Obama's First 100 Days......


Well-Known Member
another shot of our fearless leader bowing to the oil barons


And did you complain when Bush kissed the Saudi King and held his hand? ...


Well-Known Member
Show us that picture.
I want to see if he stood up straight.


The video is on YouTube (all over the place) and one guy even took a John Madden approach and diagrammed the whole thing showing the angles and even measurements. It was funny but at the end it kicks directly over to a Sean Hannity piece that takes away the comedy IMO. Thus the reason I didn't post it.

The real problem in this whole mess is that the Obama people after the fact tired to spin this whole thing as not a bow. Doing that gave legs to the other side and here we are. Even the Saudi's saw all of this as a bow:

The Saudis themselves believe it to have been a bow. Muhammah Diyab, a commentator for a Saudi paper, approved of Obama's gesture and says that he saw it as a clear blow:
"Obama wished to demonstrate his respect and appreciation of the personality of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, who has made one of the most important calls in the modern era, namely the call for interfaith and intercultural dialogue to defuse the hatred, conflict and wars".

If you gotta spin this thing anyway and it's obviously a bow, admit it and then spin it into something of goodwill or whatever. I agree it goes against protocol but truth is we've been bowing to the Saudi's for years so Obama's act at least was done in the light of day. What, all but 2 of the 9/11 killers were from Saudi Arabia, Saudi Wahhabism fueled extremist religious zeal and monies are known to flow from Saudi to extremist and yet in all of this not a thing changed during the Bush years (funny how oil and dollars supported by oil do that) and now you guys clamour because Obama just did in public what others did in private? I guess this is the perfect result of a society driven by cults of personality who only see the surface and never see (choose to ignore) the details!

I'll say this, Obama earned his "Change" merit badge on this one :happy-very:, it's just sad he loses it on so many other places!


golden ticket member
Somebody sent me the picture and that silver thing on the floor was replaced by a bucket of KFC. I'd reach down for an extra crispy thigh !!:wink2:


Well-Known Member

The truth is like all 1st timers this president is learning on the job, leaning towards the center, employing the old and the new, and realizing power to invoke the exclusive change your harping on is almost un-attainable and may take longer to achieve (considering his inheritance) than expected with some prodding. He has invoked many changes already before his 100 day grading period and seems to be creating a more transparent gov't than his predecessor.

Show us that picture.
I want to see if he stood up straight.

BaBa, This may be an obsessive issue to you but it means nothing to most people, get over it....


The real problem in this whole mess is that the Obama people after the fact tired to spin this whole thing as not a bow. Doing that gave legs to the other side and here we are. Even the Saudi's saw all of this as a bow:

Wkmac....Why get caught up in the blogger/cable news wars...Like you said in another thread, It's a very small percentage of the population. Most normal people don't care, they have bigger fish to fry.....

Somebody sent me the picture and that silver thing on the floor was replaced by a bucket of KFC. I'd reach down for an extra crispy thigh !!:wink2:

Moreluck, are you equating President Obama and a bucket of KFC ?? Are Cochise and I the only ones who finds something politically incorrect with that statement ?


Well-Known Member
Wkmac....Why get caught up in the blogger/cable news wars...Like you said in another thread, It's a very small percentage of the population. Most normal people don't care, they have bigger fish to fry.....

It purely a charity thing D. I've been told that if these guys don't get some limited mental exercise, their brains will freeze. Hoax keeps em' going over at the birth certificate thread so I thought I'd pull up the slack here!


I guess it's kinda like when Coolhand Luke was asked why he cut the heads off the parking meters.

Well, it was just something to do!

Love that movie.


Well-Known Member
The truth is like all 1st timers this president is learning on the job, leaning towards the center, employing the old and the new, and realizing power to invoke the exclusive change your harping on is almost un-attainable and may take longer to achieve (considering his inheritance) than expected with some prodding. He has invoked many changes already before his 100 day grading period and seems to be creating a more transparent gov't than his predecessor.

Concerning Transparency, ProPublica posted this on November 7th concerning President Obama and his open declarations about bringing a new transparency to the White House. Then today, ProPublica posted this as an update to where and how Obama is doing in regards to transparency. When it comes to comparing Obama to Bush, I've seen a couple of things I thought were good and I've given him credit here for it but overall, I'm not letting up. Obama may have meant well early on (with all due respect to our economic differences) but the Washington power structure that controls both parties will not relent easily if we roll over and play the accepting citizen. The only thing that will get us is something up the backside again that we've gotten over and over after each election and now they for go the lube. And what little bit of a reach around is dry too!


Strength through joy
You never heard of , now what did that German company call their fried chicken......oh ya Obama fingers.
Do yo also wish to call that racist ?


Well-Known Member
Hey D,

I'm just telling you what someone sent to me.......go tell them they are politically incorrect.

More, More, More....If I posted every racially insensitive joke someone sent me Hoax would be on me like white on rice.....

Nope a great and powerfull leader like our president should occasionally show compassion for the leaders of third world countries. He should never bow to them.

The funny thing is, the way you describe "The Bow", is like The leader of Prussia expected Sparta's "King Leonadis" to bow on his knees and surrender to him...

I think Obama should run with it. Its a better excuse then saying he bowed to the king.:happy-very:

Tie, would UPS or yourself put up with racial jokes at PCM's and or Management meetings?

You never heard of , now what did that German company call their fried chicken......o
Do yo also wish to call that racist ?

That German Co, publicly claimed they're unaware of the fried chicken / African American sterotype. But since your skeptical of the racial implications, here's a good litmus test, why don't you visit a Popeye's Fried Chicken or KFC on Martin Luther King Blvd and stand on your soap box :soapbox: , and share that little joke of Obama not bowing but bending down to grab some fried chicken from a KFC bucket. and see what happens....


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Was it all that offensive? Blacks and fried chicken jokes have been around as long as there has been fried chicken. I think you all should lighten up. Its like making fun of Italians for liking Pasta, Or Hungarians for liking potato salad, or Greeks for liking Baklava.[video=youtube;wJ4B7G8Rw3Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ4B7G8Rw3Q&feature=related[/video]