Newt Gingrich

Some of your criticism is probably correct. I do lean left, but as a business owner will selfishly enjoy conservative gifts to business. I don't know how much more evidence you need than my continuous wish to see Huntsman taken seriously. As it stands, though, I have never seen the current republican party interested in "fixing" anything. I have seen only continuous attempts to make Obama a "one term president". There is absolutely nothin "socialist" about anything Obama has done. Aside from some rhetoric now and then, he has been ridiculously kind to the business community and only when (like spoiled brats) they don't get exactly what they feel entitled to, do the long knives come out. Look at "Obamacare". That "socialism" is bringing billions to the PRIVATE insurance companies.

And yes, I probably give the benefit of the doubt on hypocrisy charges because I think candidates foolishly say things on the campaign trail that while sincere, in actuality have no chance of happening. Case in point, Guantanimo. I think Obama to this very day would like to close it down but it is simply not politically possible. I think Obama in wanting a "transparent" administration has probably been well versed in matters of national security and political prudence to have reversed course on many of those points as I believe every administration does.

So while I am far from suggesting that the president and the democrats are blameless, I have yet to see serious people on the other side in making progress for the nation. And while it will probably cost me more in taxes, I think we need to get serious about deficit reduction in real ways from both sides. To me it's ridiculously simple. Let the Bush/Obama tax cuts expire and make some modest cuts in spending across the board.

And finally, to the job creators. WTF?! Explain how we can't create jobs because of "regulatory uncertainty". In some instances that could be the case like building multi-billion dollar factories, but in established businesses where's the problem? If I hire five people tomorrow who don't have jobs and in two months regulation causes me to layoff those five people, where the problem? Fact is, businesses have found a way to pad the bottom line and can enjoy a 9% unemployment rate from which to choose employees.

The republicans have made several serious proposals some even were passed in the house, but Reid never gave them a chance in congress. There have been more than one "negotiation" meetings where good compromises were almost reached and zer0 turns around and moves the bar. The only things the dems get serious about is trying to bleed the tax payer even more. Some of the things the repubs came up with were so far from a compromise it was ridiculous, but not every one.

You're right that all politicians will "promise" things they know they can't do, from both sides. GitMo is just one of zer0bamas broken promises, another is the transparency crap. Granted there probably are some of the issues covered may involve national security, but the health care bill was not one of them and that was his main example of the new transparency. I don't believe for one second he ever even considered following through. It seems though, you forgiving on this is always for the dems and you remain silent when it is the right. And that's your choice, but then you have no place and saying anything about those of us that take up for republicans without expecting a bit of backlash. I've said many times that there needs to be serious work done by both sides in spending reduction AND in revenue increases. IMO, the defense buget needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb to eliminate fraud, waste and redundancy. The city I live in has too many post offices, shut a coupld of them down, move people around to fill the need for more people in the remaining offices. There are lots that can be done. None may be big, but a bunch of little can be big.

True job creators that hire a hand full of people don't have a lot to loose if regs change. However the businesses that might expand to another city of put in a new store in the same city are reluctant to do so because of regulatory uncertainty. Even a small change in policy could stop them in their tracks with a half built building. The health care law has discouraged many small businesses from any kind of expansion. If you don't think the health care law has been so grand for the healthcare givers check with some insiders. Hospitals are making wholesale cuts in staffing, reducing hours, putting critical care personnel on call instead of staffing for the 24/7 service they are expected to provide. Those are just a few of the changes being made.

IMO, both parties have lost sight of why they were sent to do our bidding in DC and have replaced the goals with short sighted and meaningless hooplah.


Staff member
Trp. You and I seem very much the same from different sides. You say I have little room to complain about the right when I don't about the left. You are similarly muted from the opposite side of the spectrum.

As for healthcare, wait for it. Catholic Social Services is ending their employee health care. 70,000 are soon going to go on Obamacare. I fully expect to see this happen many, many, many times between now and November. Liberals are soon going to see the wisdom of Obama's negotiations because the dirty little secret is that businesses LOVE it and by election day talk of repeal will be used by democrats to bash republican contenders. Obamacare is going to be to big to fail. And no matter what one's protestations, Obamacare is anything but socialism. It's a huge give away to the insurance companies.
Trp. You and I seem very much the same from different sides. You say I have little room to complain about the right when I don't about the left. You are similarly muted from the opposite side of the spectrum.
Just because I don't slam the republicans on every thread on here I'm muted? There has been many times I have spoken against repubs, I just don't get ugly about it.

As for healthcare, wait for it. Catholic Social Services is ending their employee health care. 70,000 are soon going to go on Obamacare. I fully expect to see this happen many, many, many times between now and November. Liberals are soon going to see the wisdom of Obama's negotiations because the dirty little secret is that businesses LOVE it and by election day talk of repeal will be used by democrats to bash republican contenders. Obamacare is going to be to big to fail. And no matter what one's protestations, Obamacare is anything but socialism. It's a huge give away to the insurance companies.
Then why is the price tag of zer0bamacare in the trillions of tax dollars?


Staff member
Then why is the price tag of zer0bamacare in the trillions of tax dollars?
because health care is in the trillions of dollars. And don't forget, the republicans had to make a special provision about cutting governmtnt spending. Even though repeal was going to result in an increase of the deficit, they were all over it. Long story short: Obamacare saves money.

And ye


Für Meno :)
because health care is in the trillions of dollars. And don't forget, the republicans had to make a special provision about cutting governmtnt spending. Even though repeal was going to result in an increase of the deficit, they were all over it. Long story short: Obamacare saves money.

