Snowden: american hero


Well-Known Member
I'm just enjoying watching so many nations for the moment thumb their noses at the Anglo-American empire. They all know Snowden revealed little of any real value as it relates to strategic issues but it sure did throw mud on the face of the ruling class as the rest of us found out just what they've been up to.

Besides, even Ed Asner who called up Alex Jones on his show is dumping Obama and company and now we are learning it wasn't just the Tea Party folks the IRS was looking into but also left wing causes as well. Anyone outside the narrative is suspect.

America has become a truly paranoid fascist state thanks to republicans and democrats alike and equally and some of the brown shirts from both sides of the isle are cheerleaders right here in this forum. And thus why I say there's not a damn worth of difference between the 2. Even the father of the modern Conservative movement in Irving Kristol flat lays it out.

[The Republican] party has never fully reconciled itself to the welfare state, and therefore has never given comprehensive thought to the question of what a conservative welfare state would look like. . . .

The idea of a welfare state is in itself perfectly consistent with a conservative political philosophy–as Bismarck knew, a hundred years ago. In our urbanized, industrialized, highly mobile society, people need governmental action of some kind if they are to cope with many of their problems: old age, illness, unemployment, etc. They need such assistance; they demand it; they will get it. The only interesting political question is: How will they get it?
This is not a question the Republican party has faced up to, because it still feels, deep down, that a welfare state is inconsistent with such traditional American virtues as self-reliance and individual liberty.

Neo-Conservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea by Irving Kristol

I look forward to the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the hysterical and frightened little girls here. Fact is, most little girls have more courage than I see coming from our own chicken littles!


Well-Known Member
Manning is without a question a traitor. He took an oath when he entered military service so must be held to a higher standard. Hid breaking that oath makes him a traitor. Snowden is less so because he did not take that oath. Snowden is more like a little whiner wanting attention. I would consider him a traitor but in his situation it is more of a gray area. Not so with Manning. Traitor without a doubt.

Read the constitution. Only people who aid and abet our enemies during a congressionally sanctioned declared war can even be considered treasonous. You might not like china or Russia but they are not our enemies. Article 2 Section 3:
against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of​
unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.​


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure Putin just gave us the finger. BOOM!

The whole thing is fairly amusing...Hong Kong says the extradition papers weren't filled out correctly, and then requests clarification on the NSA's 'hacking' of Chinese e-mail. SAY WHAT?

Ironic, since Obama and the new Chinese President just had a chummy, shirt-sleeves-rolled-up stroll together (gonna be hard to call them out for 'hacking' us in the future, eh?) OOPS...

Some lower-level Russian diplomat basically said, 'Um, I'm not in charge of plane-tickets, and P.S. we learned this guy was in Russia the same way you did, from the media". LOL.

And then Putin came out today and said, "Yes, he's in Moscow, and, No, we're not extraditing him". OUCH!

It's actually kind of hard to take the US seriously these days. Remember how pissed you were when your parents told you, "Do as I say, not as I do...", etc. I HATE YOU!

Maybe these are just growing pains as the US stops being the worlds' Daddy. :wink2:


Well-Known Member
Manning is a traitor in the same way many of the founding fathers were to King George.

Now pick your side!

"History is replete with examples of empires mounting impressive military campaigns on the cusp of their impending economic collapse." ~ Eric Alterman


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
The pres. won't pick up the phone to call Russia or China about Snowden.....he says he shouldn't have to.
But he does call Sandra Fluke.....remember her?
Also calls that basketball player who came out of the closet.
And Mandela better not die and make Mooch attend a funeral....this is her vacation!!

It's all about priorities!!


nowhere special
The pres. won't pick up the phone to call Russia or China about Snowden.....he says he shouldn't have to.
But he does call Sandra Fluke.....remember her?
Also calls that basketball player who came out of the closet.
And Mandela better not die and make Mooch attend a funeral....this is her vacation!!

It's all about priorities!!

Everyone else is supposed to call Obama. And Snowden isn't important and was downgraded to just another little hacker. Didn't you hear what Obama said?


Well-Known Member
Sheesh, what passes as heroism now days. Meanwhile actual hero's are fighting to stay alive in 100 degree plus tempts while being shot at in one of Barry's wars.


Well-Known Member
Sheesh, what passes as heroism now days. Meanwhile actual hero's are fighting to stay alive in 100 degree plus tempts while being shot at in one of Barry's wars.

Are you seriously calling Iraq and Afghanistan Obama's wars?


(By default they are 'his' wars since he's the current President, but don't forget who got us there!)


Well-Known Member
He is the Commander I Chief no?

Bring the world police home Mr hope and change bs artist. Instead of giving billions to Muslim brotherhood regimes that will hate is and plot to kill us for free.


nowhere special
Russia already got all the information Snowden had so have no use for him now. Same as when China booted him out when they were done with him.