Michele Bachman gets called onto the carpet! By a high schooler!

I don't necessarily disagree, but would suggest that when the republicans held sway, they chose to prefer cheap labor.
shighhhhhhhh, that's an old and not totally true statement as both sides chose to ignore immigration laws for the same reasons. GWBs ignoring the existing laws and even proposing new laws that would include more guest worker arrangements was an attempt to strike agreements with mexico to get them to shut down THEIR southern border. This, IMO, was a dream play to begin with because he should have known that mexico is not going to cooperate on anything unless it benefits them entirely. Plus they can't begin to control what goes on in their interior regions much less the borders.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama has made up quite a few numbers to enhance his talking points.....

Why not share a few of those "numbers" moreluck and convnce us?

Again, Ill hold my breath.

In the meantime, Michele Bachman, the tea party queen who couldnt define the constitution if her life depended on it has been pubicly embarassed by a high school sophomore.

The gang of 6 on this board love this woman because she hits on all the right "talking points" constantly repeated on the fox news channel and right wing radio daily.

I especially like when Michele is in a state and recants some epic civil war battle and attributes that battle to the state she is in, only to FIND OUT later that the particular battle was in another state!

Gotta love tea party history!



golden ticket member
Why not share a few of those "numbers" moreluck and convnce us?

Again, Ill hold my breath.

In the meantime, Michele Bachman, the tea party queen who couldnt define the constitution if her life depended on it has been pubicly embarassed by a high school sophomore.

The gang of 6 on this board love this woman because she hits on all the right "talking points" constantly repeated on the fox news channel and right wing radio daily.

I especially like when Michele is in a state and recants some epic civil war battle and attributes that battle to the state she is in, only to FIND OUT later that the particular battle was in another state!

Gotta love tea party history!

You already missed it in post 21...pay attention!


golden ticket member
Here's more junk & not from Fox.....

The accumulated weight of Obama’s deceit is overwhelming:
* During his campaign for the presidency and since, Obama repeatedly assured us that he would protect Medicare against cuts; but he now presses for passage of bills that include savage cuts in Medicare.
* To obtain passage of his first stimulus bill, Obama assured us that 90% of the jobs created would be in the private sector; but as he well knew, most of them were to be in the public sector.
* Early in the health care debate, Obama assured us that he had not said that he favored a single payer system; but he was on record as having said exactly that.
* Obama gave primary voters a firm assurance that if he became the nominee of the Democratic party he would (unlike Hillary Clinton) abide by the campaign finance limits of public funding; but as soon as he became the party’s nominee, he reneged on that pledge.
* During the presidential campaign Obama criticized the presence of former lobbyists in the Bush administration and solemnly assured us that he would appoint no lobbyists to his administration; but once elected he proceeded to appoint even more lobbyists than his predecessors.
* Obama criticized the size of George Bush’s deficit and promised to stop deficit spending if elected; but he has already quadrupled the size of the deficit he objected to and recklessly continues new federal spending in the trillions.
* When campaigning Obama criticized bills before the congress that were too long for anyone to be able to read and promised to stop that; but the bills he has been backing throughout his first year are infinitely longer (2000+ pages) than the ones he criticized.
* Candidate Obama promised an end to the corruption of earmarks and pork, but in the bills he has supported this year there have been more and bigger earmarks than ever before.
* Candidate Obama promised us that CIA personnel involved in the interrogation of terrorists would not be prosecuted; but his administration is now doing exactly that.
* Obama assured a joint session of Congress that the health bill he supported (pre-Stupak) would not provide public funding for abortions; but bitter resistance on the part of House Democrats to inclusion of language to that effect soon proved that it did.
* Candidate Obama promised that he would make sure that there was always enough time for the public to read legislation before it was enacted; but he has done exactly the opposite, repeatedly pressing for even faster passage of even longer bills.
* Candidate Obama met fears that he would be a tax and spend liberal by promising, emphatically and repeatedly, that those earning under $200,000 would see no increase in their taxes of any kind; but he now urges passage of a healthcare bill that breaks that pledge in many different ways, and his unrestrained increase in federal spending makes more tax increases inevitable.

