New seatbelt and bulkhead door sensors


From the promised LAND
bottom line is that you can and will get fired for not wearing seat belts. the tattle tail is not usable, but the center team can then target those that the tattle tail (tt) shows not wearing.

as for following methods costing a lot of time. not really. once you get in the habit and get smooth, it really does not take that much time to get it right. and they are paying you to get it right.


we had a situation where 5 drivers met up for lunch, and 4 were off their routes. this is where the union and the company need to iron out the details.

as long as it is not too far off the area, should not be an issue.



Well-Known Member
I agree that it will force driver's to follow the methods much more. But from my experience following the methods and meeting performance goals is a damn near impossible task. I did it but at the cost of great stress everyday.

Now, I know the company's expectations are borderline ridiculous and one should follow the methods no matter how much extra time it takes. But, in defense of driver's who do skip steps, they might do it because they want to get home in a reasonable amount of time or don't want to be hassled by management about their performance and are unable to accomplish either by doing the methods by the book.

I know, I know, it is said if they can't take it then they should quit. Maybe that's what the company truly wants, a constant turnover of employees. Actually, I think that is exactly what they want.

Drivers get fired for making mistakes, not for being over allowed. It is amazing the number of drivers that post on this forum, and are afraid that they might be over allowed.
I found an old broom laying around somewhere and jury-rigged it by taping an ice scraper to the end of the handle. There are 10 drivers parked on my MDU, and every morning in the winter we all stand around making almost $30 an hour waiting our for our turn to use my broom-handle ice scraper. I have pointed out to management and the "safety committee" on numerous occasions that whatever money they spent on giving every driver a scraper would pay for itself pretty quickly, but I guess its just easier for them to pretend that the problem doesnt exist. I have actually gotten to the point where I can enjoy standing around, drinking coffee, and BS'sing with my coworkers----on the clock.:smart:

Every one of our feeder and shifter units sits outside. My personal favorite is ice storms. Nothing like 1/2" of glaze to sit and wait around to melt.


bottom line is that you can and will get fired for not wearing seat belts. the tattle tail is not usable, but the center team can then target those that the tattle tail (tt) shows not wearing.

as for following methods costing a lot of time. not really. once you get in the habit and get smooth, it really does not take that much time to get it right. and they are paying you to get it right.


we had a situation where 5 drivers met up for lunch, and 4 were off their routes. this is where the union and the company need to iron out the details.

as long as it is not too far off the area, should not be an issue.

We are allowed 1 mile off rte for lunch. That has been standard for years here. Depending on the rte I am on (3 to choose from) I get to go home for lunch. There is a caveat to this rule though. We have 1 rte that is 80% resi and I break off where ever necessary to go the bathroom and lunch. Mileage makes no difference on this particular rte.


Big Time Feeder Driver
Than maybe these drivers should grow a set of stones and utilize the contract with the 8 hour requests and sign up for 9.5s.

They will not lose their jobs for being over,,,, however eventually they might for not wearing a seatbelt, leacing the bulkhead open and leaving the truck running!

Why take a chance on losing your job so that your center can make these numbers? Do you think the center really cares how you do it? Do you think they will back you when your out for a couple of months? Will your center team pay your bills when your out? No to all the above!

I agree with you. Like I stated I am a method man myself. I figure the company pays me to do it, I am doing it. Even if people make fun of me, for example, of doing my pre-trip and post-trip everyday. I love following the rules because it forces UPS to live what they preach. Plus, obviously, it does make the job safer, no doubt.

All I was stating is I do feel sympathy for those who can't take it. It's so unnecessary to torture people like this. Sure, there are always some employees who actually are trying to get one over on the company or are just plain imbeciles and they should be dealt with. But to treat everyone this way is bull. I am just sick of all the lowest common denominator treatment in life. We all are not crooks and morons.

Well, at least I know I am not a crook! :funny:

But Benefits Are Great!

Just Words On A Screen
I agree with you. Like I stated I am a method man myself. I figure the company pays me to do it, I am doing it. Even if people make fun of me, for example, of doing my pre-trip and post-trip everyday. I love following the rules because it forces UPS to live what they preach. Plus, obviously, it does make the job safer, no doubt.

All I was stating is I do feel sympathy for those who can't take it. It's so unnecessary to torture people like this. Sure, there are always some employees who actually are trying to get one over on the company or are just plain imbeciles and they should be dealt with. But to treat everyone this way is bull. I am just sick of all the lowest common denominator treatment in life. We all are not crooks and morons.

