Sup Working


Well-Known Member
Last week a PT sup is loading a package car and it isn't my start time yet. He sticks his head out of the truck like a guilty child trying not to be caught. I go up to him and ask him if wants me to clock in and start loading the truck. He agrees and I see him talking with my full time sup. (I wasn't in his face, like "WHY ARE YOU WORKING", more like hey I want the $ let me work)

Long story short I go from working 4.5 - 5 hours / day to exactly 3.5 hours a day. I'm sure if they could have me start later they would. This entire week they have had someone double shift working time that I was (up until this week) working.

Sound like a coincidence? Should I raise the issue that the other guy is double shifting while I'm barely making my 3.5 hour / day?

Thoughts / Ideas appreciated


To be honest, this does sound like a coincidence. It sounds like they are short staffed on your preload, and were dealing with that problem by having a part time sup load. Now they are dealing with it by having a double shifter from another sort load. That double shifter has more seniority than you do, so after you get your guarantee, he has more claim to any extra work on the sort than you do.

I have been a full time sup on the preload, and have dealt with short staffing issues. I have never had the time or energy available to single out an employee who asks a loading PT sup to clock him in early and give him the work that is rightfully his in the first place.


bella amicizia
You're understaffed every day of the week.

The job is so horrendous now, you can't get anyone to do it for the pay. The company blames the union for the rate of pay on the pt'ers. The rates of pay in the contract are set minimums. The company could pay more, if they wanted to.

It wouldn't behoove them to do that, because they wouldn't have the free labor of the sups. 'Oh, it's not free. We account for it.' Not one union person gets the pay, so it's a win no matter how you write it off for Wall Street.