Obama in 08'


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I thought I heard somewhere that either its 3% or 0.3% of the working population actually makes minimum wage. This Bill will have practically no effect at all. I don't know a single person who makes minimum wage, the starting rate for any entry level job is at least $8.00 an hour in my area. My local Micky Ds starts kids out at $10.00 on the night shift, employers have to pay above minimum wage to get applicants in the door.


Well-Known Member
An estimated 14.9 million workers (11% of the workforce) would receive an increase in their hourly wage rate if the minimum wage were raised from $5.15 to $7.25 by 2008. Of these workers, 6.6 million workers (5% of the workforce) currently earn less than $7.25 and would be directly affected by an increase. The additional 8.3 million workers (6% of the workforce) earning slightly above the minimum would also be likely to benefit from an increase due to “spillover effects”.

Minimum Wage Issue Guide: Facts at a Glance

Impartial observation:
If minimum wage is raised, who benefits? | csmonitor.com


Well-Known Member
hoser said:
i vote condi rice for president
Yeah, she's done such a great job at the State Dept. Thank God Canadians can't vote for President.

Truth of the matter is the Repubs don't have a candidate that can win in 2008 at this point.


Well-Known Member
Damn you guys! Here you started talking fish and beer and I'm getting all amped up that we're about to have a Browncafe fish fry (made up cole slaw, hushpuppies and onion rings with beer batter of course)and then you start discussing the minimum wage!

Several comments that were made proved thought provoking and a goggle search using several search combinations did IMO yield some interesting items to read.

Minimum wage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of interest here is to see what other countries around the world were paying (some less/some more) and of course several external links proved interesting as well.

Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2005

Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2005

I would venture to guess tht 2006' data is being compiled as we speak and would be available later this year. Hope you find of interest something on the issue among the above links.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware yesterday made it official that he will seek the Democratic presidential nomination.

In a critique of the Democratic field, he said of Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," he told the New York Observer, a weekly. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Now that he's clean I'll vote for him, also makes him the most qualified democrat...:lol::lol:


golden ticket member
That "clean" comment is already causing him trouble. I took it to mean "clean and yet unscathed by dirty politics".

You can't say anything in this country anymore without someone putting it under a microscope and dissecting every syllable and making it mean more than what you intended.

"Clean as a whistle & sharp as a tack".....now them's fightin' words !!

Not for Biden here .


Well-Known Member
Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware yesterday made it official that he will seek the Democratic presidential nomination.

In a critique of the Democratic field, he said of Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," he told the New York Observer, a weekly. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Now that he's clean I'll vote for him, also makes him the most qualified democrat...:lol::lol:
tonyexpress, I suppose you actually listened to Biden's words instead of taking a misleading transcript of what he said, right? Here it is, if you want some reality in your life: Brightcove - NYObserver - Biden on Obama

No comments on what Dear Leader had to say about Obama? See his remarks here:
Think Progress ? Bush Echoes Biden: Obama Is ‘An Attractive Guy, He’s Articulate’

Still waiting to debate you on any political/economic issue you wish.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
tonyexpress, I suppose you actually listened to Biden's words instead of taking a misleading transcript of what he said, right? Here it is, if you want some reality in your life: Brightcove - NYObserver - Biden on Obama

No comments on what Dear Leader had to say about Obama? See his remarks here:
Think Progress ? Bush Echoes Biden: Obama Is ‘An Attractive Guy, He’s Articulate’

Still waiting to debate you on any political/economic issue you wish.

Lighten up !!:w00t:

Yes, I listened to what you posted and heard the word clean. I'm sure Mr. Biden did not intend for it to be translated into anything that would harm either of their political careers.

I just thought it to be amusing.

Why don't you debate yourself I'm sure you could make some valid points for all sides.:tongue_sm


Well-Known Member
Lighten up !!:w00t:

Yes, I listened to what you posted and heard the word clean. I'm sure Mr. Biden did not intend for it to be translated into anything that would harm either of their political careers.

I just thought it to be amusing.

Why don't you debate yourself I'm sure you could make some valid points for all sides.:tongue_sm
Thanks for the advice, Mr Cheryl's husband. Good to know you are willing to stand up and defend your words.


Industrial Slob
When wages are flat and costs rise, I don't need an ultra conservative economist to explain this graph to me:
thanks for the graph from the ultra-socialist special interest economists. your graph fails to account for the number of people making that $10,712.

don't be so foolish to assume that raising wages would solve problems. costs are just going to rise more rapidly when you raise wages. if you raise minimum wage, all wages are going to have to go up (including union wages, which means more of a cash cow for the unions), which is not just counter-productive, it's sutpid.

the wage must be determined by market forces, not artificial intervention that was created for political gain.


Active Member
Of the two parties,(as if there really were any other choice) I would love to see McCain and Obama go head to head. I think those two would be Worth listening to. Lately though I've really been giving the Libertarians a second look.It makes me ill to vote for a lesser of two evils. I would rather vote for a no hope party then to offer my vote to a trash bag just because they will have a chance at winning. I hate both the Dem's and reps so much right now. It seems any other party might be better. The sad/funny thing about it all is most of what the Dem's and reps say about each other is all True. It seems ridiculous to say but in this day and age it really does seem as if it really doesn't matter how I vote.:sad:


Well-Known Member
Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama Sr.(a black Muslim) of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham of Wichita, Kansas.(a white atheist)

When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced and his father returned to Kenya. His mother married Lolo Soetoro -- a Muslim -- and moved to Jakarta with Obama when he was six years old. Within six months he had learned to speak the Indonesian language. Obama spent "two years in a Muslim school, then two more in a Catholic school" in Jakarta. Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim while admitting that he was once a Muslim, mitigating that damning information by saying that, for two years, he also attended a Catholic school.

Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a radical Muslim who migrated from Kenya to Jakarta, Indonesia. He met Obama's mother, Ann Dunham-a white atheist from Wichita, Kansas-at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Obama, Sr. and Dunham divorced when Barack, Jr. was two.

Obama's spinmeisters are now attempting to make it appear that Obama's introduction to Islam came from his father and that influence was temporary at best.

In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya immediately following the divorce and never again had any direct influence over his son's education.

Dunham married another Muslim, Lolo Soetoro who educated his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools. Wahabbism is the radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad on the industrialized world.

Since it is politically expedient to be a Christian when you are seeking political office in the United States, Obama joined the United Church of Christ to help purge any notion that he is still a Muslim.

Handsome . . . Charming . . . Winsome . . . Dangerous . . . Deceptive . . . Determined


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Scary...unrealistic....Uninformed....unlikely.....uninspired, lackluster, reads the talking points, like trusting your life to the Kirby Sweeper salesman