And ye

bbsam, it's too hard to explain to a republican, that if everyone pitches in, things get cheaper. Just too hard to understand.
Maybe this beer talk might ? :

If I was invited to a bar table with a dozen people including myself.
I had no money, and neither did another 3 people.
But we order each 4 beers.
Those 8 that have money pay for their beer, the 4 others that didn't have any money - they simply walk out the door without paying.
This goes on for each and every day, forever and ever.

Well, the bar is losing money, what do they do ? They raise the price of beer by 50% (was $2 a beer x 12 people = $24, but since only 8 paid they only received $16. - add 50% (=$8.00) and they have the money they need to keep in business) So, now the beer is $3.00.

I hope I made sense !

Anyways, now those "freeloaders of 4 people" can drink for free, while the others (with money), pay more.

Now comes along Obamabar ! He can't take that anymore. He says everyone pays $2.00 a beer.
But it's sad, he didn't realize that those other 8 people are republicans or Tealibans say nope ! Don't screw with my $3.00 beer ! Your just a joke promising me $2.00 a beer if the other 4 paid $2.00, too !


Für Meno :)
Have you heard Pelosi today ? She said she knows something, and she is 100% certain Newt won't be the nominee !


golden ticket member
Have you heard Pelosi today ? She said she knows something, and she is 100% certain Newt won't be the nominee !
Nancy Pelosi was part of the group imvestigating when the 84 charges were filed against Newt. If she tells one thing from that committee, she'll be in deep doo doo herself and could get thrown out of congress.
Newt will implode, or the bad Newt will come out again and I don't think he'll be the nominee either.


golden ticket member
Nancy Pelosi was part of the group imvestigating when the 84 charges were filed against Newt. If she tells one thing from that committee, she'll be in deep doo doo herself and could get thrown out of congress.
Newt will implode, or the bad Newt will come out again and I don't think he'll be the nominee either.

I heard the Pelosi crap the say after Newt said he was's OLD news.
because health care is in the trillions of dollars. And don't forget, the republicans had to make a special provision about cutting governmtnt spending. Even though repeal was going to result in an increase of the deficit, they were all over it. Long story short: Obamacare saves money.

And ye
That needs to be proven.
bbsam, it's too hard to explain to a republican, that if everyone pitches in, things get cheaper. Just too hard to understand.
Maybe this beer talk might ? :

If I was invited to a bar table with a dozen people including myself.
I had no money, and neither did another 3 people.
But we order each 4 beers.
Those 8 that have money pay for their beer, the 4 others that didn't have any money - they simply walk out the door without paying.
This goes on for each and every day, forever and ever.

Well, the bar is losing money, what do they do ? They raise the price of beer by 50% (was $2 a beer x 12 people = $24, but since only 8 paid they only received $16. - add 50% (=$8.00) and they have the money they need to keep in business) So, now the beer is $3.00.

I hope I made sense !

Anyways, now those "freeloaders of 4 people" can drink for free, while the others (with money), pay more.

Now comes along Obamabar ! He can't take that anymore. He says everyone pays $2.00 a beer.
But it's sad, he didn't realize that those other 8 people are republicans or Tealibans say nope ! Don't screw with my $3.00 beer ! Your just a joke promising me $2.00 a beer if the other 4 paid $2.00, too !
You are assuming that you and the other free loaders had a right to drink beer. Guess what drinking beer isn't a right, it is a privilege.


golden ticket member
Don't you have Romneycare to compare it with ? It's basically the same model (everyone must be insured).
Go have another beer....................Mass. Health care was for only 8% of the people. Obamacare is for 100% of the people. How is that the same.

It's not the same model.
I wish you were as precise with politics as you are with beer.


Für Meno :)
Go have another beer....................Mass. Health care was for only 8% of the people. Obamacare is for 100% of the people. How is that the same.

It's not the same model.
I wish you were as precise with politics as you are with beer.

What are you trying to tell me ?
Only 8% of the people are insured in Mass ?
Or only 8% needed to be insured to have everyone being insured ?

Yes, some States only have single digit percentage of people being uninsured, others will have 1/3 of their population not being insured.
But, you can still find out what happened to those 8% that were forced to get insurance and how it worked out for them.
(Did it get cheaper than before ?, were they prior simply rejected before because of existing pre-conditions?, for those that couldn't afford it, how is that working out ?), etc.


golden ticket member
As I've told you before at least 4 or 5 times........Only 8% of the people of Mass. had no health ins. at all. The Romney health plan ONLY addressed those people.

Drinking in the daytime is a sign of a problem!!


Für Meno :)
So, okay Moreluck, Obama/Romneycare for every State that has less than 10% uninsured ! Is that fine with you ?


golden ticket member
So, okay Moreluck, Obama/Romneycare for every State that has less than 10% uninsured ! Is that fine with you ?
You are so twisted up in the brain, you are hopeless. I'm not even going to try to explain anything're the one with the degree in microbiology. You should understand.....but apparently your country has a very low level of acceptance for degrees awarded.....OR....they give out the degrees in beer cases.


Für Meno :)
First off, got my schooling in Germany.
And anyways, if your State California can afford an avreage $575 just for an ER visit, because a baby might have a light cold or fever of an uninsured parent. Then keep it as it is.
If that baby needs some kind of instant medical treatment , or even worse, some surgery, then the bill goes into the thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Oh well, no big deal, since that cost will be divided up by the entire population, including yourself, right ?