Well, at least I know I am not a crook! :funny:

Follow the procedures, don't break trace, next address on the screen. Do that, and the only thing you can do anything about is physics - which you cannot do anything about. A lot less pressure that way.


Well-Known Member
Follow the procedures, don't break trace, next address on the screen. Do that, and the only thing you can do anything about is physics - which you cannot do anything about. A lot less pressure that way.

There is a little more to it than that but that is the basic gist. For example, suppose you have a bulk stop that you are going to have to either work around for the better part of the day or you can make your life easier by breaking trace, dumping the stop, and then go back on trace and spend maybe 10 minutes doing so? I say dump the stop and move on. Suppose you know that deliveries to the school on your route are not to be attempted between 1415 and 1445 because that is when the school buses and parents are there but that is when trace has you in that area. That are many variables unique to each route that are not normally planned in to trace and that an experienced driver will take into account when planning his/her day.

But Benefits Are Great!

Just Words On A Screen
There is a little more to it than that but that is the basic gist. For example, suppose you have a bulk stop that you are going to have to either work around for the better part of the day or you can make your life easier by breaking trace, dumping the stop, and then go back on trace and spend maybe 10 minutes doing so? I say dump the stop and move on. Suppose you know that deliveries to the school on your route are not to be attempted between 1415 and 1445 because that is when the school buses and parents are there but that is when trace has you in that area. That are many variables unique to each route that are not normally planned in to trace and that an experienced driver will take into account when planning his/her day.

But that is my point in a way - You are right (getting rid of the bulk stops clogging the floor) but that, then, is using your own judgment. And the only time you can cause problems for yourself is when you use your own judgment.

There was a recent post with a story of a driver that came back with packages at 9pm and got in trouble. So the next day, he stayed out till 4:30am to make sure all packages were delivered.

When he came back at 9pm, he got in trouble for using his own (correct) judgment. So he followed directions the next day, stayed out till 4:30am (surprised he didn't get shot making deliveries) but had no packages left in his car. Probably with a great big smile on his face, because he was just following orders - bring no packages back.


Well-Known Member
There is a little more to it than that but that is the basic gist. For example, suppose you have a bulk stop that you are going to have to either work around for the better part of the day or you can make your life easier by breaking trace, dumping the stop, and then go back on trace and spend maybe 10 minutes doing so? I say dump the stop and move on. Suppose you know that deliveries to the school on your route are not to be attempted between 1415 and 1445 because that is when the school buses and parents are there but that is when trace has you in that area. That are many variables unique to each route that are not normally planned in to trace and that an experienced driver will take into account when planning his/her day.


I think you are right on the money.

A driver needs to make 100's if not 1000's of judgement calls each day. An experienced driver will make good decisions on when to "break trace" to be more effective.

You mentioned two examples but there are certainly many more.

As with anything else, there are extreme ends. Following trace 100% is not a good thing. Constantly violating trace and driving up miles is a bad thing too.

Seems like you have a good middle ground.



Well-Known Member
But that is my point in a way - You are right (getting rid of the bulk stops clogging the floor) but that, then, is using your own judgment. And the only time you can cause problems for yourself is when you use your own judgment.

I'm sorry but I disagree. With few exceptions, our people try to do the right thing, and that takes judgement.

There are cetain rules, policies, and procedures that cannot be violated. Besides them, everything else takes judgement.

The delivery job is very difficult. There are conflicting demands that must be balanced. Service, cost, customer needs, methods, etc.

Your knowldge and judgement is essential to running efficiently.


But Benefits Are Great!

Just Words On A Screen
I'm sorry but I disagree. With few exceptions, our people try to do the right thing, and that takes judgement.

There are cetain rules, policies, and procedures that cannot be violated. Besides them, everything else takes judgement.

The delivery job is very difficult. There are conflicting demands that must be balanced. Service, cost, customer needs, methods, etc.

Your knowldge and judgement is essential to running efficiently.


I guess I'm not being clear - I'll drop it after this. This was my point -

I agree COMPLETELY that using good judgment, experience, and knowledge will make YOUR day easier, better, and faster, there is simply not a question of that. However, your personal judgment, no matter how correct it may be, can be brought into question by a superior, and you have to defend your judgment.

