UPS Uprising at Local 952!


Well-Known Member
Norton, the M.O.U. is nothing more than what it is. An M.O.U.
Wishful thinking that possibly Marshall can create anything competitive financially to anything the company has and what will become after Jan. 01, 2014.
Will the company allow anything, if presented, in any way of a regional HC Plan? ( If they get this then we'll see just how long it may last ).
You need to consider just how much the corporate side wants to see Hoffa, etc succeed with this.
Why don't you educate us all with your know how of this MOU currently facing us all.

Josh will do just fine, no matter what you attempt to state here.

Good luck on any slate you bring.

Well since you can see the future give me some lotto numbers or a Superbowl pick..... The fact is you don't know if the M.O.U. is gonna fail or not. In fact the M.O.U is still in play just the same as if people voted yes. Let me ask you if it does turn out to be good will you apologize for all the bashing on Andy M? You see, if you actually read my comments it is clear that it is a very big issue and must get done or there will be a witch hunt (I know you and T.O.S. will lead the pack).

As far as Josh goes I have nothing against him like I do against the Reform clowns. Josh is a passionate steward and I appreciate what he does but our business agents have done a great job in Laguna and earned my respect. I will be surprised if Josh takes this all the way because we really do have a a good thing brewing at UPS and if we stick together I see a lot of positive. I think much of his issues are with the local and not our agents so he may just concentrate on our trade once we find out the results of the M.O.U. Who knows but its hardly an uprising.

P.S. I don't need luck for any slate nonsense, I know my role and that's to be the best Steward I can be for Brothers and Sisters.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well since you can see the future give me some lotto numbers or a Superbowl pick..... The fact is you don't know if the M.O.U. is gonna fail or not. In fact the M.O.U is still in play just the same as if people voted yes. Let me ask you if it does turn out to be good will you apologize for all the bashing on Andy M? You see, if you actually read my comments it is clear that it is a very big issue and must get done or there will be a witch hunt (I know you and T.O.S. will lead the pack).

As far as Josh goes I have nothing against him like I do against the Reform clowns. Josh is a passionate steward and I appreciate what he does but our business agents have done a great job in Laguna and earned my respect. I will be surprised if Josh takes this all the way because we really do have a a good thing brewing at UPS and if we stick together I see a lot of positive. I think much of his issues are with the local and not our agents so he may just concentrate on our trade once we find out the results of the M.O.U. Who knows but its hardly an uprising.

P.S. I don't need luck for any slate nonsense, I know my role and that's to be the best Steward I can be for Brothers and Sisters.

The best "stewards" actually VOTE during a contract year regardless of circumstances. They lead by example, they do everything they can to insure they get a ballot, or they make enough noise about it to show that they are truly "concerned". A good steward leads his brothers and sisters by participating in the ballot process in order to demonstrate the importance of involvement.

You didnt vote.

You are NO role model for the brothers and sisters of the Teamsters.




Well-Known Member
Lets see ...
Norton manages to state these facts all the way down to possibly commenting on what Andy M might do :
-lotto numbers or a Superbowl pick
-the M.O.U is still in play
-will you apologize for all the bashing on Andy M?
- witch hunt (I know you and T.O.S. will lead the pack).
-business agents have done a great job in Laguna and earned my respect.
-if we stick together I see a lot of positive.

- I think he (Andy M ?) may just concentrate on our trade once we find out the results of the M.O.U.

-P.S. I don't need luck for any slate nonsense, I know my role and that's to be the best Steward I can be for Brothers and Sisters.

So when will you educate on the MOU itself?

Awaiting your educated definition.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As far as the MOU is concerned, no matter what is constructed in the next few weeks regarding health care coverage at Teamcare, there is still one sentence that TRUMPS any enhancements they place in front of us in the next ballot.

Lets say that the Teamsters present a health care package that is "identical" to the UPS plan we are currently on. We vote YES next time around and on January 1 2014, we get the same coverage as we currently have. Sounds great right!


As hall is saying now, the Teamsters have spoken to the trustees of the CSHW and are working to improve benefit levels. Ok fine, but who's to say the trustees make an agreement to raise benefit levels for one year, then fall back onto the MOU itself and vote for changes in december 2014 which would take effect on January 1 2015?

The MOU has to be changed as well as the coverage. One sentence in the MOU makes it extremely dangerous as I pointed out to A. Marshall himself.

"Nothing in this agreement shall preclude the Central States Health and Welfare from changing employee benefits" at will.

They can give us all the pie in the sky that we want, but as long as this sentence remains in the MOU, it means nothing. It can be changed as quickly as it was changed to get us to vote on it.

