supposed to be the Teamsters new baby. It's really up to the Teamsters to get you up to speed on Teamcare. Now the company is trying to pick up the pieces that 710 dropped. Having a handful of meetings about Teamcare and thinking that's good enough is wrong and careless. 710 arrogantly thought we'd accept this deal because they told us to vote yes. Now the membership is left with a mess in a bad contract and Teamcare that has more questions than answers.

You can disagree all you want, but the fact of the matter is that UPS's own people came up with the entire plan top to bottom WITHOUT any input from the Teamsters. It it THEIR plan. Therefore it is on them to SELL it to the employees.
Dispite your naive thoughts the plan isn't going anywhere. UPS is out of the insurance business as we know it. Period.
710 put all the effort they're going to into explaining the pluses and minuses of the company plan. That's over obviously. The vote showed that the members don't like it. It's on the company to educate and answer the questions. If that doesn't work and the negotiating committee can't get it tweaked.........then see ya on the street.
As far as your picket sign ........read Art. 16. Any steward worth a damn can win any grievance based solely on progressive disipline from Diad Technology.

710 steward

Well-Known Member

I actually agree with you. Teamcare is here to stay and I have told my people that right from the start. I still very much disagree. If the Teamsters are taking over the health plan and they are then they need to do a better job educating the membership on the plan. Having a handful of dates for these meetings was cheap and lazy. You can say what you want but hold a insurance meeting at a centrally located hotel doesn't say we want everyone to show up. These meeting should have been done in each building. You see that's how you get everyone involved. Just sayin.

As far as your other thoughts, read what I said. UPS wants weaker language fir progressive discipline. I never mentioned the grievance procedure. I get the grievance procedure. I know exactly how it all works even better than you. What I am saying is UPS wants yet another avenue to harass you and keep their finger on you. Give them an inch and they take it to infinity. Any UPS employee with one brain cell understands that. Do you?



I actually agree with you. Teamcare is here to stay and I have told my people that right from the start. I still very much disagree. If the Teamsters are taking over the health plan and they are then they need to do a better job educating the membership on the plan. Having a handful of dates for these meetings was cheap and lazy. You can say what you want but hold a insurance meeting at a centrally located hotel doesn't say we want everyone to show up. These meeting should have been done in each building. You see that's how you get everyone involved. Just sayin.

As far as your other thoughts, read what I said. UPS wants weaker language fir progressive discipline. I never mentioned the grievance procedure. I get the grievance procedure. I know exactly how it all works even better than you. What I am saying is UPS wants yet another avenue to harass you and keep their finger on you. Give them an inch and they take it to infinity. Any UPS employee with one brain cell understands that. Do you?[/quote

710 steward

Well-Known Member
I have never, not once ever claimed to be smarter than anyone on this site. Not once.

As far as the committee, I am a reformer. I am not among the old guard. I will say this, the reform group grows by the day. Who replaces the old guard remains to be seen but understand it will happen.


Well-Known Member

I actually agree with you. Teamcare is here to stay and I have told my people that right from the start. I still very much disagree. If the Teamsters are taking over the health plan and they are then they need to do a better job educating the membership on the plan. Having a handful of dates for these meetings was cheap and lazy. You can say what you want but hold a insurance meeting at a centrally located hotel doesn't say we want everyone to show up. These meeting should have been done in each building. You see that's how you get everyone involved. Just sayin.

As far as your other thoughts, read what I said. UPS wants weaker language fir progressive discipline. I never mentioned the grievance procedure. I get the grievance procedure. I know exactly how it all works even better than you. What I am saying is UPS wants yet another avenue to harass you and keep their finger on you. Give them an inch and they take it to infinity. Any UPS employee with one brain cell understands that. Do you?


Well-Known Member
As far as your other thoughts, read what I said. UPS wants weaker language fir progressive discipline. I never mentioned the grievance procedure. I get the grievance procedure. I know exactly how it all works even better than you. What I am saying is UPS wants yet another avenue to harass you and keep their finger on you. Give them an inch and they take it to infinity. Any UPS employee with one brain cell understands that. Do you?

The best trait a reformer has is to put their spin on the facts trying to sway the uninformed. It's easy to do when only one or two of you ever show at meetings and most UPS employees choose not to attend the monthly meetings. You guys don't even show in person when you try to run for office.
The union was never going to waste their money selling a insurance plan that the company paid their bean counters and underwriters to come up with, now I'll say one more time, that the union had absolutely no input on. Even someone with one brain cell can understand that....even you. You will see the company come to every building to explain the plan. The union forced them to do it. They're not doing because they want to.
This debate about what UPS wants as far as progressive discipline has no merit because the language is there to protect the members. And it's not changing anytime soon. Just another diversionary tactic by you the spin master to keep your "sky is falling" rants. UPS goes after the ones who don't have the nuts to stand up for themselves. If you're losing harassment grievances, then it's on you as a steward. You obviously don't understand the grievance procedure or you wouldn't be crying on here about it.


Well-Known Member

I agree that 41% needs to increase to 100%. Here are a things to consider. How many people threw away their ballots because the believe their vote wouldn't count? Those are all no votes by the way. Does Jerry Paulie really think we are all stupid by stating that the USPS did a horrible job? He stated that at the monthly meeting right after the vote. This contract is full of concessions and give backs so there are reasons to play hardball. I have read almost nothing about hourly wage.

