UPS Contract Proposals Set


Well-Known Member
It would be just wrong to give new part timers a big raise in starting pay while not giving seniority part-timers anything extra in raises. I hate it when they propose contract language that benefits new hires while leaving higher seniority workers nothing

Any raise the new hires get, the veteran part timers would most likely receive just like what happened with the last contract. Part time progression was increased from 12.50 to 12.87. So on Aug 1 2008 we received out contract raise of .35 plus the extra .37 even though I had already completed my progression when it was 12.50

want to retire

The issue is that Sundays need to be days off instead of Fridays. No need for a Sunday Sort. UPS is not a hospital or police station, no need to be open around the clock. Monday-Friday w/Saturdays and Sundays off!!!!

1. Do you really think mgt wants to work on Sunday?

2. Is this really Mon. morning?

3. If the work is not done when it is, when will it get done?

I work "Sundays"......really Sun. night. I start then because it takes that long to complete all of my feeder run.....moving those Sun. sort packages to preloads. When else would we do it? Personally, I love having Friday nights off.....first time in ten years of feeder.

Saddle Crook

Active Member
1. Do you really think mgt wants to work on Sunday?

2. Is this really Mon. morning?

3. If the work is not done when it is, when will it get done?

I work "Sundays"......really Sun. night. I start then because it takes that long to complete all of my feeder run.....moving those Sun. sort packages to preloads. When else would we do it? Personally, I love having Friday nights off.....first time in ten years of feeder.

Well woop dee doo for you. You have Friday nights (and days when everyone else is at work or school) off for the first time in ten years.

If the work is not done when it is, when will it get done? Oh, I don't know Einstein. How about the same way it was done in 2002, 1997, 1991, 1975, 1964 etc.....

It is soooooo great having off Friday **sarcasm** instead of Sunday. All those barbeques, communions, christenings, NFL football, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter, family functions that everyone holds on Fridays are really, really cool.


Well-Known Member
hall is also the dope that "Watered down the strong 9.5 language" after the contract was ratified, a little secret the executive officers hid from the general membership.

Getting that triple time was like pulling teeth and it took months if not years to recover on it. In the meantime, people lost time with families with excessive hours.

Dont give him too much credit, the 9.5 issue wont be resolved this time either.


I agree with you TOS.... from the ones I have spoken to the 9.5 language was not even a high priority on our survey..... you wont see much change


Well-Known Member
I would say the starting wage needs to start at $10 since FedEx in Toledo now starts at $10.50 an hour. Better employees are consistently leaving because of the low pay, and who would start at UPS when they could make $2 and work multiple shifts if they want. They've gotta step it up


Phoenix Feeder
I believe the Sunday-Thursday workday/workweek language has been in the Contract since about 1987, maybe earlier. It was certainly put in with Article 40. It's the nature of our network now that necessitates a Sunday sort. We move a tons of trailers on Sunday, both off the Rail and from CPU's like Amazon. Our Day Sort here is Sun-Thur, and Sunday is something like 1600-2000. Why not bid onto a different shift then if you don't like the Sunday sort?

want to retire

Are you talking to me?

If yes, that is a cop-out answer/solution. Let's deal with the issue.

Pretty much two ways to deal with this "problem".

1. don't like that "copout". Fine.

2. We'll cancel the sort and eliminate your job(and alot others)........Voila! Issue dealt with! Steven Hawking would be proud(I'm already Einstein)


Well-Known Member
The issue is UPS needs to run a Sunday sort. If you don't want to work on Sunday get another job.

Agreed... would this guy rather see UPS sub-contract out that sunday work to non-union employees??? Because I guarantee you those UPS airplanes will still be flying and unloading cargo on sundays.

So the real question is whether you want union work to stay within the union, or do you support sub-contracting out our work


Well-Known Member
Any raise the new hires get, the veteran part timers would most likely receive just like what happened with the last contract. Part time progression was increased from 12.50 to 12.87. So on Aug 1 2008 we received out contract raise of .35 plus the extra .37 even though I had already completed my progression when it was 12.50

thats interesting... I never saw any raise other than the regularly scheduled split raises.

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
If the work is not done when it is, when will it get done? Oh, I don't know Einstein. How about the same way it was done in 2002, 1997, 1991, 1975, 1964 etc.....

Dude, time may have passed you by. Save for 2002 (maybe 1997), who was buying pampers, bread, whatever on the net? Where could you by things 24hrs and have it shipped to you next day? There are more people in this country, in the world, buying more things, SELLING more things (and more selling them; how big was ebay OR amazon in '97, to say nothing of the pre-internet years). Dude , BANKS are now open 7 days a week. Business is always goin'. Drop Sunday sort??? When is UPS going to start delivering ground on Sat, as their cheif competitorS are already doing (Sat preload, here we come!)


$10.50 to start for part timers.
Reason:We need real people,not misfits.
Quadruple time over 9.5
Reason:Hire some more :censored2: drivers you cheap bastards.
Telematics does not bother me, gps lets them see who is lying.
Let them have it and prove it in court.
Reason:Go by the book,and never worry.
Minimal raise,30 cents every 6 months for the term of the contract.
Pension increase,and what he said...No more grey areas!!!
Reason: This contract does not affect me,I'm an albino albino in a hut
in Tuktoyuktuk .I really hope you get a mutually acceptable agreement.


Well-Known Member
For browntrousers

Talk to your steward. I'm in Central States supplement. Everyone I know got the extra .37 from the progression increase plus the regular raises.