saddam bites the dust


Staff member
Well, Tyrone, my wife says that won't be necessary.

Perhaps we could try it with some of those carcinogenic liberals....?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
That is an amazing point of view.

I never imagined that the entire problem was that EVERYTHING was being run by traitors (LIBERALS). I had been led to believe that Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi, the whole cabal, were strong minded, righteous people. I thought the military was under the direct control of Bush, and that they were not run by a bunch of panty waist LIBERALS.

What do you suggest that we do to get rid of the bunch of weak minded TRAITORS that are waging this half-azzed war? Do you think Congress (the voice of the People), should imprison the whole bunch, and set about restoring America’s standing in the world?

Thanks again for your insight, it’s a real change of air to hear a viewpoint such as yours.

PS--are you a buddy of 'bigbobups'? I think you'd like him.

Bush, Cheney, Rummy, and Condi, only have so much control over what goes on militarily. And since Bush's presendency isn't a dictatorship (thank god) they don't have complete control, or oversight, on how our military operates. All of the suites and ties sitting in the beltway have as much, if not more, control over exactly how much power our military can infict on the enemy. Unfortanetly, the disease of liberalism has mutated and spread among those suits so every decision that comes down from Washingtion has a touch of political correctness. Therefore, our soldiers in the street of Iraq have their hands tied behind their backs while they worry about the Geneva Convention and are told to be carefull where they fire there weapons because they might offend "ISLAM", meanwhile, the terrorists have free reign. So you see....liberalism is getting our troops killed. What makes me sick is all the liberals in this country bitch and whine about it and don't even realize that their sick mentallity is why it is happening.


You smell that?
So you see....liberalism is getting our troops killed. What makes me sick is all the liberals in this country bitch and whine about it and don't even realize that their sick mentallity is why it is happening.

Oh My God, are you really that filled with hatred for people that don't toe your party line?

Don't blame the "liberals", blame the people that put the troops there in the first place, the Bush Administration. They are the ones that started an offensive war against a country that had nothing to do with 9-11 while putting the country that did on the back burner.

Where is Osama? You remember him, don't you? The one that actually was and is a real threat to this country. The one that was directly responsible for 9-11. We have let him live so we could go after a some piss ant dictator that posed us no threat. Smooth move that was.

The Iraq war had NOTHING to do with the war on terror. It does now only because we made it that way.


Well-Known Member

You didn't answer my question:

What do you suggest that we do to get rid of the bunch of weak minded TRAITORS that are waging this half-azzed war? Do you think Congress (the voice of the People), should imprison the whole bunch, and set about restoring America’s standing in the world?

The stakes are too high to sit back and let the disease run its course. What plan of action should we take?

Anxiously awaiting your reply,
A friend of bigbobups.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
"Don't blame the "liberals", blame the people that put the troops there in the first place, the Bush Administration. They are the ones that started an offensive war against a country that had nothing to do with 9-11 while putting the country that did on the back burner."

On the back burner? So I guess all the troops (not only American) are just having a big party in Afghanistan? They aren't killing terrorists? They haven't dropped numerous bombs with Osam's name on them? They haven't taken bullets from terrorists over there while over here the U.S.'s other enemy (liberalism) blames them for everything?

"Where is Osama? You remember him, don't you? The one that actually was and is a real threat to this country. The one that was directly responsible for 9-11. We have let him live so we could go after a some piss ant dictator that posed us no threat. Smooth move that was."

To say we let him go is just irresponsible. A stupid statement. And to say Saddam wasn't a threat?...well, if anyone has to explain to you why you are wrong then you'll never know. The disease of liberalsim has run it's course through your mind. You are done.

"The Iraq war had NOTHING to do with the war on terror. It does now only because we made it that way."

Oh sure! Everything is our fualt. Everything! We are forcing them to blow themselves up and taking out our troops. We are forcing them to snipe our troops. We are forcing them to form terrorist cells (insurgent militias to you liberals). We are forcing them to hide behind women and children and mosks to avoid being killed. You see it's this mentallity that is slowly turning this country inside out. It's just like here at home....its not the people on wellfare's fault they are lazy. It's the government's fault so give the deadbeats money. Liberalsim is crippling this country.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
What do you suggest that we do to get rid of the bunch of weak minded TRAITORS that are waging this half-azzed war? Do you think Congress (the voice of the People), should imprison the whole bunch, and set about restoring America’s standing in the world?

The stakes are too high to sit back and let the disease run its course. What plan of action should we take?

Anxiously awaiting your reply,
A friend of bigbobups.

The 'weak minded TRAITORS" are the liberals (not necessarily all Democrats) that hold offices and are also typical American citizens. And yes, it is a half assed war as long as people like this have any power in government. Unfortunately the only way to get rid of them is to not elect them but liberaism has spread unchecked rapidly for so long it is too late. There are too many Americans with agendas more important then the safety of their own country and they need, depend, on liberals having power in the government. The rest of us that are awake and see the problem can only hope that the liberals will wake up soon and recognize that our country is comming apart from outside and inside.

Who is "bigbobups"??????


Staff member
"I can't argue with you. Arguing with a simple minded fanatic is pointless."

Translation: "I can't argue with you. Debating all your valid points will make me look simple minded".