* Candidate Obama promised bipartisanship and an end to partisan bickering; but in a display of especially ruthless partisanship his allies have shut Republicans out of all key meetings on his health care initiative, with the unprecedented result that domestic legislation of historic importance garnered not a single Republican vote in the Senate. * Candidate Obama criticized his opponent’s plan to tax employer paid healthcare benefits, and promised he would not tax them; but the bill he now backs will do just that.

Source http://frontpagemag.com/2010/01/21/lies-of-obama/

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Here's more junk & not from Fox.....

The accumulated weight of Obama’s deceit is overwhelming:
* During his campaign for the presidency and since, Obama repeatedly assured us that he would protect Medicare against cuts; but he now presses for passage of bills that include savage cuts in Medicare.
* To obtain passage of his first stimulus bill, Obama assured us that 90% of the jobs created would be in the private sector; but as he well knew, most of them were to be in the public sector.
* Early in the health care debate, Obama assured us that he had not said that he favored a single payer system; but he was on record as having said exactly that.
* Obama gave primary voters a firm assurance that if he became the nominee of the Democratic party he would (unlike Hillary Clinton) abide by the campaign finance limits of public funding; but as soon as he became the party’s nominee, he reneged on that pledge.
* During the presidential campaign Obama criticized the presence of former lobbyists in the Bush administration and solemnly assured us that he would appoint no lobbyists to his administration; but once elected he proceeded to appoint even more lobbyists than his predecessors.
* Obama criticized the size of George Bush’s deficit and promised to stop deficit spending if elected; but he has already quadrupled the size of the deficit he objected to and recklessly continues new federal spending in the trillions.
* When campaigning Obama criticized bills before the congress that were too long for anyone to be able to read and promised to stop that; but the bills he has been backing throughout his first year are infinitely longer (2000+ pages) than the ones he criticized.
* Candidate Obama promised an end to the corruption of earmarks and pork, but in the bills he has supported this year there have been more and bigger earmarks than ever before.
* Candidate Obama promised us that CIA personnel involved in the interrogation of terrorists would not be prosecuted; but his administration is now doing exactly that.
* Obama assured a joint session of Congress that the health bill he supported (pre-Stupak) would not provide public funding for abortions; but bitter resistance on the part of House Democrats to inclusion of language to that effect soon proved that it did.
* Candidate Obama promised that he would make sure that there was always enough time for the public to read legislation before it was enacted; but he has done exactly the opposite, repeatedly pressing for even faster passage of even longer bills.
* Candidate Obama met fears that he would be a tax and spend liberal by promising, emphatically and repeatedly, that those earning under $200,000 would see no increase in their taxes of any kind; but he now urges passage of a healthcare bill that breaks that pledge in many different ways, and his unrestrained increase in federal spending makes more tax increases inevitable.

* Candidate Obama promised bipartisanship and an end to partisan bickering; but in a display of especially ruthless partisanship his allies have shut Republicans out of all key meetings on his health care initiative, with the unprecedented result that domestic legislation of historic importance garnered not a single Republican vote in the Senate. * Candidate Obama criticized his opponent’s plan to tax employer paid healthcare benefits, and promised he would not tax them; but the bill he now backs will do just that.

Source http://frontpagemag.com/2010/01/21/lies-of-obama/


Geez, whats it going to take to convince you that you listen to the wrong sources of information??

Lets take item number 2 on your list- * To obtain passage of his first stimulus bill, Obama assured us that 90% of the jobs created would be in the private sector; but as he well knew, most of them were to be in the public sector.

As of today, OBAMA has created 1.6 million NEW PRIVATE sector jobs and reduced PUBLIC sector jobs by over 440K thousand. Isnt this what the republicans asked him to do?

