To those who accuse Hall of "selling us out"...


I could not agree more,no way they worked out all the numbers out this fast,moving that many people onto new plan!something doesnt seem right


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, we currently have to pay 20 % of the entire bill, plus our copay.. and as I have posted, that 20% is off the GRand total BEFORE Central states applies their discount...I am still paying some of my medical bills off.. I am sick about all this contract stuff.. And I have written several letters to DC about this so called medical care, and yet again, we are stuck with CS.. Those of you that have been lucky enough to NOT have central states, go to all your doctors now before this contract goes thru.. I am still shaking my head in disgust...

Dude, stop with this already. What's your agenda? You keep posting this drivel. I thought maybe you were misinformed, but I'm leaning toward outright lying. No medical provider can charge you the amount above the negotiated discount. It's called balance billing and it's illegal in 47 states and for all Medicare providers. The co-pay is $20 per visit. Perfectly reasonable. The deductible is $200/$400 per year single/family. Max out of pocket is $1000 per year Major Medical. Again seems reasonable to me.

The plan has been posted here on this forum already. If you have questions read it. If you can't find an answer, I'll be glad to help. I've been in the plan for over 20 years. It's a good plan. Are the deductibles more than the companies part-timer plan? yes. Is it slightly more expensive? yes. But it's still above average. UPS is also paying 100% of the premiums. That's a hell of a lot better than 30/60/90 or 20/40/60. Full time employees shouldn't have a problem paying a $20 copay, or a $200/$400 deductible, or a $1000 maximum out of pocket expense for a Major Medical claim. Healthcare costs have been rising rapidly for years now. This is not a fix for that but it is a good temporary solution. CS is in good shape with ample reserves. A larger pool of employees should allow for better negotiated rates and less risk.

Will the terms of the plan stay the same or change? Good question? I don't know. The devil is in the details. Get informed and make the decision that's best for you and your family. If that means a "NO" vote then by all means vote your conscience. However, The sky is not falling. Wait and see what the agreement entails and then make an informed decision.



Package Car is cake compared to this...
What I see reminds me a lot of what happened in the last contract.
Central States, once again, needs to be bailed out and again at the expense of UPS Teamsters.
Last time it was the pension fund, this time it's the health care fund.
With declining membership and increasing beneficiaries, Central States is again looking to right the ship on our backs.
I think all of the pageantry of the past few months was a well orchestrated rouse, by both union and company, leading to last nights announcement.
I haven't read the offer yet, but feel like I've seen this "movie" before.
It's deja vu all over again.

From what I took away from the meeting with the CS execs a few weeks ago, they painted an ugly, ugly picture about the pension fund. They said they pay out two pensions for every one who contributes,and that there is NO way the fund can earn it's way out of the hole the 2008 economic crisis put it into (Thank YOU, Mr. Banker). The guy said the only way the fund can survive is with Congressional help. That will NOT happen without reductions in the amount participants receive. I am one of those participants. So any extra money UPS puts into our pension with this new contract doesn't seem like it is really going to help that much. I may be reading it wrong, but I don't think so.

The CS execs did say, however, that there is no such funding problem with the health and welfare fund. He stated that H&friend was fully funded and wasn't in the position that the pension is.

What it means to me, is I work and save with the idea that I won't have much of a pension to rely on when I retire. I'm assuming that I'm going to be fully responsible for supporting myself. I recommend everyone else do the same.


Well-Known Member
I agree with some of you that of course everyone cannot be satisfied as there are too many varying opinions of what "fair" is, the fact that they claim that our health benefits will remain the same just being moved from one payor structure the another is a win in it's own right, we will see if that is the case. I have been with the company for nearly 7 years and am chomping at the bit for a ft driving spot and just about when it looks to potentially be within grasp in the near future(within a year hopefully) they slap the 4 year marker to make top rate. This is neither good nor all bad because will i be willing to wait that may years to hit the $33+hr mark you know it but in a time when unions are deemed evil more and more, health care costs are on the rise and many many people especially in my are unemployed, concessions in a slow(or even stagnant) at times economy are warranted being angry wont change that. They say that the have "resolved" language issues partaining to 9.5's, excessive over time and harassment and unless you are a poodle boy for management that is a good thing. The company will always look to take more everytime, they are in business to make money they are not looking to be a non-profit, this may sound bad to some of you but on the next contract I would almost hope to see a top rate cap with a cola as continually increased pay each contract will essentially translate to raised rates for the customer because the company must maintain their high dividends for the investors and if those fall they could potentially pull out, rates go up for the customer they stop shipping this equals no pay for us at all. Try to look at both sides before the outrage think of yourself if you were an investor or on the customer end.


