The latest #1 viral video is of public school kids

fact check

Well-Known Member
Never mind that school children sang the praises of G.W. Bush back in 2006, for, of all things, the way the government handled the Katrina disaster.

What is it that is offensive to some about this song? Is it that it is a song about the first African-American to become President, sung during Black History month?

He has achieved something no other Black man in America has achieved. I don't see a problem with performing this as a scheduled activity during Black History Month.

I think the site's owner was more than just curious, I think she wanted to inflame the dittoheads. JMO


golden ticket member
It's stupid to sing of someone's accomplishments when they haven't accomplished anything.

He managed to get elected......that's all.

Of course right now his big drive is to bring Chicago the Summer
Olympic games...does he know he is the leader of many cities, not just Chicago???????

fact check

Well-Known Member
It's stupid to sing of someone's accomplishments when they haven't accomplished anything.

He managed to get elected......that's all.

Of course right now his big drive is to bring Chicago the Summer
Olympic games...does he know he is the leader of many cities, not just Chicago???????

You do realize that Chicago is the ONLY American city in the running for the 2016 Olympics, don't you?

Of course you are also aware that Chicago is the only city in the running WITHOUT a blanket guarantee that the Federal government will cover any cost over runs.

Why do you hate America?


Well-Known Member
It's stupid to sing of someone's accomplishments when they haven't accomplished anything.

He managed to get elected......that's all.

Of course right now his big drive is to bring Chicago the Summer
Olympic games...does he know he is the leader of many cities, not just Chicago???????

Moreluck, I think you need to buy a puppy....and turn this:dissapointed: into this:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Children Singing Praises To President Nixon In 1972

Never mind, it is bad but it don't hold a candle to this one!

Jesus Camp Bush Worship

Now that's friend*ing Scary!


Für Meno :)
This is the big school viral here.

From the Uni of Montreal.

I Gotta University Feeling - Montreal Students Party Hard!


Well-Known Member

Benny Hinn: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

Mosh pit for Jesus! Where's the wall of death!


I post that in honor of going to see Metallica/Lamb of God this weekend!


Well-Known Member
How about the Sam Kennison method to everlasting life in heaven?

Crazy dude trying to convert people

:happy-very: I miss Sam!


If these kids were signing about how great George W. Bush was a President, I wouldn't like it one bit, so I need to be consistent here and wish the School didn't get involved in something like this to begin with.

I happen to agree with you up to this point. No president should be put on a pedestal by children that have NO damn idea what the president even does.
Enough with bowing down to "idols".

Teach them the true meaning of freedom, liberty, and tyranny. Teach them the true motives of the creation of our Constitution. Teach them what the end result is of becoming a complacent,government dependent, lazy society. Teach them to work hard and reap the benefits and not rely on govt. handouts. Teach them to take pride in what they do. Teach them to be charitable to those who truly need help, not to those that will not get off their rear end to help themselves.

This country is going down the same path as every other great nation before it.

The Stages of The Rise And Fall of All Great Nations
The first stage moves from bondage to spiritual faith. The second from spiritual faith to great courage. The third stage moves from great courage to liberty. The fourth stage moves from liberty to abundance. The fifth stage moves from abundance to selfishness. The sixth stage moves from selfishness to complacency. The seventh stage moves from complacency to apathy. The eighth stage moves from apathy to moral decay. The ninth stage moves from moral decay to dependence. And the tenth and last stage moves from dependence to bondage.

Take notice that we ARE in the ninth stage. Wake up America.