Plane Disappearance


Well-Known Member
If you think it was a terrorist plot the Uighurs would be an obvious suspect as they certainly have their grievances with Bejing, but like you say there is no indication at all that's what happened. You can't just land a plane like that on some little jungle airstrip, I'm guessing it's at the bottom of the ocean.

You mean to say that some hostile government couldn't have helped coordinate this allowing the plane to land in an airport that could accommodate it and place it in a hangar where no satellite could see it?


Well-Known Member
If the plane had landed somewhere, we would know about it. Hard to hide a jumbo jet that requires a long, heavy-duty runway. Satellites have the Earth coveed 24/7/365. It's either down in a jungle/forest area where it can't be spotted or in the ocean. There are many planes that are never found for years due to vegetation etc. Steve Fawcett's plane went undiscovered for 2 years, even though they knew his route and the plane crashed in an area frequented by recreational climbers and hikers.

If the FOX nuts were correct and the Islamic fundamentalists had the plane, how far would it get after taking-off now that the world is on full alert? Not far at all.

Just because there are satellites that can watch for things like this doesn't mean that every square inch of the planet is under surveillance 24/7. Unless the satellites were specifically focused on watching this particular flight's path chances are it would never be noticed, and by the time they start looking it could very well be in some hangar where no satellite could find it.


golden ticket member
Not all Islamic people are terrorists, but 99% of the terrorists we have dealt with in the last few years here, whether they were successful or not, have been Islamic. Even the Islamic citizens in our country will agree with that fact.

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They sure don't speak out's like ho-hum.


Its all good.
How many christian nuts have "we" dealt with in america? does that make all christians nuts?

Timothy McVeigh was a christian.

What percentage of terrorists are Christian and what percentage are Muslim? We have plenty of Christian nuts who give Christianity a bad name, but very few are terrorists. They are just asses.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What percentage of terrorists are Christian and what percentage are Muslim? We have plenty of Christian nuts who give Christianity a bad name, but very few are terrorists. They are just asses.

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by percentage, the entire muslim community says the same thing.



Well-Known Member
Just leafing through history, both Christians and Muslims are each responsible for MILLIONS of deaths, so it's a strange debate about who is and who isn't a terrorist.

Just saying.


Well-Known Member
If a large passenger jet can so easily disappear, why are we spending billions and billions of dollars to develop and build stealth aircraft?


nowhere special
You have recordings of that ??? The muslim community is eerily silent........almost complacent!!
You speak for the entire muslim community ????

He gets his numbers from a reliable source:


Well-Known Member
Just leafing through history, both Christians and Muslims are each responsible for MILLIONS of deaths, so it's a strange debate about who is and who isn't a terrorist.

Just saying.

So what is the modern day christian equivalent to Hamas? Al Qaeda? Can you give me an example of a Christian suicide bomber anywhere in the world in the last 20 years?


Well-Known Member
ARMY OF GOD. Blowing up abortion clinics and shooting doctors..

Any other requests?


How many rockets have they launched into the communities of Muslim countries? One lone bomber from 17 years ago doesn't really make a good case that there is a Christian equivalent to the blood thirstiness found in the Muslim community.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
A number of violent acts by Jews have been described as terrorism and attributed to religious motivations:

  • Yaakov Teitel an American-born Israeli, was arrested in the aftermath of the 2009 Tel Aviv gay center shooting for putting up posters that praised the attack. Although Teitel confessed to the gay center shooting, Israeli police have determined he had no part in the attack.[24] In 2009 Teitel was arrested and indicted for several acts of domestic terror, namely a pipe bomb attack against leftist intellectual Zeev Sternhell, the murders of a Palestinian taxi driver and a West Bank shepherd in 1997, and sending a booby-trapped package to the home of a Messianic Jewish family in Ariel.[25][26][27] A search of his home revealed a cache of guns and parts used in explosive devices.[28] As of January 2011, the case is still pending trial.[29]
  • Eden Natan-Zada killed four Israeli Arab civilians on August 4, 2005. His actions were criticized by then prime minister Ariel Sharon, as "a reprehensible act by a bloodthirsty Jewish terrorist", and author Ami Pedhzer describes his motivations as religious.[2]:134[30]
  • Baruch Goldstein an American-born Israeli physician, perpetrated the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in the city of Hebron, in which he shot and killed 29 Muslim worshipers inside the Ibrahimi Mosque (within the Cave of the Patriarchs), and wounded another 125 victims.[31] Goldstein was killed by the survivors.[32] Goldstein was a supporter of Kach, an Israeli political party founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane that advocated the expulsion of Arabs from Israel and the Palestinian Territories. In the aftermath of the Goldstein attack and Kach statements praising it, Kach was outlawed in Israel.[33]
  • Yigal Amir's assassination of Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995 has been described as terrorism with a religious motivation.[2]:98-110[34][35] Amir was quoted as saying he had "acted alone and on orders from God." and that "If not for a Halakhic ruling of din rodef, made against Rabin by a few rabbis I knew about, it would have been very difficult for me to murder."[13][36]:45 A former combat soldier who had studied Jewish law, Amir stated that his decision to kill the prime minister was influenced by the opinions of militant rabbis that such an assassination would be justified by the Halakhic ruling of din rodef ("pursuer's decree").[36]:48 This Jewish religious concept allows for an immediate execution of a person if that person is "pursuing", that is, attempting immediately to take your life or the life of another person, although the characterization of Rabin as din rodef was rejected as a perversion of law by most rabbinic authorities.[13]:255 According to Amir, allowing the Palestinian Authority to expand on the West Bank represented such a danger.[36]:48Amir was associated with the radical Eyal movement, which had been greatly influenced by Kahanism.[36]:53


Strength through joy
Newest theory .
There was never a real plane involved .
It was a media diversion to deflect the sheeple's attention away from the more important news stories .