Regal Cinema's new "security policy"


Pees in the brown Koolaid
So is it your position that "gun free zones" have never prevented gun violence or that they don't prevent ALL gun violence?
It is my position that "gun free zones" have never prevented violence because the people who break the law by committing violence with guns are not going to be prevented from doing so by a sticker on a door. The only exception would be secured areas that require passing thru a metal detector prior to admission.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I trust that cops are trained to handle such situations of intense pressure when employing deadly force and if they make a critical mistake, they are held responsible. Why should I expect less of you if you decide it is time to use deadly force? That lightweight sidearm carries heavy responsibility.
So you trust the same cops who keep shooting unarmed black people over minor traffic infractions? How about the cops in LA who fired over 40 rounds into the back of a truck carrying two unarmed women because they thought Christopher Dorner was in it? Or what about the NYPD officers who hit 3 bystanders in Times Square last year? I've got a news flash for you: cops are human, they are affected by adrenaline just like you and me, and a lot of them only qualify with their sidearms once or twice a year and are mediocre shots at best. Merely pinning a badge to their shirt and having them shoot holes in a paper target once a year doesn't automatically give them superior skills to a trained civilian.


Well-Known Member
I trust that cops are trained to handle such situations of intense pressure when employing deadly force and if they make a critical mistake, they are held responsible. Why should I expect less of you if you decide it is time to use deadly force? That lightweight sidearm carries heavy responsibility.

So you would rather let the madman continue murdering people, including you and your daughter, just so you can have the peace of mind that a law abiding concealed carry permit holder isn't present with his or her firearm?


Inordinately Right
It is my position that "gun free zones" have never prevented violence because the people who break the law by committing violence with guns are not going to be prevented from doing so by a sticker on a door. The only exception would be secured areas that require passing thru a metal detector prior to admission.
The only problem with your assumptions is they're based on the idea that all gun violence is premeditated.
Sometimes people lose their tempers or make poor decisions about how to deescalate a situation, or just freakin snap.
It's easy to say gun free zones have never prevented an instance of gun violence, because if they do, there's no instance to point to.


Staff member
These scenarios are even more ridiculous. What if bbsam's daughter gets hit and survives and the CCW kills the assailant who was later found to have 3 additional guns on him and a hand grenade.
Give me a break!

Better yet, what if bbsam used TOS as a human shield and he talked the assailant into giving up without TOS getting hit and the entire theater attacked and killed bbsam.

I'm sorry, I agree with the CCW guys here and bbsam you can come up with every improbable scenario that you can. What if...?
I'm not coming up with the scenario. A crowded, dark, smoky theater with a mad gunman on a rampage. That is an exact scenario that occurred.

Now it is the CCW folks who are creating a.scenario in which a "good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun".

I'm not saying a CCW patron couldn't be a hero. I'm saying that my opinion (and seemingly the courts would take a long expenaive look at it) there is little room for error.

That is not a made up scenario. It's what any CCW individual should consider everytime he thinks of "a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun". My bet is that like many who have posted in this thread, they've always considered their "good intentions" to be some kind of legal/civil buffer. They aren't.


Engorged Member
I'm not coming up with the scenario. A crowded, dark, smoky theater with a mad gunman on a rampage. That is an exact scenario that occurred.

Now it is the CCW folks who are creating a.scenario in which a "good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun".

I'm not saying a CCW patron couldn't be a hero. I'm saying that my opinion (and seemingly the courts would take a long expenaive look at it) there is little room for error.

That is not a made up scenario. It's what any CCW individual should consider everytime he thinks of "a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun". My bet is that like many who have posted in this thread, they've always considered their "good intentions" to be some kind of legal/civil buffer. They aren't.

You're talking about the love of their lives, and their fantasy about stopping a crime with their big macho penis equalizer.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You're talking about the love of their lives, and their fantasy about stopping a crime with their big macho penis equalizer.
You have stated in previous posts that you own a gun and have a carry permit. Does that mean that you also fantasize about "stopping crime with your macho penis equalizer?" I guess I am having a hard time understanding your bigotry against an entire class of people that you yourself are actually a member of.


Staff member
You have stated in previous posts that you own a gun and have a carry permit. Does that mean that you also fantasize about "stopping crime with your macho penis equalizer?" I guess I am having a hard time understanding your bigotry against an entire class of people that you yourself are actually a member of.
I don't understand how you are calling it bigotry. Simply put, those who cry loudest about gun rights are complaining the most about the responsibility that goes with that right.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I don't understand how you are calling it bigotry. Simply put, those who cry loudest about gun rights are complaining the most about the responsibility that goes with that right.
I'm calling it bigotry because he takes an entire class of people (gun owners with carry permits) and assumes that they "fantasize about stopping crime with a macho penis equalizer." The fact that he happens to be a member of that group only adds to the irony. And my experience is that the ones who cry the loudest about gun rights are the ones who want to take them away. I have no problem with the responsibility, but I get a little annoyed when people who have never held a gun in their life want to pass laws that infringe upon my rights.


Legio patria nostra
I'm not coming up with the scenario. A crowded, dark, smoky theater with a mad gunman on a rampage. That is an exact scenario that occurred.

Now it is the CCW folks who are creating a.scenario in which a "good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun".

I'm not saying a CCW patron couldn't be a hero. I'm saying that my opinion (and seemingly the courts would take a long expenaive look at it) there is little room for error.

That is not a made up scenario. It's what any CCW individual should consider everytime he thinks of "a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun". My bet is that like many who have posted in this thread, they've always considered their "good intentions" to be some kind of legal/civil buffer. They aren't.

So, educate me then....Who brought up the scenario of your daughter getting hit by a stray bullet? Just answer this simple question please.