Threats of losing driving privileges while preloading.


Well-Known Member
Hi I work for a building in south Florida, hired as a preload package handler in March 2014. I became a TCD during the summer and drove a route 5 days a week from early November to late janurary, I made book. Management gave me the impression that I did a good job driving, but my low seniority hit me and now I only do Saturday airs.

I returned to preload about 2 weeks ago. I'm not the best loader and get hassled by management to pick up the pace daily. I deal with it because it's what I have to do to build time with ups and eventually drive full time, which I enjoyed very much during peak. (I'm Not here to load cars for a living)... today the preload manager said if I have anymore misloads he will make sure I don't go driving again. Not sure if he was half joking or not, everyone knows I only want to be here to drive. I feel like they are trying to threaten my status as a driver. Even before I passed my 30 days driving they would call me "mr. IwannaBeADriver" and tell me that if I dont preload correctly I will never go driving.

I put in a lot of work to get to this point and don't want to jeopardize my status as a driver, also I don't want to get a huge target on my back while I preload. I just want to do my time and eventually drive. What are my options?
The preload sup can't do squat to stop you from driving. If driving management notifies you that they want you to drive that day based on your seniority, looks like preload runs one man short that day.


I've seen loaders getting disqualified and/or lose out on driving opportunities because management doesn't want to lose a loader.
Yeah, I'm sure that happened...

Good loaders are great. But having available drivers always trumps loaders. If they didn't want drivers they wouldn't have put the bid up.