Seasonal Feeder Driver Qualifications??


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you could help him out.

I've never seen a seasonal driver hired full time.

We use contractors during peak and have enough PC drivers feeder qualified to cover vacations.

I'm not at a "mega hub" but PC drivers at my medium size hub are signing bid sheets trying to get into feeders.

I can't speak to what "mega hubs" might do.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Busting your butt in feeders ,, it's more of mentally busting your butt, not physical! Dealing with long crazy hours and the amount of stupid motorist along with the road rage , which by all means is getting out of control these days , along with the drunks and texters can lead to a stressful evening on the road !!
You throw in a snow storm or torrential rain storm and it's game on out here


Well-Known Member
Package Car (little brown delivery trucks) drivers think they are the hardest working people in America. There is even a thread on here where they say they are just as important as nurses.

You left out the part where we feel that we are owed tips just for doing our job.