So who remembers $4+ a gallon gas?


Well-Known Member
I agree.......this vote then read policy is foolish.
Why must every bill be passed so quickly , just because O says so.

This is not anything new and has been the action of Congress for decades if not longer and it's mattered not who was in the White House or what party controlled Congress. It's easy to blame Obama and the democrats but it's also dishonest IMO too!


Strength through joy
This is not anything new and has been the action of Congress for decades if not longer and it's mattered not who was in the White House or what party controlled Congress. It's easy to blame Obama and the democrats but it's also dishonest IMO too!

As dishonest as saying that all our foreign oil comes from the Middle East ?
Canada sends us as much oil as the entire Persian Gulf area and Mexico not much less.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what this idea would do to the price of gas?

Mr. President, as long as we have folks like this and saying things like this, please do not speak in any way for the resistance movement growing in Iran. Regardless where you stand, because of Gingrich's stupid words in the Arab press, the Supreme peter...I mean leader and his supreme dumbie will easily be able to convince many in Iran that the current resistance is just another CIA/US backed coup attempt.

Besides sir, you might rethink the Neocon/Bush doctrine of Sunni Oil supremacy and the simple fact that you are continuing and aiding the Sunni encirclement of Persia started by Bush 1 to the benefit of the Saudi royals. Just look closer at that map you keep gazing at in your office!

But then, a moderate, democratic political force in power in Iran would prove most harmful to any plans to ultimately attack Iran for the purpose of securing it's oil fields uh I mean looking for nuclear weapons which added to those now controlled by us in Iraq would then prove most profittable to "our Saudi Royal friends" (read sunni) who have close ties to the American oil industry. Maybe that is Newt and friends ultimate goal anyway!



Well-Known Member
As dishonest as saying that all our foreign oil comes from the Middle East ?
Canada sends us as much oil as the entire Persian Gulf area and Mexico not much less.

Can you show where I said this? To my knowledge I've never said or even alleged this. As to Canada and Mexico being greater oil sources, I don't disagee at all and the Dept. of Energy backs up that point.

My point was both sides engage in trickery and deceit and to only blame Obama without turning the light of truth on the other side is still just as dishonest. I still stand by that belief.


Well-Known Member
My bad, I am sorry.
I was making a comment on what sober said about enriching a shiek.

After reading Sober's comment as well, you had a valid point!

Now had he said "enriching a Canuck, a Mex and a shiek" I'm waiting for a punchline!



Pees in the brown Koolaid
My bad, I am sorry.
I was making a comment on what sober said about enriching a shiek.

Approximately 1/3 of our imported oil comes from the Middle East. Canada and Mexico provide the other 2/3.

However, the oil that we import from Canada and Mexico is oil that is unavailable for consumption by others, therefore they wind up buying from the Middle East. Either way, we wind up funding both sides in the war on terror.

And if you really want to get sick to your stomach, google "tar sands of Alberta" to find out just how destructive to the enviorment that Canadian oil really is.


Well-Known Member
Approximately 1/3 of our imported oil comes from the Middle East. Canada and Mexico provide the other 2/3.

However, the oil that we import from Canada and Mexico is oil that is unavailable for consumption by others, therefore they wind up buying from the Middle East. Either way, we wind up funding both sides in the war on terror.

And if you really want to get sick to your stomach, google "tar sands of Alberta" to find out just how destructive to the enviorment that Canadian oil really is.

Then read what I posted earlier on how this legislation will require us to import more oil.


Well-Known Member
Approximately 1/3 of our imported oil comes from the Middle East. Canada and Mexico provide the other 2/3.

However, the oil that we import from Canada and Mexico is oil that is unavailable for consumption by others, therefore they wind up buying from the Middle East. Either way, we wind up funding both sides in the war on terror.

And if you really want to get sick to your stomach, google "tar sands of Alberta" to find out just how destructive to the enviorment that Canadian oil really is.