Staff member
"I can't argue with you. Arguing with a simple minded fanatic is pointless."

Translation: "I can't argue with you. Debating all your valid points will make me look simple minded".

Valid points? I'm not sure what you're reading. All that BAP has done is make a lot of wild, unsupported accusations that somehow it's "the liberals" who are to blame for our current troubles. If there's a valid argument in there please point it out to me.

For the last 6 years Bush has basically had a blank check. In absolutely all matters having to do with the "war on terror" generally and Iraq specifically he has gotten every single thing he has asked for. He has had the full support of a republican controlled legislature, a generally conservative judiciary, and an American public that has been pretty much inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on conducting foreign policy. The most watched news network in the USA, FOX news, is unabashedly conservative and has unequivocally supported him every step of the way.

And now, six years into it and faced with the biggest debacle since Vietnam, it's suddenly "the liberals" who are to blame? This is a joke right? The biggest criticism you can make of the Democrats at this point is that they have basically abdicated their role as the opposition party and rolled over for fear of being labeled "unpatriotic".

Who exactly are these "suites and ties" sitting inside the beltway who have somehow managed to tie the hands of our military? Name me one, and tell me what exactly he/she has done. Really, I'd be interested to hear it.

Prior to the war in Iraq, Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki said publicly that the administration of a post war Iraq would require several hundred thousand troops in order to be succesful. His honesty got him publicly humiliated by Wolfowitz and turned into a lame duck by Rumsfeld. Read what [SIZE=-1]Mark Scheid [/SIZE]has to say. Who was it that tied the hands of our military again? Some guy in a suit and tie?

But hey, maybe we should just do like Over9five says and make some videos of our troops cutting off people's heads while shouting "God is great". I'm sure that will go long way to fixing things.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Valid points? I'm not sure what you're reading. All that BAP has done is make a lot of wild, unsupported accusations that somehow it's "the liberals" who are to blame for our current troubles. If there's a valid argument in there please point it out to me.

For the last 6 years Bush has basically had a blank check. In absolutely all matters having to do with the "war on terror" generally and Iraq specifically he has gotten every single thing he has asked for. He has had the full support of a republican controlled legislature, a generally conservative judiciary, and an American public that has been pretty much inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on conducting foreign policy. The most watched news network in the USA, FOX news, is unabashedly conservative and has unequivocally supported him every step of the way.

And now, six years into it and faced with the biggest debacle since Vietnam, it's suddenly "the liberals" who are to blame? This is a joke right? The biggest criticism you can make of the Democrats at this point is that they have basically abdicated their role as the opposition party and rolled over for fear of being labeled "unpatriotic".

Who exactly are these "suites and ties" sitting inside the beltway who have somehow managed to tie the hands of our military? Name me one, and tell me what exactly he/she has done. Really, I'd be interested to hear it.

Prior to the war in Iraq, Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki said publicly that the administration of a post war Iraq would require several hundred thousand troops in order to be succesful. His honesty got him publicly humiliated by Wolfowitz and turned into a lame duck by Rumsfeld. Read what [SIZE=-1]Mark Scheid [/SIZE]has to say. Who was it that tied the hands of our military again? Some guy in a suit and tie?

But hey, maybe we should just do like Over9five says and make some videos of our troops cutting off people's heads while shouting "God is great". I'm sure that will go long way to fixing things.


Compare the way WW1 and WW2 was faught with the way Vietnam and the current war in Iraq. America (and allies) didn't hold anything back against the enemy. They didn't worry about political correctness. Or what would happend if they accidentally killed civilians (in the current war many civilians are used as human shields and aren't always forced to). They didn't have to walk on egg shells because liberalsim wasn't so rampid back then. Oh...and by the way....many of your liberal representatives that are throwing a hissy fit about the war were all for it in the beginning. Also...I live close to a base and according to the MANY soldiers I've talked to that have been to Iraq (some several times) the Iraqis that want us there greatly outnumber the Iraqis that don't. So don't believe the BS polls that come from CNN and the rest of the Communist, America hating, Brainwashed liberal networks. When it comes to the war in Iraq they serve no purpose other than to smear America. Ole Wolf Blitzer should have been hung along side of Saddam.


Not retired, just tired
Also...I live close to a base and according to the MANY soldiers I've talked to that have been to Iraq (some several times) the Iraqis that want us there greatly outnumber the Iraqis that don't. So don't believe the BS polls that come from CNN and the rest of the Communist, America hating, Brainwashed liberal networks.
I live near someone from Tennessee and he is less educated than the majority of the country. Should we assume that you are too?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I live near someone from Tennessee and he is less educated than the majority of the country. Should we assume that you are too?

You can assume that everyone in Tennessee is uneducated, (it's hilarious that anyone from VT has the audacity to attempt to smear another sate), but remember that you work for the same company that employs thousands of Tennesseans. So what does that say about you? Oh and by the way....Tennessee has probably contributed more to this country than VT ever will. In fact, I'm sure of it.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Finally, something we can agree on. :lol:

Do you agree that Fat Phill Fulimer should be fired and replaced by a coach that doesn't recruit a bunch of thugs that can't even make a C minus to pass their classes? Let alone hold on to the football? His weight keeps going up while his bowl record, record against Florida, and recruiting goes down.