space and vis


slow but sure
UPS does a good job of stressing the space and vis training and if you pay attention and apply it you can become a safe driver. I have thirty consecutive years of safe driving and now hardly ever get a ride. Hadn't had a ride in three years until recently when my supervisor hopped on for ninety minutes. He never reviewed the ride with me but that doesn't matter as I never sign anything anyway.


Well-Known Member
UPS does a good job of stressing the space and vis training and if you pay attention and apply it you can become a safe driver. I have thirty consecutive years of safe driving and now hardly ever get a ride. Hadn't had a ride in three years until recently when my supervisor hopped on for ninety minutes. He never reviewed the ride with me but that doesn't matter as I never sign anything anyway.
Space and vis training is supposed to be a yearly event for all drivers regardless of accident free years. lol, so much for taking this stuff seriously. Back to the integrity topic. lol

Edit: Sorry, I just can't stop laughing about this one. I'm willing to bet there are space and vis documents filed for you for the last three years, even if nobody actually left the office. Looks like some supes already figured out my "just fill out the paperwork at your desk" approach to executing an "honest evaluation". I hope this isn't the case.
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Active Member
Just out of curiosity, when you guys throw the supe 3 bones or drive with your knees or purposley not use the handrail, at the end of the day when the supe takes 5-10 minutes to review the space and vis, do you sign it?
I never sign mine. Won't even initial them. Just wondering what your take on it is.


Tie, it's not my infatuation with management... it's your constant attempts to defend unethical management practices. .

Here again your mental obsession with managment and me shows. Now you have dreamed that I actually defend unethical behavior when I have always denouced it. Your wild delusional rantings and ravings are disturbing . I just hope you get help before you do something drastic to hurt yourself or those around you.


Active Member
Just out of curiosity, when you guys throw the supe 3 bones or drive with your knees or purposley not use the handrail, at the end of the day when the supe takes 5-10 minutes to review the space and vis, do you sign it?
I never sign mine. Won't even initial them. Just wondering what your take on it is.
At my center we advise all the members not to sign any document which would interfere with their Weingarten rights. The steward writes RTS ( refused to sign) and signs his name. We also do not sign Extra Contract Agreements (Article 6) such as certification rides.


Well-Known Member
Here again your mental obsession with managment and me shows. Now you have dreamed that I actually defend unethical behavior when I have always denouced it. Your wild delusional rantings and ravings are disturbing . I just hope you get help before you do something drastic to hurt yourself or those around you.
Tie, follow the conversation. It is dealing with management who falsify documents in order to appear to be "catching driver mistakes". My post reflected the comments made by others, but received a nasty rep from you:
He said he needed to find more than that wrong, so I threw him three bones. Has anybody else had this happen?

On my last annual cert I did really well and the sup said he needed to get me on at least one item. I started to get po`d until he told me if I had a perfect score the regional mgr would want to ride along to find out how I did it. So I had my sup ding me on a couple of minor things to prevent that from happening.

This is why i always doa couple things wrong.

Silly you.....if evaluation were unable to find fault with your methods, there would be no need for improvement and further evaluation.

Yes, here in feeders, the sups say they have to ding you on at least 8 marks.

Hadn't had a ride in three years until recently when my supervisor hopped on for ninety minutes. He never reviewed the ride with me but that doesn't matter as I never sign anything anyway.

Tie, I'm going to ignore your insults and ask you to directly address the above statements. If you're truely opposed to unethical behavior, you have yet to say so. Now is your chance. As you can see, my observation is identical to the above posts. No attacks have been made until you posted.

Address the issues please.

Edit: And I stand by my initial condemnation of management who engage in this behavior based on this definition of integrity:

in·teg·ri·ty (n-tgr-t)
1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness.
3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.
Source: integrity - definition of integrity by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Being a person of integrity yourself, I'm sure you agree.
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Just out of curiosity, when you guys throw the supe 3 bones or drive with your knees or purposley not use the handrail, at the end of the day when the supe takes 5-10 minutes to review the space and vis, do you sign it?
I never sign mine. Won't even initial them. Just wondering what your take on it is.
As a retired veteran of over 35 years...half of it as a driver, the other half in management, I find it appalling that a UPS sup would fabricate a record of Safety ride. As a former UPS HR Manager, I would have loved to discuss with the Supervisor and driver in my office the contents of the ride and the training given. UPS should "wack" any sup that fraudulantly turns in a safety ride that did not happen.

As far as not signing your rides....I am sorry that you do not accept training and hope your refusal to accept this training does not lead you into an accident because you do not believe that a "trainer" can help you in any way.

Ms Spoken

Well-Known Member
Just this past year back in Nov. I had my sup ask me to fill out the S & V form for him because my ride was well overdue and he didn't have time to ride with me. Needless to say for a few days I thought about how I was going to fill this out. Hummmm best driver UPS has, driver was 100% on using methods (was a nice thought for the moment). But, I decided to turn this paperwork in to the Health & Safety manager and told them that it's their job to fill this out not me. JMO but, your going to have to dig to find a DING on me and when you do we will have a little chit chat as to why you feel this was wrong. Who cares if someone from upper mang. wants to ride with you. All I can say is bring your lunch box and get ready to eat some dirt from the all the rock roads. FWI I'm still wainting for my ride that has never happend. I bet if you check my records you will find this form has already been filled out.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Forged driver's signatures on Safety Rides that never happened are nothing new. I went through about a ten year period where a Supervisor never rode with me, but somehow they happened. hmm............:blink:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I just had one, everyone else got 1.00 for it, I got .33. The only thing he could find wrong was I dont stretch before work........


