Michelle Bachmann


Staff member
Where did I say it existed???

Neither does Persia, but tons of people around here say they are from Persia....amazing!
Persia is just another name for Iran (or vice versa), and Iranians refer to themselves as Persians primarily to distinguish themselves from Arabs.


golden ticket member
I found this as an answer too.............

When you say you're from Iran, some people assume you're Iraqi and therefore Arab. To most Iranians, Arabs are stupid minor people and they hate being thought of as Arabs, and call themselves Persians to make the distinction. Also Iranians are quite racist, thinking everyone in the region (Arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis, etc) is inferior, backward, uneducated, and extremists (they are sadly correct) and it is like an insult to be called Arab.
I'm Persian. lol "

So Persians are elitist snobs ??


Staff member
I found this as an answer too.............

When you say you're from Iran, some people assume you're Iraqi and therefore Arab. To most Iranians, Arabs are stupid minor people and they hate being thought of as Arabs, and call themselves Persians to make the distinction. Also Iranians are quite racist, thinking everyone in the region (Arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis, etc) is inferior, backward, uneducated, and extremists (they are sadly correct) and it is like an insult to be called Arab.
I'm Persian. lol "

So Persians are elitist snobs ??

According to that person, whoever they are. I'm guessing they're not Persian.


golden ticket member
whoooshhh...not surprising

bbsam & you are talking like I came out and said that the USSR was still intact. Show me where I said that. Anyone who thinks Putin has nothing to do with running Russia needs my favorite line from the Godfather............"Now who's being naive, Kate?"

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Michele Bachman continues to demonstrate how she is a typical right winger. She believes all the rhetoric and talking points of the right wing and tries to put them together in a narrative that she believes makes her look smart. But, in typical fashion, she cant get facts straight.

She calls out the president on many things as if she has it all figured out, but she cant figure out the difference between Elvis Pressleys death and birthday.



golden ticket member
Michele Bachman continues to demonstrate how she is a typical right winger. She believes all the rhetoric and talking points of the right wing and tries to put them together in a narrative that she believes makes her look smart. But, in typical fashion, she cant get facts straight.

She calls out the president on many things as if she has it all figured out, but she cant figure out the difference between Elvis Pressleys death and birthday.

Yeah, but I think she spelled Presley correctly!!
Michele Bachman continues to demonstrate how she is a typical right winger. She believes all the rhetoric and talking points of the right wing and tries to put them together in a narrative that she believes makes her look smart. But, in typical fashion, she cant get facts straight.

She calls out the president on many things as if she has it all figured out, but she cant figure out the difference between Elvis Pressleys death and birthday.


You would have served your purpose of this post much better if you had left out the second paragraph.

I would be more likely to forgive an oversight of a person mixing up the purpose of a particular date than the number of states in the union.

Let's face it, you look for an excuse, any excuse, to throw a raving rant about something trivial about a republican so you can keep hammering.

It's petty and it gets old.


golden ticket member
Obama continues to demonstrate how he is a typical left winger. He believes all the rhetoric and talking points of the left wing and tries to put them together in a narrative that he believes makes him look smart. But, in typical fashion, he cant get facts straight.


There, I fixed it for ya !!!!


Staff member
bbsam & you are talking like I came out and said that the USSR was still intact. Show me where I said that. Anyone who thinks Putin has nothing to do with running Russia needs my favorite line from the Godfather............"Now who's being naive, Kate?"
You didn't come out and say it. That's the troubling thing. Bachman and other right wing lips say things, and their followers let it go. After a few times, it becomes gospel fact about it.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
TOS continues to demonstrate how it is a typical Left winger. It believes all the rhetoric and talking points of the Left wing and tries to put them together in a narrative that it believes makes it look smart. But, in typical fashion, TOS cant its get facts straight.

Hey, i fixed it for you too.:wink2: