p700 help

rocket man

Well-Known Member
On a somewhat related point......has anyone ever used 1st gear in a pkg car? I don't think in my 25 years that I used it more than twice. And that was by accident.

Heck, my use of the clutch was limited to starting and stopping a lot of the time. Hard to believe that some drivers first experience with a manual transmission is behind the wheel of a UPS vehicle. I learned to drive and took my drivers license test with a manual transmission.
OK, so I'm older than dirt. But, by that definition, I'm betting so are a lot of you.
in our center on a ojs ride if you dont use first they tell you to use it then as the day goes on they write you up not following directions
Start in first. Turn the engine on and go. Get the RPM's up and and shift to next higher gear without depressing clutch. This method is more for over the road drivers, as they are fat and lazy and unwilling to lift their left legs.:surprised::wink2:

We`re more than willing to lift our left leg. How else can we kick you package car people in the ass? And some drivers lift it to pee off the dock. Helps keep the shoes dry.