They MOU itself has to be removed or reworded to include "the benefit levels shall remain the same for the duration of the contract"

This would be a safety net for all members.

IF not, look out.



Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
The best "stewards" actually VOTE during a contract year regardless of circumstances. They lead by example, they do everything they can to insure they get a ballot, or they make enough noise about it to show that they are truly "concerned". A good steward leads his brothers and sisters by participating in the ballot process in order to demonstrate the importance of involvement.

You didnt vote.

You are NO role model for the brothers and sisters of the Teamsters.



It looks like the only stewards not to get ballots in the country were from Local 952. Local 952 had their stewards in bad standing because their Secretary-Treasurer had not been paying their union dues to the IBT. Patrick K thought that by not paying the dues of about 400 stewards he could straighten out his financial troubles at the local.

As we may all know, Local 63 and Local 952 have had huge money issues the past four years.

Any steward that turns the eye on this fiasco is not a serious steward.

Local 952 is a joke!


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha! It's election time again and the reform clown car just pulled up to local 952 and look who came out. Hoffa Sux, TOS and rpoz11. So the best you clowns can come up with is blame me for the IBT's handling of ballots. That's a stretch like most of your B.S.

T.O.S. we already went over this issue in another post and you ran away from my question.

This is what it says "It was an unfortunate meeting, because Ron and I are friends. Being that we were executive officers together in the past. I made the sentiments of our members very clear to him without hesitation. As for the number 2, like you, another pretender."

So YOU were on the E board..... Are you a quitter or did you get voted out on no confidence?


Well-Known Member
The best "stewards" actually VOTE during a contract year regardless of circumstances. They lead by example, they do everything they can to insure they get a ballot, or they make enough noise about it to show that they are truly "concerned". A good steward leads his brothers and sisters by participating in the ballot process in order to demonstrate the importance of involvement.

You didnt vote.

You are NO role model for the brothers and sisters of the Teamsters.



It looks like the only stewards not to get ballots in the country were from Local 952. Local 952 had their stewards in bad standing because their Secretary-Treasurer had not been paying their union dues to the IBT. Patrick K thought that by not paying the dues of about 400 stewards he could straighten out his financial troubles at the local.

As we may all know, Local 63 and Local 952 have had huge money issues the past four years.

Any steward that turns the eye on this fiasco is not a serious steward.

Local 952 is a joke!

Actually your a Joke, It would be against the law to do that.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

for the record. My completed my elected term and returned to UPS. As for your point about being "the best steward i can be for my brothers and sisters"...

Well, in this regard, you have failed.

You didnt vote. You didnt care enough to vote or take the time to insure that as a steward, your vote was counted.

Today, you are irrelevant to the contract conversation.

I am sure your members under you dont even know that you didnt vote. You dont strike me as having the yonkers to tell them straight up.

Time to sit back and let those that participated in the vote discuss the contract and keep your opinions out of it. You havent earned that right.




Well-Known Member
That shows how warped you are. You "completed your term" meaning your slate got voted out or you quit. Neither of those happened to me so actually you failed. Since you forget here was my response last time:

I"s that how you talk to your members in 396? You have lost all respect. In 952 steward, members and Agents have made a list of people that did not receive a ballot and tracked the accountability to the source. Agents have called everyone personally to figure out what happened. You see We don't cry from the sidelines here if a problem exists. We work with the local, get grievances paid and fix problems. Take some ownership and quit blaming everyone as if your holier than thou. That kind of self righteousness is disrespectful and shows you are unqualified to be a leader."

As I said from day one we need the MOU done and West trustees. All you do if post about the sky falling. The fact is your not a negotiator and you have to wait like the rest of us to vote again. This time we should have SPD's and decide. To talk about me as a steward without facts shows your a clown.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
First and foremost the things at 952 aren't as fine/cool as LagunaBrown tries to imply they are. There's a slate coming out of the Anaheim Hub that has been joined by a few disgruntled business agents. And I don't know why you're bragging that your hub (Laguna) is gonna back Patrick K and his business agents so speak for yourself.

If the Laguna and Anaheim Hubs supported Patrick K and their business agents why did 952 vote down the TA, 340 to 155 when they were pushing for a YES vote?

Tim N, you were the only shop steward in the Laguna Hub to publicly support the TA, how did that go for you? Your own members were pissed at you for it, so don't come here and spread lies that your hub supports Kelly and company.

People will remember at election time who sold them out.

Let me ask you this, are the reformers in your building supporting Patrick K and his UPS business agents?

You should take pride in the fact that the UPS hub in Laguna has gained a reputation for being the biggest anti-Hoffa hub in the Southwest!


