Lunch skippers


Get home fast as you like, watch a little extra tv while I keep making those fat checks and stuffing my bank and retirement accounts with $$$. But realize your stop count will rise slowly but surely till one day you will get in same time as the slower guys who don't skip lunches.

No more money goes into your retirement other then the maximum allowed, unless you are talking about 401k


Show up at 7:55.
Grab diad, wait for pcm
Go to truck and sort air till the other trucks get out of the way
Take my 15 paid around 1
Get back to the building around 5
Go home.
Get paid for the work I did. The only thing I'm saving the company is traveling time for when I would have had to break off.

I go to work so I can have money to do things in my free time. My life is not my work.

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when do you take lunch?


Well-Known Member
No but some of our brain-dead runners put enter 40 minutes of unpaid lunch into the DIAD and work during those 40 minutes.


How much is that pat on the back worth, when you skip your lunch or set up your truck off the clock?

If you did not skip your lunch, and instead invested that $49.50 (1 hour) in overtime into your 401k in stocks, you might be surprised...

Over your career you are handing UPS nearly 3 million dollars !

You can see the number below. I assumed a conservative 8% return on investment in stocks (historically 9-10% long term). Also I assumed 3% annual raises (conservative compared to historical increases)
One hour of overtime pay at $32.99 per hour, 5 days a week.

Your total is $2,986,746 after 35 years.

I hope you enjoy that 3 million dollar pat on the back, you earned it.
You are cheating your family out of this money and handing it to the fat cats at the top.
United Parcel Service Co. gave its chairman and CEO, D Scott Davis compensation valued at $10.7 million in 2012. (4 year business degree Portland State)

Your theory only works if you would have worked overtime if you hadn't skipped your lunch.

What about if you put your lunch in your board but don't take it and punch out 1 to 1 1/2 under 8 and you get paid for your guaranteed 8.


Well-Known Member
Bonus center if it matters. We are required to show a 1 minute lunch. Swing driver btw. If I can get in at 7:00PM not taking my full lunch instead of 8:00PM so be it. I really see no point in taking a full lunch/break, only to get off at a ridiculous hour every day.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
What states are some of you in where a lunch break isn't required by law? I didn't realize there were any.

In most states they deduct the hour whether we take lunch or not. We don't get the option of shortening our day while being paid for every minute.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Do you think these people should be called Lunch Captains rather than Lunch Skippers?

Captains go down with the ship. Runner-gunners scurry like rats.

By the way, if you skip lunch and enter that you did take it, you are in violation of the Federal Labor Standards Act. You are also falsifying your time-card.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Let me fix this for you:
Captains go down with the ship. Runner-gunners skipper out like rats.

Much better!



Oh Yeah
Everytime these threads come up they always confuse me and it might be because I am in the west

For us we get 30min lunch and 2 15min breaks , when you punch out for lunch the diad shuts down and it won't let you key in a lunch either

Me I don't worry about people taking their lunch but that is because its only 30min now if we got a hour it would be different
I think the board only shuts down in California. It was because of that big lawsuit in California that the drivers won. If anybody has the information to clarify this please let us all know the basic story to this.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Everytime these threads come up they always confuse me and it might be because I am in the west

For us we get 30min lunch and 2 15min breaks , when you punch out for lunch the diad shuts down and it won't let you key in a lunch either

Me I don't worry about people taking their lunch but that is because its only 30min now if we got a hour it would be different

I wish the diad shut down here. Lunch skippers (here they are usually the bonus whores) would throw a fit if it was even mentioned. Most of the lunch skippers are management favorites (on paper anyway) so we'll never see that here.


Oh Yeah
Skipping lunch to make seniority is fine. Once you make seniority take your lunch between the 4th And 5th hour. Don't be one of these jokers who takes their lunch at end of day.
Nothing wrong with taking lunch at end of day as long as you take it, that's all that matters. Every center, every route is different. Different start times and lots of variables let you know when you can and can not take lunch. Im not saying either one is preferred just stating you are giving them free money, you could be putting into your retirement fund. I myself take it at the end of the day because I like to stay on pace or close to it as I can sorta speak. I can drive and graze all day and when im done ill take it. Like I said every area and every route is different.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
It's 1 hour and two 10 minute breaks for us (northeast).

Weird how other areas give two 15 minute paid breaks. Same company, a ton of different ways of doing things because of different locals and state laws. Gives the feeling of unfairness.