Michele Bachmans turn at the Stupid Wheel with Obama!

Which means it's not socialized medicine or a "government take-over of 17% of the economy". Thank-you. And I thought the reason companies weren't hiring was because of uncertainties in taxation--of course that was only until the Bush tax cuts were extended. Ever think that maybe companies aren't hiring because they are settling for "good enough", like having the extra money in their pockets, and know the labor market is flooded and the day they decide they need the help it will be filled almost immediately? Why rush it?

You're making it sound like a single issue, which you know it isn't. At this point 0bamacare isn't totally socialized yet and 0-care is the beginning of a government takeover of the health industry. One thing the government has taught us is that the success rate of government programs isn't as important as having the program, cost (to the tax payer) be damned. The reasons that companies aren't hiring are a combination of more than one thing. The unknown cost factors of 0-care is one of them, the temporary reinstatement of corporate tax cuts are part of the equation as well. Lack of consumer confidence and the fear of the unknown is keeping many people from spending what money they have. I think that instead of a "good enough" attitude by companies it is only part of the "let's wait and see" if the economy will rebound before we invest what profits we have made in creating jobs. I've never heard of a company that is satisfied with the bottom line, they exist to make money, hopefully more every year. To do this they inevitably must hire more people to make more money. it's called growth.


Staff member
It means the government is picking winners and losers. That is a very dangerous power to give a central government as I suspect you will be complaining loudly when a republican gets elected and he gives waivers to states that tend to vote republican.
Hard to say that government doesn't already pick winners and losers. Isn't that what they do when Fedex and UPS are governed by different labor laws? Isn't that what they do when they give subsidies to farmers but not to Fedex Ground contractors? And why would I care if such waivers were given to republican voting states? Leaves more revenue to better cover the rest of us. It is exactly as Obama said: If you like the coverage you have, fine keep it. Nothing changes. But for the rest, the nation has decided not to let them twist in the wind until emergency care (the most expensive remedy) is required.


Staff member
You're making it sound like a single issue, which you know it isn't. At this point 0bamacare isn't totally socialized yet and 0-care is the beginning of a government takeover of the health industry. One thing the government has taught us is that the success rate of government programs isn't as important as having the program, cost (to the tax payer) be damned. The reasons that companies aren't hiring are a combination of more than one thing. The unknown cost factors of 0-care is one of them, the temporary reinstatement of corporate tax cuts are part of the equation as well. Lack of consumer confidence and the fear of the unknown is keeping many people from spending what money they have. I think that instead of a "good enough" attitude by companies it is only part of the "let's wait and see" if the economy will rebound before we invest what profits we have made in creating jobs. I've never heard of a company that is satisfied with the bottom line, they exist to make money, hopefully more every year. To do this they inevitably must hire more people to make more money. it's called growth.
I'm not making them a single issue--that was Hoaxster tying the two together. The new reason there isn't job growth acording to him is Obamacare. And the "let's wait and see" attitude is one afforded companies by large unemployment. I can hold off hiring and add to the bottom line longer if I know that instead of hiring tomorrow, I still have a pool of 100 possible candidates 3 weeks from now.
I'm not making them a single issue--that was Hoaxster tying the two together. The new reason there isn't job growth acording to him is Obamacare. And the "let's wait and see" attitude is one afforded companies by large unemployment. I can hold off hiring and add to the bottom line longer if I know that instead of hiring tomorrow, I still have a pool of 100 possible candidates 3 weeks from now.

It's not a new reason for the lack of job growth, but an additional reason. Few things are ever done for just one reason. As far as the "Bush tax cuts" I personally have mixed feelings on the matter. It's common knowledge that companies with more profits tend to expand, without profits they cut back on their largest payout....wages, sometimes by decreased pay sometimes by cutting the number of employees. On the other hand, the rate of consumer spending prevents businesses from expanding. In ,at least, some cases without the tax cuts the business not only can not expand but they will have to cut even more jobs or face closing the doors. We may never know how many jobs have been actually saved because of the tax cuts.

I will tend to agree that with the sheer numbers of people looking for a job companies have the luxury of more possible candidates to fill positions.

The "wait and see" attitude is to wait and see what the economy is going to do before we jump up and hire people we don't need to fulfill our needs.


