UPS-APWA National NLRB Petition Started


Well-Known Member
The APWA national NLRB petition drive has started at UPS and UPS Freight. It has been many months since we stood before elected Teamster Officials in November 2003. They had just announced the slashing of our pension. We stood up and told them then, that we were going to do something about it. They laughed, but they are not laughing now!

It has been a long and arduous task to get to this point. UPSers from around the country are standing together to build “a more perfect union.” The Teamsters have been riding off of our money for long enough. This time it will be UPS dollars for UPS people only! The infrastructure is in place. Pension management, healthcare and grievance resolution procedures are all in place. You are going to be impressed with what we are doing. We can do a lot more for all of us with the 60 cents on every dollar that the Teamsters are ripping us off at the present.

Let’s put our future in the hands of our people. The APWA are the employees of UPS. Don’t listen to the “nay sayers,” they told us that we would never get this far. Let our people at UPS decide. Sign the NLRB petition today!
One thing that you forgot to mention. If this is going to work, we need your help. Spread the word to those people that have not heard about the APWA.. Tell them to sign the petition cards and send them in.


Well-Known Member
So is anyone at the APWA keeping track of who is filing out these cards and sending them in? what keeps some APWA cronie from filling out a dozen+ cards?
Is it your nature to keep asking stupid questions? These cards will be verified by the NLRB.


You smell that?
APWA cards were handed out today in our center. The head APWA cheerleader in our center is a person that wouldn't have a job with UPS today if the Teamsters hadn't gotten him his job back.....twice.


Browncafe Steward
Bull **** the nlrb would come to the barn and watch the cards get voted on right then and there. Your ups hired attorneys should have known that!!!!


Well-Known Member
Bull **** the nlrb would come to the barn and watch the cards get voted on right then and there. Your ups hired attorneys should have known that!!!!

Wrong again!!!!!!

These cards are a petition that is being collected and will be presented to the NLRB in order to get the NLRB to come into UPS and hold a secret ballot vote whether to keep the teamsters as our CBA or certify the APWA as our CBA.


Well-Known Member
As far as grievance procedures, etc...that will come, and imho that is weak in the argument, as any union out there had to learn, and start up. The Teamsters have done all the above mentioned, but still they do not enforce our contract, they do not inform the members of important issues, they blew our pension, and heal care has gotten worse as well. The bs politics and corruption have run their course, and as the ole Twisted Sister song goes, "We're not gonna take it, no we ain't gonna take, We're not gonna take it anymore"!

Sad but true. Our company expects alot of bang for their bucks, and so should we, since after all we are paying the union, and are not getting nearly what we should be. There comes a point where you have to cut your losses and take a stand for the better. That is what this country is about, and we are not without options here!
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Well-Known Member

friend are you aware that Hoffa was employed by an employer law firm as well, yet is leading the Teamsters, why because of his dad, who by the way went to prison for what...? Oh yeah embezzeling money from the pension funds if I am not mistaken, and that's what some would call a hero?! It seems we have a very low standard in the Teamsters of expectations.

The attorney for the awap has not been hired to bust the union, but for his expertise in labor law etc...He certainly isn't going to be an officer, much less the President of the new union.

I respect your opinons and concerns as this is not something that should be done without research and discussion, but in the end, even if hypothetically there was an intent to have weak union, there's no way we will not make the parcel workers do their jobs, and with alot less strings attached with the politics and corruption of the Teamsters, if the AWAP does become our Union.


Browncafe Steward

friend are you aware that Hoffa was employed by an employer law firm as well, yet is leading the Teamsters, why because of his dad, who by the way went to prison for what...? Oh yeah embezzeling money from the pension funds if I am not mistaken, and that's what some would call a hero?! It seems we have a very low standard in the Teamsters of expectations.

The attorney for the awap has not been hired to bust the union, but for his expertise in labor law etc...He certainly isn't going to be an officer, much less the President of the new union.

