Nice Job 804


The teamsters page shows two pages also.

804 did not vote blindly like alot of other UPSers did. They asked for answers for definite answers for vague or omitted language.

Another example of the vague language was all part timers will be placed in the UPS benifet plan that includes a prescription card.

If I was a part timer, I would have asked to see this plan. I could care less about the card; part timers rxs are paid in full already. Tell meyou about the actual benifets, deductables, if I can see my own doctor etc.
I am sure UPS knows what plan they are going to use. We all know how UPS loves to send out material and mailings.(I got 3 on the new CS pension) Why was the new health care plan not sent out?

Anyhow it looks like 804 read their contract and demanded answers.

As you said Tie, where is the pension language? the 804ers asked the same question before they voted.

I would imagine the prescription card is a nice feature since you don't have to pay out of pocket but I understand your point.
As far as the rest of your post I have always encouraged those of you out there to go to your local and ask the questions.

Back to my original question what is the language they are objecting to?

browned out

Well-Known Member
I would imagine the prescription card is a nice feature since you don't have to pay out of pocket but I understand your point.
As far as the rest of your post I have always encouraged those of you out there to go to your local and ask the questions.

Back to my original question what is the language they are objecting to?

Better to read the contract and then ask questions. Your local may not know but you will be held to the written document for the next 5 years.

Our pension plan in CS is spelled out in black in white in our supplement. It states 25 30 and 35 year amounts and goes into great detail about the plan. This is nowhere to be found in the 804 sup.

The 804 pension plan must be a seperate document.

Please someone from 804 post your pension plan


Better to read the contract and then ask questions. Your local may not know but you will be held to the written document for the next 5 years.

Our pension plan in CS is spelled out in black in white in our supplement. It states 25 30 and 35 year amounts and goes into great detail about the plan. This is nowhere to be found in the 804 sup.

The 804 pension plan must be a seperate document.

Please someone from 804 post your pension plan

The problem with that philosophy is too many people read the language and don't understand it or the intent behind it. Thus the many willd rumors and speculations we have seen. When you go listen to your BA review the language then you learn the intent behind the language or so it should be.


Well-Known Member
Better to read the contract and then ask questions. Your local may not know but you will be held to the written document for the next 5 years.

Our pension plan in CS is spelled out in black in white in our supplement. It states 25 30 and 35 year amounts and goes into great detail about the plan. This is nowhere to be found in the 804 sup.

The 804 pension plan must be a seperate document.

Please someone from 804 post your pension plan

Amounts are negotiated by our supplemental agreement. I will try to get something on line to post.


He who is not with us, is against us.
Thanks for the info. Our supplement in cs is very vague. It does concern me that pcd can work in excess of 40 hours a week and still get only 20 hour vacation checks part time health care and pension.
here in west PA if once a part time driver gets 225 days diving in...they start to get 8 hour sick days and 8 hour personal days and 45 hour vacations.....but they're still part time


Well-Known Member
Better to read the contract and then ask questions. Your local may not know but you will be held to the written document for the next 5 years.

Our pension plan in CS is spelled out in black in white in our supplement. It states 25 30 and 35 year amounts and goes into great detail about the plan. This is nowhere to be found in the 804 sup.

The 804 pension plan must be a seperate document.

Please someone from 804 post your pension plan

I'm still in the dark about combined years of service (part-time and full-time) No one seems to be able to give me the specifics.