Question about the Union?


I work at the Oak Creek Hub in Oak Creek, Wi. Our hub has been very low in volume and i've been laid off for the past 4 days (Should I be worried about my job?). Can I collect unemployment on the days I don't work or no? I've been working there for 7 months as a loader. By the way my union is the Local 344.


Well-Known Member
On the unemployment issue, check with your states unemployment regulations. Each is different. Some, if not most, will require you to be off a full "waiting" week in order to be eligible to collect. BUT, be sure to sign up immediately! Signing up does not hurt and gets you in position if you need it.

On the union issue, yes, of course, talk to your steward AND BA and just let them know of your predicament. If you are laid off for any length of time, you can also take a "withdrawal" card, where you won't be paying dues and keeps you in good standing until you do return to work. Check with your local.

On getting back to work, good luck. Many centers are experiencing upheaval in volume or no volume at all. There is no "set" answer that will work for every center in the US. Just keep letting it be known that you want to work and WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR AND DO THAT WORK when it comes up.