Strength through joy
[h=3]RECENT SUPREME COURT RULING AFFIRMS INDIVIDUAL AND STATE SOVEREIGNTY[/h] The Tenth Amendment states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

(Jun. 27, 2011) — A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling stated that a defendant who claimed that a federal law had rendered her injured due to “disregard of the federal structure of the Government” was justified. The Supreme Court remanded the appellant’s case back to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, declaring that the appellant, Carol Anne Bond, had standing under the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights and individually.
It was a 9-0 ruling; how can they now say that the plaintiffs have no standing? They can’t! You have a unanimous decision, on a constitutional basis, which helps every single one of these health care lawsuits for standing. Anyone could now file a lawsuit claiming that he or she has standing.


Well-Known Member
Oddly enough, I think Hoax and bbsam are correct but for different reasons.

On Hoax's position that Obamacare is dragging the economy, in the sector of small and medium business, I think he has a point and a very strong one. Now I don't think it's the only reason but it is a major concern. No one, even the politicians who wrote it fully understands it's impact and even it's proponents are asked, the most common response is "we'll find out in 2014'!" I often find that answer about like the Bushies who said, "you just have to trust us" when no WMD was being found and never has been regardless of the statist footstompers and statist bootlickers here who protest otherwise. But Hoax may run into a problem when he shifts to "BIG" business because in some sense they pushed for the whole thing to begin with. Between United Health and Atena along with the organization PhRMA they pushed hard and came out big winners under Obamacare and far from a true socialized system, instead we got a cartel system of healthcare where big will get bigger and medium and small will over time get squeezed out. Not unlike what TARP and the supposed economic crisis did to banking where the little guys (mainstreet) are being squeezed out by the big guys (Wall Street). That good ole competitive Laissez faire (do I repeat myself) free market again. "I want to open a business!" "Ok, we have a regulation for that to make sure you don't harm the public!" You need to look real damn hard and throw away the political loyalty crap and just see for once who "IN PUBLIC" is really being protected here!

But what is most interesting is how big business also wants this type of system and the idea that in time, healthcare costs for it's employees and retirees can be passed completely off to the taxpayer which again will cause a upward spike in profits and thus drive shareprice higher or as Robert Scheer in his book the Great American Stickup points out, "Rob Mainstreet to benefit Wall Street!" In 1993' when Hillary Clinton had her secret taskforce meeting of healthcare, the real question was, "Just who was in that room?" In 1997, a suit was filed to find out and Judge Lambert ruled to do that only to be overturned at the appeals court level. The process was so successful, Cheney did it with energy a few years later and come on, we all know who was in that room so do we really have to believe that Hillary was heading a secret meeting of the Communist Party USA? If this is the case, then why at the time did I watch on CNBC on Squawk Box where they interviewed the CEO of GM Jack Smith who spoke to my utter shock glowingly of Hillary and her efforts and went on to defend some type of national healthplan alongs the lines of what Hillary and crew were cooking up.

What really woke me up to how big business uses gov't for it's own socialism ends was when this CEO explained how this would boost profits and raise shareholder price because the cost burden for employees and retirees at GM would be shifted off the backs of GM and onto John and Sally taxpayer. Seems farfetched? Had I not seen and heard Smith with my own eyes and ears, I'd probably think it was farfetched too but at the same time from the standpoint of the health and wellbeing of GM, he did have a point, not that I agreed with it. But if you think that Smith's idea was some anamoly or that I dreamed the whole Squawk Box thingy, consider this point found here:

US auto manufacturers want a national health-care plan, suggests Michael Stanton, president of the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, with confidence.

What if we started our own shovel ready project and really started digging deeper, what might we find or better yet, was GM and the other auto makes in the room with Hillary's task force? Knowing just who was in that room is still just as important as knowing who was in the room with Cheney. Oh, and just imagine from a UPS perspective if the costs just of it's unionized employees and retirees were transferred off it's books and that money was now free to be added to the bottomline? Do you honestly think they've not thought of that too!

bbsam is also correct on tax policy as IMO one of the biggest mistakes of the current administration is to formulate a real plan, put it in place and stick to it. Whether it's raising taxes, lowering taxes or whatever, the current administration IMO just doesn't seemed focused on any single plan but is just firing the gun all over the place. A defined plan, even a bad one will at least give business something to focus on and draft their own business plans around. Business is not necessarily opposed to taxes in and of themselves but what they fear is being blindsided. Business passes all taxes off to the consumer anyway so taxes in and of themselves for business may or may not always be bad. Taxes on the consuming public may be another matter and mainly because they have no one to pass them off too but in the meantime, with less money in pocket, they are still suppose to keep the consumer economy going which is suppose to boost profits and thus raise shareprice? Just look at what happens when fuel prices spike so now just swap that market action and make it taxes instead and see what the effects are. Boo-Yah!