Well-Known Member
I had my annual space and vis yesterday and the supe found one thing wrong. He said he needed to find more than that wrong, so I threw him three bones. Has anybody else had this happen?
I like to read the diad while I'm driving with him. Then slam on the brakes just to see if he's paying attention.


Active Member
As a retired veteran of over 35 years...half of it as a driver, the other half in management, I find it appalling that a UPS sup would fabricate a record of Safety ride. As a former UPS HR Manager, I would have loved to discuss with the Supervisor and driver in my office the contents of the ride and the training given. UPS should "wack" any sup that fraudulantly turns in a safety ride that did not happen.

As far as not signing your rides....I am sorry that you do not accept training and hope your refusal to accept this training does not lead you into an accident because you do not believe that a "trainer" can help you in any way.

retiredHR Guy,
Please do tell!!!! How in the world does declining to sign a document equate to "you do not ACCEPT training.....refusal to accept this training does not lead you into an accident because you do not believe that a "tainer" can help you in any way" Huh? What!!???? I never said that or posted that as as far as i read none of the other posts above said anything about not accepting UPS's training or some belife that the 'trainer" can't help in any way. Where do you get that from. Please point it out to me. I for one never posted that. And that is not my sentiment at all. I have close to 20 years safe driving. All in packages. I owe my safe driving to the outstanding training I received and continue to receive. I have had some really great space and vis rides with supes who really knew their stuff and pointed out little things to me that really helped. I in turned used those rides and training to make my wife a better/safer driver as well as other family members. I never knoked the training in my post.Unfortunately over my career I have had some piss poor supes who were looking to "hang" someone. I learned some hard lessons over the years. Some lessons I had to learn 2 or 3 times. Straight up RetiredHr guy, say what you will. I won't sign anything. End of story. And just so you know, that's a fight I have a couple of times a year,even though I tire of the fight,I stick to my guns. Thanks for training! No sarcasm intended. Honestly.
Over 9 I understand that point and he's right experience is an important attribute they can't teach in DTS. At the same time he was critical of some of the "text book" instruction given him during the ride and I was curious what it was he disagreed with.
I am not critical of the policies in the book,I am critical of the fact that instead of a required period of actually driving(the previously stated 6 mths) now the sups are noting more than parrots reading off the cue cards they have been given. Polly says " check your mirrors every 5 seconds". In the meantime Polly almost kills us by rearending a slower vehicle. And this is far from the only sup this has happened with. A 710 ride along resulted with a set of doubles in a farm field because the parrot overcorrected and went of the road.
Did UPS teach me to be a better driver? Yes 20 years ago when sups had driving expeiriance. Now all but 3 sups in my building couldn`t drive a nail.

P.S. I agree with Canon,if you got something to say do it on the post so we can discuss it, not by leaving snide remarks on someones personal page.
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Agent of Change
P.S. I agree with Canon,if you got something to say do it on the post so we can discuss it, not by leaving snide remarks on someones personal page like a backstabbing little buddyh.

Easy, buddy...Tie's actually one of the better management posters on here if you didn't already know. He's also one of better UPS managers I'VE ever talked with, here or on the job. -Rocky
Cooler heads have prevailed. But if he`s one of the better mgmt posters the heaven help us because he would be one of the worst were I`m from.


Agent of Change
Cooler heads have prevailed. But if he`s one of the better mgmt posters the heaven help us because he would be one of the worst were I`m from.

Izzat right? See, CACH, I worked at Addison. Tie sounds just like most of my sups there. I had one jackass but he was a bitter man...he told me part of the story and I can extrapolate the rest. I'm too new to Denver's inside management to make a judgement, I'm afraid. I met two center manager's when I was a helper. The one was OK, the other according to my driver, was a *****-Rock
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Wow its refreshing to see you guys posting in here cashsux and more often...
anyone remember handrail hank? best overall username ...


We had a sup that had 2 years to retire so while i was on TAW for a injury he had me fill out space a vis for the whole center for the next 2 years that was about 40 copies also had me fill out habits for the next 2 years. hey managemnet maybe you should worry more about your fraud commiting ,numbers juggling ,contract violating supervisors and let us honest hard working safe drivers do our jobs.


Well-Known Member
We had a sup that had 2 years to retire so while i was on TAW for a injury he had me fill out space a vis for the whole center for the next 2 years that was about 40 copies also had me fill out habits for the next 2 years. hey managemnet maybe you should worry more about your fraud commiting ,numbers juggling ,contract violating supervisors and let us honest hard working safe drivers do our jobs.

I agree and we need more posts like yours, rockymtnupser!
For all the new, impressionable, innocent and wide-eyed employees as well as the unsuspecting public not employed by our company that are led to believe that management are got another think coming. Management will stab a driver or any other hourly employee and laugh while they are doing it.


Well-Known Member
Easy, buddy...Tie's actually one of the better management posters on here if you didn't already know. He's also one of better UPS managers I'VE ever talked with, here or on the job. -Rocky

:lol: :lol: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:lol: :lol:
That's funny. Man I need that today. Tie's a very entertaining poster, I'll give him that. One of the better management? That's a very disheartening concept.

P.S. I agree with Canon,if you got something to say do it on the post so we can discuss it, not by leaving snide remarks on someones personal page.
I've given up on expecting anything of substance from Tie... insults seem to be the only way he deals with discussion once it gets past his ability to control the situation. The "bad rep" he issues as a continuation of the topic is nothing more than his version of an "internet warning letter". I'll bet at work he's not allowed to play with such things... those are for grown ups. Now if we only had an internet union steward to come throw away his "internet warning letters" he'd feel right at home.

Man, I might get TWO warning letters for this post. :lol:
Thanks for the kicking off the weekend right. Too funny.