Pick a job - any job


Well-Known Member
1. If I could pick any job at UPS, it'd be part-time supervisor. *flame on*

2. If I could pick any job outside of UPS, I'd like to be a teacher.

Again, if finances were not an issue, teacher would be at the top of my list. No offense to our teachers because you ARE doing a great service to the community. You are highly respected (as opposed to us dumb, uneduated, no-skill package car drivers). Not my quote, a mangement friend of mine's.

Teachers are respected members of the community (we're not), but you work 6 hours a day and have summers off. When I hear a teacher complain about pay, I have to disagree with him.

I know you are cultivating our youth and therefore our future, but you only work 3/4 of the year. If you are too lazy to get a second job then I have no respect for you.

Fact of the matter is, teachers do very well for themselves. How can they not? They have a job that pays them $50,000 per year (essentially part time). If they don't have the ambition to work a second job during the summer when THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO then have no sympathy whe they cry that they are underpaid.

Imagine us as UPSers working the same hours of teachers?:lol: