Seasonal Package Delivery Driver?


Staff member
For the searching impaired: click here

If you could not find anything about seasonal drivers and you say you did a search, turn in your internet card, you suck.

Your cute animation assumed new guy knew about this site to begin with and resulted in post that were not only outdated but didn't answer his question. Also, his comments were similar to those who were employees.

Next time get your facts straight before insulting someone and wasting time making cute links.

Watch out, BY. This guy is planning on being your next (PT!) supervisor.


KTM rider
Back in the day we just went to the interview. Didn't have an Internet forum.

We knew what to wear, how to speak with confidence and what questions to ask.

Now all we can do is shake our fist at them and tell them to get off our lawn.


and turn down that awful music.


Well-Known Member
I don't ever remember an interview when I began my career back in the olden days. Just came in and filled in paperwork and started work. I guess it helps to know the HR guy at the time.


Well-Known Member
A sticky might be a good idea for this topic.

Probably just a general discussion of the job and a very preliminary interview. You don't need a three piece suit, but don't look sloppy, tuck your shirt in and shave.