UPS fail


Master Loader
UPS fail

Recently a sup got fired for having too many miss loads. The problem with that statement over all is “having too many miss loads”. The number of them; One day 30, the next 20 and finally 27 ( I’ve heard ). Usually I wouldn’t have a problem with a sup getting fired, but in this case its sad and full of UPS fail.

I believe UPS has way too many sups anyways, I wish they would fire more. But this time around it‘s ridiculous. Lately sups in my area have been bringing other sups from around the building and new ones just to help out and load. Overly, that isn’t a sups job. They don’t get benefits as we do. Sups are not allowed to even touch packages to begin with.

This over all shows that sups don’t even know what they’re talking about to begin with. The ones around here telling us that you shouldn’t and mustn’t ever miss load. Yet, when they preload, as of recently from another sup, they come down to 27 miss loads in a single day. Efficiencies only mater to the worker, and not the overseer. Thus brandishing the question as to why are these people in charge to begin with?

Lastly, my opinion is that sups should really stay the hell out of the work place. And sadly about the soup that was fired, I do feel for him. A person that is meant to look after loaders, fired for doing a loaders work. Yet, someone should of have told him that sups are greatly at risk at getting fired for the smallest things.

I wonder what are the opinions of the members of this forum about this topic?


Well-Known Member
The other day I had one of my loaders in a TW meeting. He complained that he had too many trucks to load which is why he had 3 missloads (6 trucks he loads). The PT Sup was being an ***** (big shock) then the Sup slipped and said anyone can do it. I smiled and challenged him, if he could load the same trucks the next day and have less missloads than my loader we would accept the discipline no questions asked, also there would be no grievance for the Sup loading that day. Sup kept turning the belt off, couldn't get any of the bulk loaded, and had 13 missloads. The Sup apologized to my loader and reduced his workload by 2 trucks.


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
any sup you see on a regular basis is simply a puppet ,, they are in a losing situation


Well-Known Member
PT/FT sups loading is an easy way of jacking up the numbers and thus covering major inefficiencies in standards and execution.
PT/FT sups loading is unavoidable under emergency conditions when loaders do not show up (for whatever reason).
PT/FT sups loading is a sure way to get into a conflict with the union, when loading positions are not assigned/cannot be covered.
PT/FT sups are in a corner with no way out just to meet the demands of an on-time wrap up.
PT/FT sups (actually doing the work of a loader for whatever reason) are giving all the arguments for the union to grieve. The effect is that UPS management spends so much time (money) in their meetings with the union, that I question the cost-effectiveness of these management-induced activities. The more the union grieves, the more time, highly paid managers have to waste their time in these meetings. What is more cost-effective and sustainable?
PT sups are held accountable for a myriad of paperwork to be filled in plus work performance. What happens, is that paperwork ist submitted with - at least IMHO- limited to no value as it is not even worth the paper that it is written upon. Does management know? IMHO, yes; do they want to open this can? Only when it is expedient and unavoidable. The workplace is contaminated. So what is the proper course of action? Get the selection process in order!!!
Astute shareholders might ask, are we (management/union/whoever) really working that smart?
Do we have the right (and sustainable) work standards, or are the gods of IE and Accounting banking on ideal conditions of boxes of an average size of times long gone by?
We have undeniable inefficiencies in our system (causing e.g. preload to work double and more), which could be ironed out, but it requires, at least sometimes, to listen to the voice of the people (vox populi), and take the appropriate action (vox dei).
Look at the balance sheet and ask yourselves, what would have happened to UPS profits, if the fuel surcharges and price increases would not have been on the level where they are? Make a prediction.
Personally I am convinced that we could work far smarter, thus delivering what UPS is promising to its customers and still remain profitable.
One of the major opportunites in, e.g., preload is an orderly (and not chaotic) closure of work activities with sufficient and competent loaders available. Replacing the lower-cost loaders by higher-cost drivers (sorry "service providers") does not make very much sense from a cost point of view. Shuttling work after e.g., 0830 h or even 0845 h between belts, is an invitiation for misloads. My personal observation is that during the last 60 minutes of preload, the majority of misloads occur.
I am a newbie in this organisation, but have quite a little bit of production experience, and am still shocked at the inefficiencies of the entire system. One of them is the low level of professional and ethical standards (with few exceptions), especially in the lower ranks. It begins with inefficiencies at the receipt of a package for transportation (oversize, inadequate packaging, inadequate advice for the customer etc.), continueing into reload operations, can't say to much about hub operations, but when I see the boxes arrive at a final distribution station (being hurled/thrown around), it does not surprise me why we are not seen as an entity taking care of our customers and their property (oh, we just exceeded our targets for losses and damages). Have our standards gone overboard into the unrealistic? A customer entrusts a package to out organisation for delivering to a designated person. How often do we succeed and how often do we fail? Out of the failures, what is the attributable share of the organisation and how can we work smarter to reduce this failure?
There is far more, and the PT sups are just an expendable item in the set-up. Loaders as well as PT sups are supposed to be the source for future leaders (Our big "potatoes" (with a few exceptions) make reference to their lowly beginnings in the organisation)? Do we select the right loaders/PT sups? Do we have the right foundation for our future operation, or are we contaminating the future with already "pre-demotivated" personnel?
Have to stop here. I am not Cassandra, but have seen quite a little bit in my career in differents fields of activities. We can be better, we can be smarter than the competition.
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The Blackadder

Are you not amused?
IE says it can be done therefore it can be done, never question the great and powerful OZ.

I had a sup who kept on my preloader about his misloads about 8 to 10 per week on 4 cars. Then My preloader goes out for a week on vacation. A few injurys also happen, the part time sup now has to load the 4 cars. Guess what? In just one car, on just one day, I have 11 misloads all different stops.

The next week my preloader is back and guess what the sup is tellling him, you have to many misloads.

It is basically do as I say not that I can do it myself but you can.


Master Loader
The other day I had one of my loaders in a TW meeting. He complained that he had too many trucks to load which is why he had 3 missloads (6 trucks he loads). The PT Sup was being an ***** (big shock) then the Sup slipped and said anyone can do it. I smiled and challenged him, if he could load the same trucks the next day and have less missloads than my loader we would accept the discipline no questions asked, also there would be no grievance for the Sup loading that day. Sup kept turning the belt off, couldn't get any of the bulk loaded, and had 13 missloads. The Sup apologized to my loader and reduced his workload by 2 trucks.

Thats a great story.

Yep, sups really are just puppets and go the way ft tells them. Our main line center sup ( full time and making a grand a week at it too ) is always telling or pt sups to tell us not to missload. Yet in her first week she missloaded a ton of packages. I know this requires a whole new thread about but ill go on. All the other sups missload like its a new fad here. A friend of mine came in a little late and three, yes count them, 3 sups loaded his set up, and yea its that hard, he came in they left and he found 3 missloads in the package cars alone. Come on, 3 sups and they still cant get it right.

As I said before, UPS should fire more of them to save more money. A full time and high ranking manager came out to us the other day preaching to us about missloads and how they basically "effect the chances of people wanting to drive". Well, what about getting rid of a ton of sups from midnight, there has to be a 1 to 3 ratio of sups to workers on midnight. Get rid of the non productive people for god sakes and lets stop talking about how money is wasted on missloads.

It does my heart good to see a sup fired, but for that one I menctioned in the first post, its completely wrong and poor form from UPS. Some people cant even find jobs in this country and yet they fired this guy for something he didnt even have to do.

Anyone notice at your UPS place of work that faces just keep on changing?