Thigh rash

outta hours

Well-Known Member
Um, outta and I have come up with an awesome idea, just sayin... Powders work, until they absorb all the fluid and become a paste. Desitin, nah, that's for after you are already chafed. Bodyglide is like coating yourself with teflon. Slip sliding away.

Under armor would be my second choice.

You are right Steve. I did not realize you had recommended Body Glide. I read the original post without reading all the responses. Sorry about that..


Staff member
Dude's and Dudette's, I have the answer, seriously. It's what runner's use to prevent Chafe.


Steve is right on the money. In addition to prevention it also dramatically speeds healing of any chafe you already have, just apply it wherever the chafe is and it usually clears it up overnight.


Can I post a picture of me in chaps with a thong on standing next to my bike?
Once again, I must correct your grammar.
May I ..............,?-( is the correct form)-.
Please PM the pic to the moderators, before posting.
Personally, I would like to see the pic, but something tells me you have never worn a thong.