New Orleans



watching the news Fed-X semis pulling up the astro dome delivering goods .MMM where is UPS ?


"Desperate people do desperate things. The people I feel for are the mothers and fathers who did what the government told them to do, and are still dying on the street from lack of care. Yes, there is looting and thugs running around. NO after dark must be more frightening than Fallujah."

I hope you're not suggesting that people are shooting at helicopters out of desperation. If it was me I would be walking out of the city if necessary not sitting in one spot frying and dying. There is too much blaming of the government here at this point. I'll be danged if I would sit in one spot and cry to the cameras about the government not sending buses and food.


"watching the news Fed-X semis pulling up the astro dome delivering goods .MMM where is UPS ?"

Clearly not in the 5 second new clip you are watching. MMMM? Perhaps you are actually sitting out side the astrodome and keeping a good inventory of all vehicles that have provided support? mmmmm? mmmmmm?
perhaps you are flying all over louisiana and mississippi and keeping a thorough record of all vehicles providing support? mmmm? mmmm?

Or perhaps you are watching one 5 second news clip showing a fdx truck and making what has to be one of the dumbest statements an idiot like you can make? mmmm? mmmmm?


So tie where is the beef?This is the whole point UPS needs to get the PR of UPS doing something that it can.UPS semis should be in front of the cmaeras showing the flag, helping .Show me the link where UPS trucks are helping with the relief I would be proud to pass it a long .
You a a- hole as always .I am emabarassed that you work for UPS.They way you talk to people who need help.I would not want you down there would blame them for living there.

(Message edited by crappie on September 02, 2005)


You said:"I hope you're not suggesting that people are shooting at helicopters out of desperation. If it was me I would be walking out of the city if necessary not sitting in one spot frying and dying. "

No, not at all. Those doing the shooting are criminals, and probably very wacked out junkies. I don't think the usual supply of drugs is making it into the city. They are attacking hospitals and ambulances in hopes of getting a fix. NOLA was a rough city before the disater,I'm sure the criminal element is taking full advantage of the lack of order.

My point is why was there no order? Did you listen to the Nagin interview?

As far as walking where? An awful lot of the people I saw were not capable of walking out of the city, especially with no food and water. On top of that they were told to stay put, busses were coming, they just didn't think it would take five days.


Crappie you're suggesting we work a PR campaign off our aid to new orleans. No my friend I defintiely underestimated your lack of intelligence when I called you an idiot. By the way crappie is the perfect name for you though piece of...... would be better. mmmmmm?


""So tie where is the beef?"

Oh I don't know. People have lost everything. People starving. People dying. Whats crappie concerned about? Wants to know where the UPS PR campaign is. MMMMM?

Crappie ( nice name , right on the money) wants to know why UPS was not in the 5 second news clip he saw of the astrodome. MMMMMM?

Do I have to explain it to you anymore um crappy or do I have to paint you a picture.



I don't want to get in between you two, but crappie is a particularly tasty fish, that is a blast to catch, you probably knew that though.

Also I have seen FDX trailers, which are admittedly easier to spot than ours, and FDX planes, as well as commandeered(sp?) FDX delivery trucks.
I've yet to *see* one of our vehicles of any type.
I hope they're there, but no pics that I've seen.

Maybe you could use your connections to get some film out there. I'd like to see some browns unloading planes into P5s. It would at least make me feel good for a second while I watch NOLA drown.



Thanks for that particularly long link that causes the page to scroll. Oh, BTW, it's a dead link to boot. I really do try to read what you post, but 'World Tribune'? Pleeeazze.


Thanks air, wkmac, that was a lame movie by the way.

I don't want to make this political, so I will say I am not blaming bush personally for any of this, but neither do I have any sympathy left over for how the poor president can't win any positive political spin from this any more than I can for the rest of us having to fork out more bucks per gallon.

There are far more serious problems right now than the president's political feelings or our pocket book inconvenience.

I agree the lack of an organized, timely and adequate relief and rescue response by our national government to a predictable and predicted problem/scenario involving scientific forecastability was lame and bodes lousy for the vaunted homeland security we have put so much money, resources into.

It seems like instead of anticipating the problem our leaders are strictly reacting to them.

Disappointing to me and tragic for those involved.

This is literally a life and death situation for many and "help is coming" is not adequate.

Within twenty-four hours of Katrina passing through the troops,etc should have been there, not just getting organized to start the trip.

Hopefully, while this will be a costly lesson, it will be a costly lesson learned.



you said:
"Take Tenncare. It costs the average Tennesseean $2800 each year to fund the program.
Well it aint free. I and thousands of others here pay for it."

I went to their web site, and read the qualifications. If you suspect fraud, it is your duty to report these people. I know you have donated enough money to your local politicians to have a voice that is heard.


On the UPS front, it's getting hard to jump onto a website without a very visible link to contributing towards the Katrina tragedy, but neither UPS, nor has anything comparable yet.

Both mention UPS is contributing 1.25 million, $500,000 in cash and $750,000 "in like kind" for services rendered for transportation of relief products.

Also a separate $250,000 fund is being set up for UPSers who have been involved in the damage.

There is nothing about our trucks doing anything already or currently to help in the crisis.

There is no direct links on how or where to contribute either.

On the front pages of both our websites is the fact that we are raising the fuel surcharges.

On one, it's the first topic link with Katrina second and reversed on the other.


Nice post ok2b, that is more the voice I'm used to hearing.

Like I said in the first place, I have a bad feeling about this, and think the worst is yet to come...


thanks susie.

Just peaked into the Teamster site and they have added a Katrina contribution banner since yesterday like so many other websites have.

It is specifically to help Teamsters though.

Also there is another banner proclaimation from the Central States Pension Fund about extended health care coverage and such for those.


errr, that should have been "peeked", not "peaked".

Obviously, I have worked at UPS too long.


It was only a few years back that UPS even started advertising at all.

I'm sure they are doing plenty to help in the disaster area, just not crowing about it.


moreluck, it's been decades now.

My how time flies when you are having fun.


1982 to be exact, 23 years ago.

National Advertising Tagline from 1982

"UPS saves you money from the ground up."

National Advertising Tagline from 1985

"We run the tightest ship in the shipping business."

National Advertising Tagline from 1993

"The package delivery company more companies count on."

National Advertising Tagline from 1995

"Moving at the speed of business."

National Advertising Tagline from 2002

"What Can Brown Do For You?"

I don't think Fed Ex is crowing, they are just visible, but then they have always been our superior in the PR department.

It's about the only place, but there they are our betters.