Well-Known Member
First and foremost the things at 952 aren't as fine/cool as LagunaBrown tries to imply they are. There's a slate coming out of the Anaheim Hub that has been joined by a few disgruntled business agents. And I don't know why you're bragging that your hub (Laguna) is gonna back Patrick K and his business agents so speak for yourself.

If the Laguna and Anaheim Hubs supported Patrick K and their business agents why did 952 vote down the TA, 340 to 155 when they were pushing for a YES vote?

Tim N, you were the only shop steward in the Laguna Hub to publicly support the TA, how did that go for you? Your own members were pissed at you for it, so don't come here and spread lies that your hub supports Kelly and company.

People will remember at election time who sold them out.

Let me ask you this, are the reformers in your building supporting Patrick K and his UPS business agents?

You should take pride in the fact that the UPS hub in Laguna has gained a reputation for being the biggest anti-Hoffa hub in the Southwest!

Once again I have to laugh..... You must be so proud of yourself calling people by name while you hide behind your computer. Yes, my name is Tim N and yours (Hofffa SUX) is COWARD. If you really talked the talk I would see you at meetings or you and your so called reformers that are "pissed off" would confront me or even have me voted out as steward...... But they won't, the reality is you are all hype and very little of what you say is true. It is simply TDU tactics slurring good people for political gain. Why don't you tell everyone how many NLRB charges you filed and failed? Obviously Anaheim and Laguna hubs supports Kelly since they kicked the crap out of your reform/TDU slate last election. I said it before and I will say it again, the MOU getting done to the member standards is the real UPS/Local issue and not your clown car full of internet trolls. I can't wait to see the next slate of reform idiots that listen to you and become sock TDU puppets. No sweat for you having them run a slate and be in the line of fire cause there is ZERO risk hiding behind a Username. Come out and put your name and reputation on the line like we do. Coward.


Well-Known Member
Good morning Coward, maybe you should ask the Anaheim slate before you say our hubs are the most anti Hoffa hall. Do you know who they are backing? Lol

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

The one thing you have to understand this time around, is that Hoffa/Hall and the current administrations of every local in the southwest have opened the door to any "reformer" whether TDU or just plain UPSers who want to make a difference.

This is the second contract that has been negotiated with concessions laced into it and the members are now willing to consider ANYONE but the current administrations.

The track record is clear after two contracts, and the members are NOT going to wait to see a third.

In 2008: 1) Split wages- costing us thousands of dollars, 2) unenforceable 9.5 language- record high overtime hours for all drivers, 3) Extending part time progression to 3 years, costing every part timer thousands of dollars in lost wages, 4) article 6 technology language, that "CREATED" production harrassment via technological devices.

Now, it gets worse. 1) split wages in years 4 and 5, the two years with the largest increases costing us thousands of dollars, 2) part time progression increased again another year to 4 years, costing all part timers thousands of dollars and contributing to higher "TURNOVER" of part timers when they dont hang in to make seniority, which in the long run, affects our pension funds, 3) new specific language that "Assists" UPS in using technology against drivers both in feeder and package, 4) 9.5 language that does not help to end abuse, but in reality, extends the time to grieve 9.5 abuses to over a year, 5) THE LOSS OF OUR SUPERIOR HEALTH CARE WITHOUT A FIGHT, placing us into an inferior plan costing us thousands of dollars a year.

With this track record, why would the members of each local in the southwest continue with the current leadership?

As I have said before, and let me be clear again, I dont support TDU, but I believe that this contract will give TDU an opportunity to reach out to members who are unsatisfied with this latest contract. If they play their cards right, and chose the right people, they could not only oust local leaders, but HOFFA himself.

What you will see once the smoke clears from this contract will be a referendum on local leaders like R. H for his failure to protect his membership. Its clear, R. H was out to protect himself and sided with the international, and the members in local 396 will show him how we side with each other first and vote him out.

952 will face the same cards.

Laguna, you didnt vote, and that is the biggest weakness in your argument. You blame others for not helping you, but you didnt help yourself. Having your name on a list doesnt make you a good steward. Your voice in this contract argument is mute.

For the record, I hope the members of 952 understand that you Tim N. failed to vote in one of the most important contracts in UPS member history.




Well-Known Member
Tim N are you a Hoffa/Hall supporter?

Hey hoffa arent you a 542 guy? I believe your name is david? What right do you have to give out peoples names on here? I don't really wanna get into your private war but at least have the stones to give your own name out also. I believe we live in america where we have the right to confront are accusers. Quit pretending your'e batman hiding behind the mask. I dont see any search light on.