One thing

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
There is a movie out called The Purge, where for one day a year people can commit a crime and get away with it. What is one thing you would do if you knew you wouldn't get caught or there would be no consequences?


That’s Craptacular
There is a movie out called The Purge, where for one day a year people can commit a crime and get away with it. What is one thing you would do if you knew you wouldn't get caught or there would be no consequences?
Steal enough money to live on for the rest of my life from some rich dude who'd never even miss the money, cause he has so much of it....
What or who, would you do???
Guess! lol


There is a movie out called The Purge, where for one day a year people can commit a crime and get away with it. What is one thing you would do if you knew you wouldn't get caught or there would be no consequences?

I would sneak up, and goose you when you weren't looking.