Payraise question


Well-Known Member
It's worth noting that for an employee to get a payroll error fixed, no matter if it's an overpayment or underpayment, requires time and effort and usually repeated inquiries, all usually done off the clock. There's nothing wrong with getting "paid" for your efforts, in my judgement. There's also nothing wrong with "banking" the rare overpayment, to save you the trouble of making a pest of yourself to get one or more future underpayments resolved.

Without exception, every time I brought a mistake (in my favor) to mgmnts attention, they thanked me and told me to enjoy the extra money. Granted, it never involved a large amount, but the respect earned paid off in numerous ways. And my integrity is intact, which means more to me than ill-gotten money.


I work with a kookie religious lady. They overpaid her. She brought it to the supervisors attention. He started laughing at her.