Not That Republicans Offer An Option But........


Staff member
Yeah, sure. Just keep singing about the "evil corporations" as you yourself admit the benefit. You yourself said the Corporations have speech !!

I recently had a rocket science Liberal screaming about all the evil law breaking Corporations --I asked him to name one --was it the one he worked for --he screamed "ENRON"-- Pretty Lame !! Live in the past and give an example where people broke the law and went to jail. Enron and the dopey liberals make ALL Corporations the enemy.
It is a far different thing between admitting the benefit and thinking it is good for the country.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wow. I am now convinced Corporations are very bad for America !!???

ISland, will you admit that 20 years ago, there were literally thousands of mom and pop shops across this country? From toy stores, to hardware, to fabric, to markets, to clothing stores.

What has happened to them now that we are in 2012? Where did they go? Do you believe small businesses just decided to get out of the retail business?

The answer is simple. Corporations.

Large retailers like WALMART have put all those businesses out of business. The unfairness of having ONE corporation like WALMART using slave labor in China to provide goods cheaper than the average mom and pop shop could compete with has been too much for american small business.

Whole towns have been wiped out, blocks and blocks of stores lay empty all across this country and in there place, ONE giant supercenter.

We are finally realizing what the policies of the 80's can do to a nation. Today, you praise the corporation and spit on the average person who can no longer make a business prosper.

You praise the corporations and belittle the workers. You got to retire after many years of service with benefits, yet you support a political party who wants to take those benefits away from future americans like yourself.

The corporations have made all the money, they cornered the market and emptied the corners of small city streets.

When I started at UPS, My route was full of mom and pop shops. Fabric stores, hardware stores, shoe stores, toy stores and the like were everywhere. Today, 21 years later, not a single one remains in this town. There are, however, 5 walmarts, 3 target stores, 3 lowes, 3 home depots, 1 sears, 1 kmart and a giant mall.

All those american businesses wiped out for the big corporations.

Yeah Island, they are great.

And yet, you wonder why there is so much unemployment in our country.



Well-Known Member
ISland, will you admit that 20 years ago, there were literally thousands of mom and pop shops across this country? From toy stores, to hardware, to fabric, to markets, to clothing stores.

What has happened to them now that we are in 2012? Where did they go? Do you believe small businesses just decided to get out of the retail business?

The answer is simple. Corporations.

Large retailers like WALMART have put all those businesses out of business. The unfairness of having ONE corporation like WALMART using slave labor in China to provide goods cheaper than the average mom and pop shop could compete with has been too much for american small business.

Whole towns have been wiped out, blocks and blocks of stores lay empty all across this country and in there place, ONE giant supercenter.

We are finally realizing what the policies of the 80's can do to a nation. Today, you praise the corporation and spit on the average person who can no longer make a business prosper.

You praise the corporations and belittle the workers. You got to retire after many years of service with benefits, yet you support a political party who wants to take those benefits away from future americans like yourself.

The corporations have made all the money, they cornered the market and emptied the corners of small city streets.

When I started at UPS, My route was full of mom and pop shops. Fabric stores, hardware stores, shoe stores, toy stores and the like were everywhere. Today, 21 years later, not a single one remains in this town. There are, however, 5 walmarts, 3 target stores, 3 lowes, 3 home depots, 1 sears, 1 kmart and a giant mall.

All those american businesses wiped out for the big corporations.

Yeah Island, they are great.

And yet, you wonder why there is so much unemployment in our country.


Why aren't you complaining about all the people at REA who were put out of work by UPS, or all those postal workers who are destined to be unemployed as the postal service has to inevitably wind down operations due to private sector companies eating its lunch? Its called survival of the fittest, and is the heart of capitalism. If you can't successfully compete you will fail, and this holds true of all businesses at all levels of success.


Not corporations so much as unrestrained capitalism brought about by buying influence with their "speech".
I think the Dems are to blame for the rise of the corporate state as-we-know-it, probably more than the Republicans (though there is equal blame ideally)...

Unrestrained capitalism? I think you are using terms that oppose each other. The captialism that brought about the economy and markets we have now is restrained, however the restraints are not equal and just. The more money the corporations gain, the greater size they monopolize, the more the puppetmasters for Congress can manage and dictate the direction our society must go - products, services, transportation, energy, war, etc

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Staff member
I would like to believe that it is the fault of restraints on capitalism, but that would mean we would have to assume certain things. Like corporations would not polute the air and water because it would affect our lives as citizens. It would mean that safety and responsibility would be paramount. That they would be quick to realize the need to support the communities that they inhabit. It would shifting from efficiency dictated by the bottom line to quality of life of it's workers and communities as well as wealth. How do we look at the BP oil spill and believe that without regulation, all would be fine? Are we to take seriously that without regulation banks would simply do "what is right"? Greenspan seemed visibly shocked that the financial industry had acted so ridiculously. I wasn't. As long as capitalism as practiced in the US focuses so sharply on Wall Street and the bottom line, government has no choice but to restrain it. Sadly it seems, Wall Street needs to be saved from itself.
ISland, will you admit that 20 years ago, there were literally thousands of mom and pop shops across this country? From toy stores, to hardware, to fabric, to markets, to clothing stores.

What has happened to them now that we are in 2012? Where did they go? Do you believe small businesses just decided to get out of the retail business?

The answer is simple. Corporations.

Large retailers like WALMART have put all those businesses out of business. The unfairness of having ONE corporation like WALMART using slave labor in China to provide goods cheaper than the average mom and pop shop could compete with has been too much for american small business.

Whole towns have been wiped out, blocks and blocks of stores lay empty all across this country and in there place, ONE giant supercenter.

We are finally realizing what the policies of the 80's can do to a nation. Today, you praise the corporation and spit on the average person who can no longer make a business prosper.

You praise the corporations and belittle the workers. You got to retire after many years of service with benefits, yet you support a political party who wants to take those benefits away from future americans like yourself.

The corporations have made all the money, they cornered the market and emptied the corners of small city streets.

When I started at UPS, My route was full of mom and pop shops. Fabric stores, hardware stores, shoe stores, toy stores and the like were everywhere. Today, 21 years later, not a single one remains in this town. There are, however, 5 walmarts, 3 target stores, 3 lowes, 3 home depots, 1 sears, 1 kmart and a giant mall.

All those american businesses wiped out for the big corporations.

Yeah Island, they are great.

And yet, you wonder why there is so much unemployment in our country.


5 walmarts, 3 target stores, 3 lowes, 3 home depots, 1 sears, 1 kmart and a giant mall.
IMO, this brings up some questions.
How many is "My route was full of mom and pop shops"?
How many jobs were lost by the shops going away?
How many jobs do the 16 chains and the giant mall supply compared to a "Mom and Pop" operation.
What kind of wages do the chains pay vs. the M&P's ?
How many M&Ps had group insurance vs. corporations?