Six Locals Left Fighting It Out



our local just finished friday. was told , " neither side is happy with the TA."


Well-Known Member
Im sure UPS is laughing all the way to the bank, but of course they have to spin the idea that they arent thrilled with the TA. We are getting screwed even worse than last contract!

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
Just went to the meeting today. It's got a lot of good stuff in it. It's got my vote maybe not the national but local:peaceful:.

I heard the pension is going up $400 per month? How can that happen when the plan is in critical stage? Also if this passes...Any pension increase will be wiped out in the future if you have to pay for your healthcare..Just think about this, next contract now that UPS has their foot opening the door for future healthcare increases all who vote to accept paying more will someday be if you make it this far to retire like me will be thinking back wondering if agreeing to paying more was worth it..During my career I would of been happy with a quarter raise but plow other monies into beneits so that down the road healthcare issues would not be a problem like they are today..Everyone wants $$$ in their paycheck. But before you know it you will someday be facing issues like me and all other retirees counting on current Union Brothers and Sisters to do the RIGHT THING for the Future:surprised:

balland chain

Well-Known Member
I heard the pension is going up $400 per month? How can that happen when the plan is in critical stage? Also if this passes...Any pension increase will be wiped out in the future if you have to pay for your healthcare..Just think about this, next contract now that UPS has their foot opening the door for future healthcare increases all who vote to accept paying more will someday be if you make it this far to retire like me will be thinking back wondering if agreeing to paying more was worth it..During my career I would of been happy with a quarter raise but plow other monies into beneits so that down the road healthcare issues would not be a problem like they are today..Everyone wants $$$ in their paycheck. But before you know it you will someday be facing issues like me and all other retirees counting on current Union Brothers and Sisters to do the RIGHT THING for the Future:surprised:
Go friend'n figure us in the Central states plan only get a 200 dollar increase for 30 years.. They suck!!


Well-Known Member
So what if amazon is threatening to take its account else where, let UPS deal with that. It probably would've forced them to come up with a better offer. What you Bargaining Unit Members (BUMS) don't seem to get is that you are UPS too. If volume is diverted to the competition, so do UPS hourly jobs go by the wayside. Good job there brother protecting your fellow Teamster's jobs.

Read more:

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Atleast its funded and not in critical status!
Actually the Central States fund was in such a critical state during the last contract that UPS had to give them 9 BILLION dollars to get them out of the red, AND, also in the contract it is written that if/when the Central States fund goes bankrupt that UPS will pick up the difference. As it stands I will get 19 years pension from central states when I retire and the rest from UPS.. When Central States goes under (just a matter of time) UPS will pick up those 19 years.. So, even with UPS giving them 9 Billion 5 or so years ago, the fund is NOT in good shape. Now that UPS controls the pension (since last contract) a 200 increase for our pension in Southeast, is B**L***** when others are getting way more than our current 3000 a month for 30 years...