Union has decided to change contract "interpretation"


bella amicizia
I am sure Upstate will tell you that just can't be true because it doesn't occur in his perfect bubble of goodness in Plattsburg, where they speak with a Canadian accent(no offense to any of our Canadian brothers). If it hasn't been seen or heard by Mr. Perfect, it has to be false.


They use to sneak people with less than 30 days into a room to do the ERI. They wouldn't let anyone with more time do it because they feared the outcome. That ERI, if it comes back will probably be used against us in some way no normal human could ever dream up.
The ERI taken in our center was DEFINITELY taken by younger drivers, safety commitee members and the safety co-chair. ALL of these drivers were h a n d p i c k e d by the center manager. End of (true) story, period.


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
Funny thing that randomness. In these parts, the same 6 guys. Random every year. Yep, fair AND balanced.


bella amicizia
I must have orchestrated this amazing event where all the 'random employees' from all over purporting this rumor that the ERI is fixed. Yeah, uh-huh. I know the numbers to the powerball, too.