However, following trace to the letter, no matter how poorly, stupidly, unrealistically it is arranged, you will NEVER get in trouble. If we are treated like irresponsible morons who cannot think, give them what they want, and there is much less stress to take home.

I'm not suggesting this is the best way to do it, but trying to work perfectly in a VERY flawed system will only give you an ulcer.


First of all, we aren't on PAS, yet. Second, many of our trucks aren't even set up in anyway that makes any sense.

P-man, though I would tend to agree with you that many will try to do the right thing, there are still many that will (in the name of making a point) run a rte the way it is loaded even though it would take less time and be more logical to run it differently.

I rarely run a rte the same the regular driver does. And I rarely run it the way it is loaded. Of course there are exceptions to this.
My reasoning is:
1. I don't like making left turns if it isn't necessary (I learned this long before UPS).
2. I run them with logic in mind not miles (I learned this long before UPS. I could care less about miles and time, I want to get it done not pad my miles or time).


BBS The misloads suck!!!!!!!!!!!! They happen regularly and usually by same preloaders. And what's bad is that the 1st preloader can have a conversation with the last preloader on either side of the belt.

Upstate Im not so sure. All the stories that I've read in here (or hear LOL) worry me. I know some swear by PAS and some have had absolute horror stories. Of all the things that I do on rte flexibility is one of those things that I like to have. I don't like being second-guessed on 'on-rte' decisions, especially by someone who doesn't know the rte like I do. We are supposed to be going live on PAS sometime early next year. They said the same thing 2 years ago, though, so I'm not holding my breath on it. 2 years ago we didn't have room for the mainframe and that hasn't changed.


Well-Known Member
BBS The misloads suck!!!!!!!!!!!! They happen regularly and usually by same preloaders. And what's bad is that the 1st preloader can have a conversation with the last preloader on either side of the belt.

Upstate Im not so sure. All the stories that I've read in here (or hear LOL) worry me. I know some swear by PAS and some have had absolute horror stories. Of all the things that I do on rte flexibility is one of those things that I like to have. I don't like being second-guessed on 'on-rte' decisions, especially by someone who doesn't know the rte like I do. We are supposed to be going live on PAS sometime early next year. They said the same thing 2 years ago, though, so I'm not holding my breath on it. 2 years ago we didn't have room for the mainframe and that hasn't changed.

I'm sorry to hear that. Where I am, I went from 1 to 2 a week to an average of 2 per day. It sounds like it's already bad where you're at now, and this system will probably just magnify that. Good luck.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
We went on about a month ago, on PAS. I was eager, but there was not much instruction. Or input. It has its definite features, and could work if they put in the right number of routes, and fix the mistakes. But, so far not.
The purpose of Pass/Edd are multi-fold, two of those are cutting the number of preloaders(creating a haphazard mind set in the loader)which causes misloads and cutting the number of areas being loaded. More than likely the only hope you(we)have is that they fix the problems within the system. So far most of the routes I have covered have not been fixed.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm not being clear - I'll drop it after this. This was my point -

I agree COMPLETELY that using good judgment, experience, and knowledge will make YOUR day easier, better, and faster, there is simply not a question of that. However, your personal judgment, no matter how correct it may be, can be brought into question by a superior, and you have to defend your judgment.

However, following trace to the letter, no matter how poorly, stupidly, unrealistically it is arranged, you will NEVER get in trouble. If we are treated like irresponsible morons who cannot think, give them what they want, and there is much less stress to take home.

I'm not suggesting this is the best way to do it, but trying to work perfectly in a VERY flawed system will only give you an ulcer.

Your second full paragraph hits the nail squarely on the head. My loop borders one of the main drags in town.One side of the road is mine,the other side by the driver next to me. We are not allowed to meet for lunch. I am forbidden to "go off area" even though off area is about 40 FEET of ashaplt. If I can't use my judgement to go across the street you can bet everything you own that I won't use my judgement to run the route. 100% in trace 100% of the time. It sucks and it's incredibly hard to do day after day but I never get in trouble for it. Mgt. screams about over allow and I get my share of production rides and 3 day rides and then I grieve the harrasement, but oddly mgt. wont reloop or reconfigure the route, so it stays the same. I run it the same way every single day and the cycle starts all over again. Bulkhead door sensors? I chuckle at that. Methods my good people! The methods are your friends!