Need Help!!


Active Member
Friday I went to the informative session & I was called for a 1-1 interview. Today I had the interview & she told to fill out the w-4 forms & etc & Thursday I go back for a tour. Am I hired or have a good chance? It being September 17th am I seasonal? Opinions

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I would say you are hired. Have seen a lot of new hires in my building last week. Twi sort. All loaders. All up to you now if you stay or not. Some take off after break is called.


Active Member
Yeah I was reading the west regional supplement & it had said hired before oct means permanent but I'm jet worried because I wont get my 70 days in to gain seniority


You're likely hired.


Show up 10min before your shift, every shift.

Don't call out for your first 30 days. If you can't work, show up anyways and show them you're sick.

For the first 30 days, be a good little Yes Man. The word "no" should not be in your vocabulary unless asked "Do you need any help with that box?"

Most of all, just be there and put forth an effort to keep pace with the workflow.

Just being on time every day for 30 straight will likely get you a permanent PT job, provided you don't completely **** up the truck(s) you'll be loading.

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