Main street has yet to learn that it's they who are hurt by taxation the most mostly because they still buy into the illusion that's what's good for Wall Street is good for Mainstreet. Ironic, that it was FDR, the man of the people, who took the progressive income tax which until 1942' had never been associated with a working man's wage, to finally break that nearly 30 year tradition and from that early Victory Tax Act, the flood gates were opened and Big Business and State began to pick the pocket of Main Street in double dipping fashion by first allowing big business to use the state to hide the true costs of it's final product output, using state privilege such as copyright, patent, etc. as a form of false property right, corp. status as a new found individual right (how long before corporations get the right to actually vote too?) various supports that boost profits and bottomlines and finally in the current malaise, shifting the tax burden onto main street either in the burden of upfront taxation, embedded and yet hidden taxation in purchased products or the worst of all forms, inflation and the creation of a now almost valueless currency that many foresee as doomed in the next 20 years as it looses it's reserve currency status.

But keep voting for those sock puppets and the part that TOS would seem to forget about the likes of Bachmann, these types of threads and this type of attacks although valid IMO, the PR in one sense actually help her. If the public is becoming more and more anti-establishment, anti-gov't and it is, establishment attacks on someone like Bachmann are actually of benefit to help her make her case.

I've no doubt she a mindless theocon whose more likely to start wars thinking she found the anti-christ and that by attacking it'll signal Jesus and his army to come galloping out of the clouds to bring his kingdom glory. That idea is a whole lot farther and wider than we realize and if you did, it'd just scare the :censored2: out of you unless you believe in such good news! Folks like Palin, Bachmann, Cain et al are nothing more than appeal devices to certain special interests clicks within the republican party and Jones had it right, Romney is the chosen one. Palin, Bachmann, Cain only serve to corral the wild horses within these special interest clicks and form some cult of personality and then at some later point, they will instruct their flocks to follow and support the party chosen one and most will. Romney is already in the "center" if you will and the rest will be fed the cock and bull storyline that Obama is a socialist, fear will take over from what little logic and reason might have been there to begin with and the lemming masses will follow Romney over the cliff just like Obama will lead his flock over the cliff too. And from the guts and gore at the cliff base, we'll come out with something call tyrann.... I mean gov't!


golden ticket member
I think "mindless" is a little cruel. She has a BA, went to Coburn Law School...JD degree.LL.M. degree in tax law at Wm. & Mary and was an IRS tax attorney. She's a busy woman. Some of those local twangs.....like southern people have.....you think they're stupid. Remember Fargo??

I'm not saying she should be the candidate, but she's not mindless and I think she's sincere about her quest. When did it become the "in" thing to attack Republican women?? Don't hate us 'cause we're beautiful.........!!


Well-Known Member
I think "mindless" is a little cruel. She has a BA, went to Coburn Law School...JD degree.LL.M. degree in tax law at Wm. & Mary and was an IRS tax attorney. She's a busy woman. Some of those local twangs.....like southern people have.....you think they're stupid. Remember Fargo??

I'm not saying she should be the candidate, but she's not mindless and I think she's sincere about her quest. When did it become the "in" thing to attack Republican women?? Don't hate us 'cause we're beautiful.........!!

Then I will completely stipulate to your point that I am cruel!

And when it comes to the State and State actors, yes I am cruel and as a means for my own self defense, I will meet these statist and their own cruelty eg force with as much of my own force eg pushback where I can. The big difference is I don't kill people to get my way and they do and you do if you support them!


Well-Known Member
Hard to say that government doesn't already pick winners and losers. Isn't that what they do when Fedex and UPS are governed by different labor laws? Isn't that what they do when they give subsidies to farmers but not to Fedex Ground contractors? And why would I care if such waivers were given to republican voting states? Leaves more revenue to better cover the rest of us. It is exactly as Obama said: If you like the coverage you have, fine keep it. Nothing changes. But for the rest, the nation has decided not to let them twist in the wind until emergency care (the most expensive remedy) is required.

Yes the government picks winner and losers. No that has nothing to do with fedex ground.

You should care because jobs will leave those states and move to states that are more free.

It is not like obomba said. If you like your coverage and he does not like it you may not keep it.


Staff member
Yes the government picks winner and losers. No that has nothing to do with fedex ground.

You should care because jobs will leave those states and move to states that are more free.

It is not like obomba said. If you like your coverage and he does not like it you may not keep it.
Your statements run contrary to fact. Businesses will move to states under Obamacare to escape ever increasing medical insurance premiums. Or will the concept of "freedom" trump balance sheet? A family farm is a small business that receives subsidies (my brother-in-law is paid quite handsomely) and yet my Fedex Ground small business recieves none. How is that right? Because the government dictates it.


