Sat. scheduled conference call


Well-Known Member
I'm not wrong; he clearly compared "new package drivers" to entry-level fast food workers.

But if you want to compare UPS PTers to fast food workers: most PTers earn $10/hour after 90-days, receive no-cost benefits after a year and have holidays and weekends off - some even have tuition reimbursement. Compare that to the typical fast food worker, who banks $7.50/hour with no additional benefits (well, they do get free food if that's what they like) and ends up working most holidays and weekends. Not to mention the opportunities available to PTers... many are eligible for seasonal, air & TCD opportunities shortly after their employment begins. Fast food employees may look forward to an extra dime per hour if they get tagged as "shift leader." Does the pay suck at UPS? Absolutely. But both UPS and fast food restaurants compete for the same work pool, and hire anybody with a pulse. And UPS is very clearly the superior job.

Yes but I'm sure even McD's give out more then 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours of work daily or about 17 hours weekly, thats not part time that's Part PART time lol. If the hours aren't going to be there at least make up for it in wages.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Yes but I'm sure even McD's give out more then 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours of work daily or about 17 hours weekly, thats not part time that's Part PART time lol. If the hours aren't going to be there at least make up for it in wages.

If you're covered by the CBA and work less than 17 hours per week, that's your fault. Lack of hours aren't unique to UPS -- it's a common complaint among many low-wager earners. I worked a second PT job a few years ago and would average three to four 3-hour shifts per week -- my weekly take-home check averaged less than $60, before gas money -- and the company kept hiring new employees & replacing ones that quit.

But I fully agree that the union should push for a 4-hour guarantee. When the last contract was negotiated and the issue was brought up, hall addressed it by saying it wasn't a major concern of the PT ranks because pretty much everyone who wanted to work more than four in a day got the opportunity. It's become an issue during the last several years because first-year help is dirt cheap (since benefits are now differed), and therefore the company takes advantage of the super low-cost help. Still, I haven't heard -- and highly doubt if -- the issue's on the table.

Meanwhile, there's still a fair number of PTers on here complaining about the number of hours they work every day (too many).


B.C. boohoo buster.
Perhaps but it would soon swing around to $32/hr plus full free benefits for a job which only requires a HS dilpoma and where do I sign up.

I never understood people who talk like this. Do they think UPS would be paying $32/hr and "free" benefits without a union contract? NO! So the idea that UPS can spin anyone around claiming it was them all along can come on in for your "free" benefits (no work required I assume by the word free). "Just do whatever you can and bring back everything you can't deliver. You'll start at 8 am and be home by 5:30pm every night. Its a party in here folks you don't need the damn Teamsters." /sarc on.


No It's not green grocer!
We have roughly 125 hourly employees in my center so collectively we have zero impact on the outcome of the election. The IBT should focus their efforts on the larger facilities while keeping in mind that a strike in this economy would be public relations suicide.

Why do you even vote then? Perhaps every small building should just not participate because they have no impact? In case you are not aware, most UPS facilities are of the smaller variety. Not every facility has 1000 or more employees. You seem to try your hardest to spread the we cant do anything so why try attitude! That is exactly the point of a Union, to bring together the small groups into a larger collective so they can achieve the goals of the group! The more people like you spread your b/s the less people get involved and your right, the less impact you will have! Your Union is only as strong as the membership!! If you don't want to be involved then don't, but stop trying to spread the attitude of we can't do anything!!
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Well-Known Member
WRONG! A new Driver at UPS isn't a "starting" position. A new driver at UPS probably has an average of 6-8 yrs of seniority with the company. Therefore, it takes 6-8yrs of working at UPS to reach that $15/hr driver pay.

UPS starting pay, is where most (if not all) of us have to start out out... part-time and minimum wage....... $8.50/hr
That's not what I said.Who doesn't know how long you have to work at UPS before you can get full time work??! Isn't that part of the problem, the lack of full time jobs but plenty of work? What I am saying is that once UPS paid a much higher wage than say Burger King. I believe they were able to be more selective and had a better workforce. At my building theft is at levels never before seen. Stealing cellphones, video games, you name it. I stand behind my comments.


Well-Known Member
I'm not wrong; he clearly compared "new package drivers" to entry-level fast food workers.
Not only are you wrong, your reading comprehension skills are poor. I said hire from Burger King with the clear implication that the pool that employees would be selected from might be equivalent if UPS continues to lose that ability to screen because the wages are so low. Perhaps I can simplifiy it for you with a football analogy. If you select guys from college to play pro-football the implication is that the one selected are the best of the "pool." So it would be illogical, to put it politely, to say I equated drivers with Burger King workers.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Not only are you wrong, your reading comprehension skills are poor. I said hire from Burger King with the clear implication that the pool that employees would be selected from might be equivalent if UPS continues to lose that ability to screen because the wages are so low. Perhaps I can simplifiy it for you with a football analogy. If you select guys from college to play pro-football the implication is that the one selected are the best of the "pool." So it would be illogical, to put it politely, to say I equated drivers with Burger King workers.

