March National Grievance Committe results


bella amicizia
It isn't necessary for the words to appear at the bottom of the grievance form. All unions have the right to handle your grievance just about any way they want, so long as they do not violate any laws. They have broad discression. Even if they do violate a law, nothing will happen to them unless the grievant actually prosecutes them in court.

Your union representative is not your personal representative. He is the bargaining unit's representative. Unions are a collectivist arrangement. As long as the union representative has a semi-legitimate reason, he can decline to process your grievance, or throw you under the bus during any stage of the grievance process, all in the name of the Greater Good of the bargaining unit. That's the law.
I get thrown under the bus and a fat little head will roll!!!


promoted to mediocrity

Has anyone heard anything at all from the March UPS and Air National Grievance Panels?
June meetings were cancelled.
What about September? How big of a backlog of cases is there?


Well-Known Member
Well, I wonder how long its going to take for the results of the Sept. panel to get posted, and more importantly, what will the results be...

I don't understand what takes them so long....

I would think that with the IBT election coming up, our union leaders, for perhaps just a moment, would really be on top of their game.


Well-Known Member
Well, I wonder how long its going to take for the results of the Sept. panel to get posted, and more importantly, what will the results be...

I don't understand what takes them so long....

I would think that with the IBT election coming up, our union leaders, for perhaps just a moment, would really be on top of their game.

I found out from the BA that March Panel was placed on hold and then he stated he thinks it will be placed on hold for sept as well. He did not know why.


promoted to mediocrity
Anyone else notice this September panel was originally scheduled for October (after ballot mailing)?


Well-Known Member
Steward71, the JUNE panel was canceled. Sept was last week in San Diego. Lots of cases, results won't be available for awhile, call your BA if you have a specific result you're interested in. And don't hold your breadth thinking Sandy or Fred will huff and puff and blow UPS down. However the GP election goes, this system won't change much. A few new chairman on the union side won't guarantee big changes. Language has to be stronger and people will have to walk for that to happen. Very unlikely in my view.


Got the T-Shirt
It looks as if the workers enemy is the union!

The enemy is the workers (members) themselves.... for their own lack of involvement.

From the moment UPS signs a newly *agreed to* contract.... they are looking for ways to violate or get around the language.

No one.... can possibly contemplate every scenario that may arise. Thats why we have a grievance procedure.

It's only wishful thinking, that the Union can snap their fingers.... And force UPS into submission. Or any company for that matter.

Despite what groups like tdu, would try and lead you to believe....



Well-Known Member
The results certainly don't look too encouraging.

When a case is in the "settled or withdrawn" category, and lets say it was settled, can that be in the union member's favor but the decision just won't have a wider application, or what does it really mean?


Got the T-Shirt
When a case is in the "settled or withdrawn" category, and lets say it was settled, can that be in the union member's favor but the decision just won't have a wider application, or what does it really mean?

It can mean all kinds of things. Unless you see what was agreed to by the parties, the average person won't know.... by reading the decisions.