Strength through joy
What happens to the price we all pay when millions of people are forced upon the gov't's version of healthcare when their company's plans decide that economically it would be better for the company's bottom line ?
So bhos' statement "you will be able to keep your plan " becomes just another lie, told by someone who himself never read the bill .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What happens to the price we all pay when millions of people are forced upon the gov't's version of healthcare when their company's plans decide that economically it would be better for the company's bottom line ?
So bhos' statement "you will be able to keep your plan " becomes just another lie, told by someone who himself never read the bill .

When companies decide? That was decided a long time ago. Companies have ditched healthcare plans for employees for decades since Reagan was in office. The corporate structure in this country does NOT want to cover employees any longer. Each state passes laws that FORCES them to provide healthcare, and those companies do thier best to avoid the law.

For example, states pass a law that says a company with 50 or more employees must provide healthcare for its workers and then the company then reduces staff below the marker of 50 to evade the law. States will then modify those laws and reduce the marker from 50 to 40 and companies then reduce staffing to 39.

You dont have to be a financial genious to figure out if you dont provide healthcare for workers the bottom line then increases. There is nothing to decide, this speaks for itself.

The problem is, that as each company throws its workers healthcare plans out the door, this countrys citizens are forced to file bankruptcy and that costs the rest of us in higher premiums as the healthcare system tries to recoup that money.

You guys act like companies are ditching their plans only because of Obama. Health care for workers has been cycling out of the business model faster begining when the republicans took control of the house and senate during the bill clinton presidency.

What is it about healthcare for americans that you dont agree with?

Why if employers are attacking the healthcare of their workers do you side with the companies? Why dont you stand up for the american worker? Why is profit the only motivator for your opinions? Why do you sell out the american worker and defend an industry taking away jobs, salaries and healthcare from its workers?

If the republicans had their way, they would end all healthcare provided by employers, they would end company provided pensions and contributions, they would lower wages, they would end the minimum wage, they would end the time and one half requirement for overtime, they would extend the working week to 50 hours at straight time versus 40 hours, they would employ illegals to fill positions if they would work for 2 bucks an hour.

These are the principles of the republican party. They have tried each of these things and they will continue to try and pass these things. Everyone of these things is horrible for the american worker, Yet you and the others support this party despite its intentions that would be detrimental to you and the others.

This is what I dont understand.

Michele Bachman has been clear. She wants the minimum wage repealed, she wants the Fair Labor Standards act repealed, she does not believe in overtime pay, she does not believe in healthcare for employees unless they pay 100% for it.

These are things that are detrimental for the american worker.

This makes her an IDIOT, and if you side with these positions, then your intelligence is suspect.



Well-Known Member
Your statements run contrary to fact. Businesses will move to states under Obamacare to escape ever increasing medical insurance premiums. Or will the concept of "freedom" trump balance sheet? A family farm is a small business that receives subsidies (my brother-in-law is paid quite handsomely) and yet my Fedex Ground small business recieves none. How is that right? Because the government dictates it.

First off there is no disqualification for farm subsidies just because you own a fedex ground truck. Second as a fedex ground contractor you are eligible for multiple government subsidies. I do agree with you that it is not right for the government to steal money from me and give it to you.

Jobs are already moving from higher tax states to lower tax states. For you to suggest that that will stop because the government passed a law to increase the costs of health insurance is insane.


Staff member
First off there is no disqualification for farm subsidies just because you own a fedex ground truck. Second as a fedex ground contractor you are eligible for multiple government subsidies. I do agree with you that it is not right for the government to steal money from me and give it to you.

Jobs are already moving from higher tax states to lower tax states. For you to suggest that that will stop because the government passed a law to increase the costs of health insurance is insane.
I think you are confused and short-sighted.


Strength through joy
In a recent interview on “Good Morning America,” Obama expressed his anxieties about Malia’s upcoming birthday. “I’m not anticipating complete mayhem for the next four or five years, but I understand teenage-hood is complicated,” Obama said.
“I should also point out that I have men with guns that surround them often, and a great incentive for running for reelection is that it means they never get in the car with a boy who had a beer, and that’s a pretty good thing,”he said.


Well-Known Member
I think you are confused and short-sighted.