Since the Middle East has been brought up and no arguement, take out the oil and our interest in that region and it's conflicts would be nowhere to be found. That said, there are forces at play from the Saudi royals themselves early on to hide their hands in the pie as the esculation of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laben began to play out. They even used early terrorist attacks to shift the blame to their enemies in the Shia of Iran and we took the bait. Whatelse has happened in the Middle East that is the hand of sunni rather than shia and the whole time we're setting about the region benefitting the Saudi royals who may in historical time prove to be more at the hand in all this mess than we are now led to believe. Let's not ignore our efforts to lock down Iranian oil behind an embargo while Saudi and potentially even more Sunni oil freely flows forth. Are we're intervening in a market to benefit a monopoly baron and thus sacrifice the blood of our own in doing so?

Let's be honest here, take Iraq oil and then Iranian oil off the global market and what does the price of Saudi oil do? Is the real reason in the Persian Gulf really about Carter's proclaimation of protecting the region on a Cold War paradign from the perspective of the Think Tankers while the money men see a means to a profit and protecting the status of US reserve currency dominance?

What I also find interesting is the oil production history of both Iran and Iraq from 1973' to the present. But looking at the charts you might notice 2 interesting eras for both nations. Iran saw the overthrow of the Shah in 79' and hence it's oil output plunged. In 1981' we also see a pronounced drop in Iraq oil output that really started in 1979' when Saddam took power under interesting circumstances. One has to wonder about the CIA's track record here considering the activites of both past and future from a 1979' perspective. But one also has to wonder what might have been the real motive of the Israeli's when they entered the fray in 1981'. Doesn't something about this story sound all to familar? Could Kuwait have been a baited trap to set up conditions for the CIA and like minded friends to clean up the very mess they help create in the first place? When in the late 1990's it was apparent Saddam had circumvented the embargo with some interesting help but how funny when you consider the names of who at that same time were pushing the Clinton adminstration to invade Iraq with the idea of formenting regime change of which President Clinton was all the more willing to champion. But then, maybe Iraq's greatest sin was before the 2000' election and thus the importance of a specific side needing to win that election and going to whatever lengths to make sure it's able to cover it's tracks!

And what about Iran? Sure, their production fell after the Shah was removed but they were kept in check via a rigged game of the Iraq/US/NATO interests but also in this alliance were the Saudi's who profitted during this period of oil limits to the market. And let's not mention Iran following Iraq's footsteps and how long before Washington try's to pull the nuclear option on a misbehaving Chavez? The need to protect the dollar's global reserve currency hegemony at all cost is even more important now and at the same time, these so-called enemies now know our true weakness as they know head to head on the military battlefield they stand no chance. But on the economic battlefield, have they slit our throats and are now standing back watching us slowly bleed to death?

Through all this mess, the Saudi's always profitted and yet, from where did almost all the 9/11 terrorist come from? It's long past due we rethink and re-look at the Middle East region, who we call our friends and most importantly, why we call them friends.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Saudi regime steered the FBI investigation toward Iran and its Saudi Shi’a allies with the apparent intention of keeping U.S. officials away from a trail of evidence that would have led to Osama bin Laden and a complex set of ties between the regime and the Saudi terrorist organiser.
The key to the success of the Saudi deception was FBI director Louis Freeh, who took personal charge of the FBI investigation, letting it be known within the Bureau that he was the "case officer" for the probe, according to former FBI officials.
Freeh allowed Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan to convince him that Iran was involved in the bombing, and that President Bill Clinton, for whom he had formed a visceral dislike, "had no interest in confronting the fact that Iran had blown up the towers," as Freeh wrote in his memoirs.
The Khobar Towers investigation soon became Freeh’s vendetta against Clinton. "Freeh was pursuing this for his own personal agenda," says former FBI agent Jack Cloonan. [/FONT]

Investigating the Khobar Tower Bombing

Scott Horton of Austin Texas radio station KAOS-FM interviewed Gareth on this subject as well for which Gareth has written a 5 part piece for IPS (InterPress Service) Links to Gareth's 5 parts are found at the above link also along with the actual interview.

Maybe we should look at what sits literally right in front of our faces

Report: Saudi Royals May Have Financed Militants

Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists

Saudi royals funded 9/11: Lawyers

"YUK! YUK! YUK! We Fooled Em' AGAIN. Let's have a beer and celebrate the New President's continuing "The Game!"

Did we ever just consider the fact that Obama was doing what Bush before him did, or Clinton before that and Bush 1 before that. Maybe it's past time we started looking down the rabbit hole just to see how far it goes. Once we get past the upper parts, we might be shocked.
