Prison break shatters peace in upstate New York towns By Ray Sanchez, CNN Updated 9:40 PM ET, Tue Ju


Man of Great Wisdom
The View sucks big time......the Real is much better.
I don't know what was interrupted because I was on the computer, but it was urgent for Cuomo to act important. What an idiot. I probably had Fox news on in the background.
It reminded me of the old SNL when thy used to come on and announce that someone was still dead.
Geralissimo Fransico Franco?


Well-Known Member
The View sucks big time......the Real is much better.
I don't know what was interrupted because I was on the computer, but it was urgent for Cuomo to act important. What an idiot. I probably had Fox news on in the background.
It reminded me of the old SNL when thy used to come on and announce that someone was still dead.

I would have thought a busy body such as yourself would have been glued to the TV waiting for updates.


Well-Known Member
Fox news is watched by folks like you and TOS because you are the experts on what they broadcast.

I probably had Fox news on in the background.



Well-Known Member
There was a lot of activity overnight which appeared to be focused on a large field a mile or so from the jail. The local school district is closed for the day and the highway which goes by the jail has been shutdown.


Well-Known Member
Activity has really ramped up in the last hour or so. The search is concentrated on a very small area just south of the jail. The police are bringing in the "heavy artillery" and I expect this search to end with either their capture or recovery sometime today.


golden ticket member
I sure hope this ends today as I wouldn't want moreluck to miss even one minute of "The View".
I don't watch The View, Nancy!! Do I need to say it a 3rd time for your brain to absorb the info?
You're so funny, you should do the stand-up clubs. Chuckles, here we come!