Actually I am certain that what you said was false. BTW good job on being a good little dimocrat and trying to place blame on someone else for your untrue statements. I also consider you short-sighted by seeking temporary comfort by giving up long term freedom.
When companies decide? That was decided a long time ago. Companies have ditched healthcare plans for employees for decades since Reagan was in office. The corporate structure in this country does NOT want to cover employees any longer. Each state passes laws that FORCES them to provide healthcare, and those companies do thier best to avoid the law.
I guess you are just too young, or too naive or just have a poor memory. There was never a day when this wasn't decided. There was a time that health insurance didn't even exist, heath insurance may be the first hedge fund investment. I can remember when only a few large companies made insurance available to their employees and that sure wasn't due to any government intervention. The Employer would contact several insurance companies for bids on coverage of the workers at a variable discounted rate depending on the number of people in the group. Many companies actually hired more people than they had to have just to keep the group numbers in effect. This all changed when it became mandatory that companies of larger size had to provide (pay for) the coverage. That was the thanks employers got for helping their people.

For example, states pass a law that says a company with 50 or more employees must provide healthcare for its workers and then the company then reduces staff below the marker of 50 to evade the law. States will then modify those laws and reduce the marker from 50 to 40 and companies then reduce staffing to 39.
Today, very few companies (the size of the ones you mentioned) hire more people than they need. It doesn't take a genius (spelled correctly) to understand why.

You dont have to be a financial genious to figure out if you dont provide healthcare for workers the bottom line then increases. There is nothing to decide, this speaks for itself.

The problem is, that as each company throws its workers healthcare plans out the door, this countrys citizens are forced to file bankruptcy and that costs the rest of us in higher premiums as the healthcare system tries to recoup that money.

It would be interesting to see some facts of how many people have had to file bankruptcy because their employer stopped providing health insurance. It would be even more interesting to see how many of those bankrupts were just around the corner due to poor personal financial planning.

You guys act like companies are ditching their plans only because of Obama. Health care for workers has been cycling out of the business model faster begining when the republicans took control of the house and senate during the bill clinton presidency.
It doesn't take a financial genius to know that health insurance, regardless of who is paying for it, is a major cost. This in turn reduces that evil bottom line that you hate so much. The bottom line, as unattractive as it is, is necessary for businesses to stay open. Closed businesses do not employee anyone.
What is it about healthcare for americans that you dont agree with?

I doubt anyone disagrees with healthcare for Americans, I know I don't. However, unless there has been a change in the US Constitution that I haven't heard about, healthcare is NOT a right granted to anyone.

Why if employers are attacking the healthcare of their workers do you side with the companies? Why dont you stand up for the american worker? Why is profit the only motivator for your opinions? Why do you sell out the american worker and defend an industry taking away jobs, salaries and healthcare from its workers?

Why do you want to bankrupt American companies that provide jobs? Look around, businesses are closing their doors even after cutting back everything they can. Of course there are multiple reason for the closures, but the constantly rising cost of HC insureance is one of the reasons.

If the republicans had their way, they would end all healthcare provided by employers, they would end company provided pensions and contributions, they would lower wages, they would end the minimum wage, they would end the time and one half requirement for overtime, they would extend the working week to 50 hours at straight time versus 40 hours, they would employ illegals to fill positions if they would work for 2 bucks an hour.

If the democrats had their way, not only would employers have to pay for FULL coverage insurance but take care of the deductibles and co-pays, they would have to provide FULL age retirement for people that worked a single day, they would set minimum wage at 30 bucks an hour, they would change OT pay to double start at 5 hours worked for the day. The democrats are the ones pushing for complete amnesty with all the benefits and privileges of natural born citizens and putting a revolving door on our borders.

These are the principles of the republican party. They have tried each of these things and they will continue to try and pass these things. Everyone of these things is horrible for the american worker, Yet you and the others support this party despite its intentions that would be detrimental to you and the others.
I listed the contrary democratic party principles and They have tried each of these things and they will continue to try and pass these things. Every one of these things are detrimental to America as a whole. What we must do is find some middle ground.

This is what I dont understand.
What I do not understand is why the democrats think that a California prune picker should live in a house equal to the size and grandure of ,say, a doctor or a lawyer or a UPS driver.

Michele Bachman has been clear. She wants the minimum wage repealed, she wants the Fair Labor Standards act repealed, she does not believe in overtime pay, she does not believe in healthcare for employees unless they pay 100% for it.
WOW, this is the first time you've said anything nice about Bachmann, at least she speaks clearly. You forgot the mention that she wants to push everyone over 70 off a cliff in a wheelchair.

These are things that are detrimental for the american worker.
What is more detrimental to the American worker, a lower minimum wage or no job period?

This makes her an IDIOT, and if you side with these positions, then your intelligence is suspect.
When you look through a piece of pipe, you have a limited view of you surroundings.
