Rod Blagojevich


golden ticket member
Isn't it something like four of the last eight Illinois Governors have felony convictions? hmmmmm.

There is a long history,yes. But only the last two have gone back to back in the Illinois Penal System Sweepstakes. Ryan was taking kickbacks off the DMV`s CDL system. Played hell when some of us who got our legitimately had to renew. But, being from our hometown, Ryan made sure all the state perks came here. We have lots of new streets, bridges, and buildings.

Blago was just an outright narcissistic :censored2: not good for anyone in the state.


Well-Known Member
When it came to Blago alleging the sell BHO's old senate seat, in a certain fashion I actually found such an idea refreshingly honest. Typically these seats are bought and sold anyway by wealthy elitists but in doing so, poor deceived voters (most want and prefer to be deceived) are lied too with vast arrays of promises that all know will be broken in the end. Meantime, the money boys who really do buy and sell these PR products we call political leaders get exactly what they want and more of it but this method leaves the public itself with dirty hands in the process because in the end, it is they on whose votes these devils dressed in white (including Blago) take their places as societal overlords.

But in the case of Blago, he was going direct and maybe that was where in the end he got in real trouble. By culling the elite out of the process and being the top rent seeker to benefit here, maybe he forgot just how many of the other politicians, judges and even law enforcement higher ups were there not because they were the best for the job, most often the contrary is true, but they were there as a hedge on an investment and when Blago went freestyle, those bets were called in.

In an odd, perverse way, Blago should be made "politician of the year" because for once he acted out of pure self interest (seemed to glory in it) and likely personal gain in a most honest manner. Even Satan has to be admired for his honesty when he acts according the the myths of his nature and so should we celebrate Blago's honesty. Instead of hiding behind the spin speech of propagandists we now in polite society call PR specialists or their own parsing of words to mask their own evil deeds, Blago showed of the true nature of what the political system really is all about. In the end, his crime was not what we were told but was the honest way in which he went about to achieve the ends he seeked. The last thing the system needs is a player who think there is an "I" in the word "Team"!

Forbes magazine has a piece that questions Blago's guilt but deeper in the piece is a hint of how real power politics is played and on a daily basis too. People get jobs and offices in gov't not always for the idealistic reasons we boobsie think it is or should be. Democracy and will of the people is a pure fiction, an illusion and the greatest thing this July 4th weekend we all can do is to finally realize this!