I respect your opinons and concerns as this is not something that should be done without research and discussion, but in the end, even if hypothetically there was an intent to have weak union, there's no way we will not make the parcel workers do their jobs, and with alot less strings attached with the politics and corruption of the Teamsters, if the AWAP does become our Union.
Cole this isnt about hoffa, administrations come and go. The teamsters union is here to stay. Most of the whiners on here didnt have the right to vote hoffa, so they want to start their own scab union. They lost their right to vote and voice their opinion on ups teamster issues. Dont you see that ups have been breeding these cancer cell employees since 97 to over throw the teamsters movement. Cole you seem like a frustrated teamster like i and others, but i refuse to turn my back on the teamsters and will ride the wave until we can rid our union of hoffa, but until then hes oru president and i will support him. Ask yourself cole will you stand with the not so perfect teamsters, or the apwa remember most of their support is from withdrawn cowardly scabs?


Browncafe Steward
I don't think you have the right to call people scabs that pay the same union dues as you. Although my dues are wasted because the union refuses to address my issues.
If you didnt cross like the rest of your supporters than i apoligize to you. But you should know who your in bed with, alot of the support on here are self admitted scabs. Sounds like a recipe for being in bed with the company to me.


Well-Known Member
If you didnt cross like the rest of your supporters than i apoligize to you. But you should know who your in bed with, alot of the support on here are self admitted scabs. Sounds like a recipe for being in bed with the company to me.

you mean like hoffa and upper UPS management, ( I didn't want to say eskew hear he takes offense to his name on here)


Browncafe Steward
you mean like hoffa and upper UPS management, ( I didn't want to say eskew hear he takes offense to his name on here)
You mean ESKREW hes a maroon!!!!! I can only hope he takes offense, like we take his dispatching of routes offensive, mis managing of the clowns he puts in place to beat us into the ground. Im not a hoffa supporter but he won the election, it is what it is. But its still better than the alternative.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for mixing the letters, I'll just say the parcelworkers union, which is what it will be.

705 I respect your views because it sounds like you get a good local president, but I personally will base my views on what I have seen, and what hasn't been done etc...

Are you in central states?

Frustrated yes, but I am done with putting up with crap we don't have to put up with.

Why did Hoffa's handpicked man Keegal resign? Wasn't it because Hoffa was interferring with his investigations into organized crime? If our Pension wasn't screwed up sooo bad we wouldn't be having this discussion, but these folks that chose to drop out of the union but are in support of the Parcelworkers union, tells me they want a union where their say will matter, and they wont just be viewed as the Golden Goose.

People obviousley are tired of being in a union, they cannot be proud to say they belong to, and that it is a sad sad shame. It is a fact, I would not feel comfortable sugguesting anyone join the Teamsters at this point, for fear they would want to kill me once they got their pensions taken etc...

I can appreciate your willingness to try to change the unchangeable imho, but I am electing to fire the Teamsters, based on years of letting us down. I thought Carey and Perrucci fought for us more than any I have seen, but we saw how they got scammed out. The things Carey did or happened under his watch are miniscule compared to what is transpiring now. What were they thinking when they raised the age to 57, then 62, that we would just lay down and say awe shucks.

Winds of change are coming and in the long run we will be better off imho. Either way I think the Teamsters need this pressure to get real about their members.

I will stand with the Apwa, and show the Teamsters what happens when you screw your members. Like my dentist says, "if you ignore your teeth, they will go away";)

It is about Hoffa as this happened on his watch, and I warned people this type thing would happen.

One more thing about scabs etc...When Carey called for a walkout when the company raised the weight limit to 150lbs, my local made us scab on that one.
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Browncafe Steward
Sorry for mixing the letters, I'll just say the parcelworkers union, which is what it will be.

705 I respect your views because it sounds like you get a good local president, but I personally will base my views on what I have seen, and what hasn't been done etc...

Are you in central states?
Not in cs our contract is seperate from the national, but it is a multiemployer fund and is doing real good.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I was adding more to my last post, rather than starting another. Well if your pension gets changed to age 62, no doubt your opinion will change. That takes all the steam out of the members, epecially when it didn't have to happen that way. Since yours is ok, what does that tell you, since ours was not. These trustees are appointed not elected by the members, and are like Justices and can't be removed to my knowledge. Will get accountability one way or the other. I do wish you and yours well.