Well-Known Member
Im a 20 year UPSer and have been in Central States insurance plan since turning fulltime in 2006 . The only difference I have seen with Central States as the co-pays , went from $10.00 to $20.00 when I went full time in C.S. ,,, As a stage 4 cancer survivor whom has dealt with both plans since being diagnosed , 10 freaking bucks on the co-pay is fine by me . Sometimes the greedy , vulture type brothers and sisters of mine within the ranks amze me . Is it really that hard of a hit . Central States is not bad . The fear of the unknown and the greed of the greedy is what is driving you guys insane .
The contract will pass because there are significant raises for Part Timers and there are more of them than us. I am with local 705 so our Contract has not been finalized yet, but it will be similar. I will vote no, anyway. My biggest complaint over the new language is that it cannot be seen any other way than the Union making concessions to UPS. They have been trying to remove/lessen the weight of employee healthcare for years and they just succeeded ... and what did the Union get for it? The Union is buying into the companies complaints of the cost of healthcare ... is there no one on the negotiation committee with access to the internet? UPS is making record profits! Why concessions? Why now? The explanation that the members are getting is ... "if we were to strike, the country would not be behind us this time" It was nice to have that support last time, but not essential. Also, UPS would be hurt just as much if not more by a strike. We blinked first.


Well-Known Member
Re: To those who accuse Hall of "selling us out"...

The contract will pass because there are significant raises for Part Timers and there are more of them than us. I am with local 705 so our Contract has not been finalized yet, but it will be similar. I will vote no, anyway. My biggest complaint over the new language is that it cannot be seen any other way than the Union making concessions to UPS. They have been trying to remove/lessen the weight of employee healthcare for years and they just succeeded ... and what did the Union get for it? The Union is buying into the companies complaints of the cost of healthcare ... is there no one on the negotiation committee with access to the internet? UPS is making record profits! Why concessions? Why now? The explanation that the members are getting is ... "if we were to strike, the country would not be behind us this time" It was nice to have that support last time, but not essential. Also, UPS would be hurt just as much if not more by a strike. We blinked first.

The social, economic and political climate is much different than when the strike happened, we are in a time where union support is at a low, people do view union workers as over-payed. We know that this is not true we work hard (except for the die hard whiners we have all seen them). Its not that they blinked first there are a lot of hands in the Teamsters cookie jar they have to think broader than just UPS though ours may be the largest contract, they have "investors" so to speak in the Union as well, they have to play all sides due to economics, am I satisfied with the language I have heard on the contract thus far? No I am not but we need to let all the language come out first and not let greed rule our decision but logic instead
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smart girl

Well-Known Member
I never worked over 9 either but the last 3 yrs they have stops per car crap even if it is not your time studied 9.I don't know where you drive but us at the Grove are all on fire over this crap. We take our lunches and break. You don't probably take either .


Well-Known Member
The contract will pass because there are significant raises for Part Timers and there are more of them than us. I am with local 705 so our Contract has not been finalized yet, but it will be similar. I will vote no, anyway. My biggest complaint over the new language is that it cannot be seen any other way than the Union making concessions to UPS. They have been trying to remove/lessen the weight of employee healthcare for years and they just succeeded ... and what did the Union get for it? The Union is buying into the companies complaints of the cost of healthcare ... is there no one on the negotiation committee with access to the internet? UPS is making record profits! Why concessions? Why now? The explanation that the members are getting is ... "if we were to strike, the country would not be behind us this time" It was nice to have that support last time, but not essential. Also, UPS would be hurt just as much if not more by a strike. We blinked first.

I have not seen where these significant raises are for part-timers out of the limited contract details that have been leaked to this point. As far as we know, the people who will benefit from the raise in starting pay are people who will be hired after August 1st, so those people obviously won't be voting. If anything, current part-timers would be unhappy that new hires will be making the same as those who have been with the company for a year or who started at a higher rate than they did. Even with that said, the vast majority of part-timers do not have the initiative to take a pick-off test to earn an additional $1 per hour for skilled pay, much less open an envelope, read the proposed contract, vote, and mail it back in. The exception to this of course will be my fellow veteran PTers who do care and take initiative, but we are unfortunately becoming few and far between.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I have not seen where these significant raises are for part-timers out of the limited contract details that have been leaked to this point. As far as we know, the people who will benefit from the raise in starting pay are people who will be hired after August 1st, so those people obviously won't be voting. If anything, current part-timers would be unhappy that new hires will be making the same as those who have been with the company for a year or who started at a higher rate than they did. Even with that said, the vast majority of part-timers do not have the initiative to take a pick-off test to earn an additional $1 per hour for skilled pay, much less open an envelope, read the proposed contract, vote, and mail it back in. The exception to this of course will be my fellow veteran PTers who do care and take initiative, but we are unfortunately becoming few and far between.

Forget the money, a 4 year progression to get to top pay is the LARGEST concession next to the union taking over the health care plans!

Any new full time driver hired after aug 1 2013 will have to work 4 years before getting to TOP PAY.

Any new part timer will have to work 4 years just to get insurance.

How is this a strong contract again?




Staff member
Forget the money, a 4 year progression to get to top pay is the LARGEST concession next to the union taking over the health care plans!

Any new full time driver hired after aug 1 2013 will have to work 4 years before getting to TOP PAY.

Any new part timer will have to work 4 years just to get insurance.

How is this a strong contract again?



TOS, why do you suppose several stewards right here on BC are cheerleading this contract so hard?

Why in the world do you think the negotiating committee caved in several months before the current contract even expires?