Really? Because clearly, that isn't what you wrote:

Work at Burger King the pay is the same as UPS starting pay and sometimes more. Maybe UPS can hire new package drivers from Burger King and Mc Donalds. The talent level they seem to be willing to pay for is the same.

May I suggest that it may not be my reading comprehension skills that are poor, but rather your ability to verbally communicate your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps but it would soon swing around to $32/hr plus full free benefits for a job which only requires a HS dilpoma and where do I sign up.

well I guess the word "soon" is subjective. But I think the average seniority to go full time now is close to ten years, then add in three more years to complete the FT wage progression.

So by your math.... soon=13 years


Well-Known Member
well I guess the word "soon" is subjective. But I think the average seniority to go full time now is close to ten years, then add in three more years to complete the FT wage progression. So by your math.... soon=13 years

This is the problem with quoting out of context as this was not the thought process behind my post. Go back, read the thread---you will see that this post was made in response to the level of public support that we could expect if we were to go on strike.

Omega man

Well-Known Member
We have roughly 125 hourly employees in my center so collectively we have zero impact on the outcome of the election. The IBT should focus their efforts on the larger facilities while keeping in mind that a strike in this economy would be public relations suicide.

Translation: I will stand idly by and let others fight to further the Teamster cause to maintain or increase wage and working conditions at UPS. I will not join any collective effort and only care about what is important to me.

bigblu 2 you

Well-Known Member
This is the problem with quoting out of context as this was not the thought process behind my post. Go back, read the thread---you will see that this post was made in response to the level of public support that we could expect if we were to go on strike.
what do you think the public would support.#1.a company making record profits and a ceo and board giving themselves substantial raises while micro-managing every facet of our day to the thousandth degree.#2.a hard working employee that makes 32$/hour+benfits in a work environment thats lets say "tough". imo a little p.r. to the public on ups workplace methods and management tactics would go a long way in pulling some of the support to our side.its a case of walking a mile in someone else's shoes.when you do the math there are a lot of people making near or above what we do and not half the labor intensity.


Well-Known Member
If you look at the landscape of the country people aren't exactly eager to side with big business being big business. You earn a decent living. The company wouldn't have it that way if they could. You wanna hand it back because you think john q will be jealous of your wage? We can't strike until UPS takes us down to minimum wage so the public "sympathize"? Please keep in mind you aren't the only one at UPS. There is an entire part-time workforce that are underpaid whom go through the same **** you do on a day-to-day basis. You actually tossed the term "me-ster" at me in the past.



Well-Known Member
Fortunately I don't live for others. No one but us knows what is really going on here. In your scenario we'd be best not to strike ever because we busted our asses for a decent paying job and 90% of the public work at fedex, mad jelly at us. Seems twisted to me. Enormous corporation pulling down record profits asking for concessions from hard-working men and women. Public support or not, no give backs this time around. I know you're eager to give back a sizable portion of your wages but others are not. Look around, half the country dismisses unions and everything they stand for as-is. Is this your measuring stick for how and when we can strike? We already don't have the support of 50% of americans because of that fact alone. Union-busting at its finest.


Well-Known Member
Fortunately I don't live for others. No one but us knows what is really going on here. In your scenario we'd be best not to strike ever because we busted our asses for a decent paying job and 90% of the public work at fedex, mad jelly at us. Seems twisted to me. Public support or not, no give backs this time around. I know you're eager to give back a sizable portion of your wages but others are not.

In no way am I eager to give any portion of my wages; however, as a realist, I know that the wage differential between ourselves and Ground needs to be addressed and a two-tiered wage structure for new FT hires is the ideal way to do this.


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm aware of your stance. You are in no way eager to give back YOUR wages. But to those in the system who weren't able to just walk into the driving gig, :censored2: those guys. Suckers were too late. Haven't we had this conversation before? Deja Vu

Anyway, for you my friend.


bigblu 2 you

Well-Known Member
In 1997 our local newspaper thought it prudent to publish our hourly wage, pension and benefit package. Didn't play too well on the picket line.
you must live in a shi- hole of a neighborhood.we were given food,money,water,support in our local paper ,and hundreds of people just stopping to check on us and see if we needed anything.not to mention the horn honking for support.not one mention of our wage was every made by anyone.just concern for is doing well,we need to be compensated.


Well-Known Member
you must live in a shi- hole of a neighborhood.we were given food,money,water,support in our local paper ,and hundreds of people just stopping to check on us and see if we needed anything.not to mention the horn honking for support.not one mention of our wage was every made by anyone.just concern for is doing well,we need to be compensated.

You are very well compensated with the industry leading wage, benefit and pension package. How much is enough?