And you visited all 6000 homes and know this for a fact......rrrright !!! More spin. You must be Carnac the Magnificent.
The fact is USPS did do a horrible job. And that's hard for a UPSer to believe? More spin. He merely stated they did a horrible job delivering in a timely manor. Weather was a factor I'm sure as well as their routine incompetence. Would you rather 710 spend 10 times the money on mailing ballots by using UPS vs. First Class Mail?
You have absolutely no clue what's going on with negotiations so keep spinning.
You've read nothing about hourly wages? Are you really that stupid to think the negotiating committee is going to confide in you as to what's going on at the table before there's an agreement made or we hit the streets?
No one likes concessions of any kind especially as hard as UPSers work. Striking is a decision everyone will have to make if and when the time comes.

710 steward

Well-Known Member

It's not possible to have a rational fact based discussion if you are involved. Your posts are nothing more than emotional rants based off of your own feelings and opinion. I would love to have an intelligent debate but with you that's not possible. I'd love to dispute everything you accused me of in your lasts posts but I will not waste the time. You may not like me Slant, but the feeling is not mutual. I don't even know you. I told you in a post awhile ago we can agree to disagree. Do me a favor if I post please do not reply to my thoughts. It's not that I fear what you have to say, it's because you cannot make a compelling counterargument and you don't realize it.


Well-Known Member

It's not possible to have a rational fact based discussion if you are involved. Your posts are nothing more than emotional rants based off of your own feelings and opinion. I would love to have an intelligent debate but with you that's not possible. I'd love to dispute everything you accused me of in your lasts posts but I will not waste the time. You may not like me Slant, but the feeling is not mutual. I don't even know you. I told you in a post awhile ago we can agree to disagree. Do me a favor if I post please do not reply to my thoughts. It's not that I fear what you have to say, it's because you cannot make a compelling counterargument and you don't realize it.

What a hilarious desperate attempt to put a spin on the facts because I've called you on all your misinformed comments. You haven't volunteered any facts in your posts. Your naive comments and exaggerated rants prove that your on the outside and merely have one objective and that is to smear 710's current administration for personal gain. You just stated that your posts are your thoughts which proves you don't have any facts. I have disclosed many facts and time will bear the truth of which I speak. AND that is exactly what TDU and the so called reformers are scared of the most .......the truth. There's an old saying," when you stop telling lies I will stop telling the truth".
No you are the one who can't make a compelling argument and you DO realize it!!!
We've all seen what reformers can do to a local. 804's current situation comes to the forefront as well as what happened to 705's pension a few years ago. Their pension is worth half of what it used to be. In a world where union membership is declining and funds are losing value, you need to take a long hard look at the 2 billion plus sitting in 710's pension fund.....all thanks to Bill Joyce, Frank Wsol, and Pat Flynn. No reformers are merely in it for what they can get for themselves now.

710 steward

Well-Known Member

Do you really think the people who read these boards want to watch the two of us exchange words? I'll chose to take the high road. Believe what you wish. Whether you'll ever accept it or not there is a lot wrong with 710 and the way we are currently doing business. I get it you disagree but it doesn't make you right or make me wrong.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
First vote wasn't a strike authorization vote, just a scare tactic. Flynn wants this to pass so he can fill the 2nd floor of the new fancy union hall with Health Insurance employees. Plus only 41% voted, that's piss poor. What would we strike for? What would picket signs say? "we want to keep our free insurance"? Or "we make $34 hr and we want our free insurance too"? Good luck with that.
Always thinking about yourself. How about the wages of the part-timers who are the majority of UPS workers. Do they make $34 an hour you ignorant selfish bastard?

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
What a hilarious desperate attempt to put a spin on the facts because I've called you on all your misinformed comments. You haven't volunteered any facts in your posts. Your naive comments and exaggerated rants prove that your on the outside and merely have one objective and that is to smear 710's current administration for personal gain. You just stated that your posts are your thoughts which proves you don't have any facts. I have disclosed many facts and time will bear the truth of which I speak. AND that is exactly what TDU and the so called reformers are scared of the most .......the truth. There's an old saying," when you stop telling lies I will stop telling the truth".
No you are the one who can't make a compelling argument and you DO realize it!!!
We've all seen what reformers can do to a local. 804's current situation comes to the forefront as well as what happened to 705's pension a few years ago. Their pension is worth half of what it used to be. In a world where union membership is declining and funds are losing value, you need to take a long hard look at the 2 billion plus sitting in 710's pension fund.....all thanks to Bill Joyce, Frank Wsol, and Pat Flynn. No reformers are merely in it for what they can get for themselves now.
The pension funds in the Central and Local 177 are in the Red and they are administered by the Old Guard. As a matter of fact, Local 177 UPSers were forced to divert $.30 of their $.70 yearly raises into their pension fund because their old guard EB informed them it would not survive the next 5 years. So much for blaming reformers.

In southern California two Old Guard locals (63 h 952) are operating in negative net flow. Local 804 has over $5 million in net assets. S. Please get your facts straight before you preach your pro Company and pro Hoffa propaganda boot licker.


Our BA makes over 140k a year, drives a new Tahoe and doesn't know half of our names. Flynn and Paulie need to be put out to pasture. All arrogant used car salesman.