Sounds like a campaign promised kept to me, but you may see it another way. Does fox hand out special glasses for there newscasts?



golden ticket member

Geez, whats it going to take to convince you that you listen to the wrong sources of information??

Lets take item number 2 on your list- * To obtain passage of his first stimulus bill, Obama assured us that 90% of the jobs created would be in the private sector; but as he well knew, most of them were to be in the public sector.

As of today, OBAMA has created 1.6 million NEW PRIVATE sector jobs and reduced PUBLIC sector jobs by over 440K thousand. Isnt this what the republicans asked him to do?

Sounds like a campaign promised kept to me, but you may see it another way. Does fox hand out special glasses for there newscasts?

So you believe that number because Joe said it's so........??


golden ticket member
let's see, you create all these jobs and the unemployment rate is 3 points higher since you took office. Does not compute! Perhaps, 'create' is the problem word here.

- 3 -
Employment in local government continued to trend down over the month. Local government has lost416,000 jobs since an employment peak in September 2008.

Whole story on employment can be read here:

I love ya ta death moreluck, and you still crack me up, but lets talk facts.

read the report and thank President Obama for the results.

LOCAL government jobs declined by 416k.....how are we to thank 0 for that ? He doesn't tell local governments who they can hire of fire.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
let's see, you create all these jobs and the unemployment rate is 3 points higher since you took office. Does not compute! Perhaps, 'create' is the problem word here.

Yes it does Moreluck.... take a look at reagan, Jimmy carter had the economy running downhill faster than Sarah Palins popularity when he took office, by the end of his second year in office, unemployment sat at 10.7%!

It went up 3.2% with all his tax cuts and help to big business. What makes you think the bush economy, which is only second to the great depression hadnt had this country going downhill faster than anything seen since 1929??

Do facts really escape your reality this bad? Or are you just out of the knowledge loop by that big of a margin?

Look at the record, Bush was losing 750 thousand jobs a MONTH for 18 straight months before he left office in January 2008, did you think the job hemoraging was over??? If not, how many months of continued job losses do you feel need to be contributed to BUSH after january 2008??

Keep in mind the reagan scenario, cause it will kill the reagan myth if you say obama is responsible for anything in his first year.

Planned job cuts were layed out in december 2007 by corporate america in order to cut costs, and in 2008 more "planned" cuts were designed.

These had nothing to do with OBAMA and everything to do with sustaining business in a deep recession.

If you look at obamas record, jobs are growing each month, GDP is growing each quarter, manufacturing is rising each month, farm payrolls are expanding, oil production is higher than its been in 6 years....

Where do you have the "Balz" to say he is doing a bad job economically??

The republicans made a "cry fest" over public employees and OBAMA cuts over 440 thousand of them in one year? NOT GOOD enough for you??

Get real maam, politics aint your game.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
LOCAL government jobs declined by 416k.....how are we to thank 0 for that ? He doesn't tell local governments who they can hire of fire.[/QUOTE


nothing will make you happy. You hate the man, I dont know the reason, and I believe you dont either. I suspect a reason, but I dont know you that well.

Regardless, goverment jobs have been cut, that means smaller goverment according to your argument.

LOCAL government jobs declined by 416k.....how are we to thank 0 for that ? He doesn't tell local governments who they can hire of fire.[/QUOTE


nothing will make you happy. You hate the man, I dont know the reason, and I believe you dont either. I suspect a reason, but I dont know you that well.

Regardless, goverment jobs have been cut, that means smaller goverment according to your argument.

Oh yea, there are many things that would make me happy, but your guy aint gonna do em.

Keep dancing.....zer0 can't be given credit for the local government job decreases, that's ridiculous and you are evading the question.

I freely admit I don't like him or his policies, I don't hate 0bama, never said I did. I will also say I have heard him tell straight out lies on his new campaign trail, but that doesn't mean anything to you.

I would love to hear your suspicions on why I dislike 0bama.