UPS wants us to pay 90 dollars a week for health insurance!?!?!?


Master Loader
"Oh yes this is because of Obama care. The thing about the afforabale health care act, it punishes those who have healthcare already, it also goes after health insurance agencies as well. The attempt to get everyone on O-care. Trust me, if UPS wouldnt need to pay fines on their workers who are covered, they wouldnt. Obama care strickly attacks the buisness straight out. So much for not paying more taxes, so much for lower class and middle class. This will cripple everything you know about America today. This is an attack on successful buisness companies. "

--YOU REALLY, REALLY NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!! Stop re-gurgitating the crap spewed by the Repubs!! Think for yourself and educate yourself. Just because you read it on Fox news or heard it from some interview from a lying repub in some interview does not make it "fact." Show me in the law where its costing a dime more for UPS!! UPS provides full coverage so the penalties within the law do not apply to it. The law went after; 1. Companies claiming their employees are only part time therefore they do not get insurance rights (ala Wallmart) and 2. the Insurance companies to force them to pay 80% towards direct care instead of 40% and the rest going towards CEO pay, lobbiests and "educational conferences" in Florida, Arizona, Bahamas and other nice vacation destinations. Name me one Insurance Company that went out of bussiness in the last 40+ years and not due to being "bought out" to limit competition. :/

Get your head out of your rectum and start thinking for yourself.

Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) is worsening, instead of improving, access and affordability.

People with coverage will be charged more for it. Small buisnesses will see an increase on payments for coverage, as will big buisness. Thus might cause them to lay off more employees. Why is the issues being brought up now with the union and UPS? Well, Obama care dead line is in October, I'm not one to believe in coincidence. And again, I am stating the obvious, these talks are over Obama care. Deal with it as you must, it is a reality, friend.

Also the mear fact that Obama wants to force people into coverage, being a little thing called "unconstitutional". Yikes, this guy and that silly constitution. What gives with that old piece of paper anyways, its just.....old..... and old is yucky and smelly.


My Senior Picture
Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) is worsening, instead of improving, access and affordability.

People with coverage will be charged more for it. Small buisnesses will see an increase on payments for coverage, as will big buisness. Thus might cause them to lay off more employees. Why is the issues being brought up now with the union and UPS? Well, Obama care dead line is in October, I'm not one to believe in coincidence. And again, I am stating the obvious, these talks are over Obama care. Deal with it as you must, it is a reality, friend.

Also the mear fact that Obama wants to force people into coverage, being a little thing called "unconstitutional". Yikes, this guy and that silly constitution. What gives with that old piece of paper anyways, its just.....old..... and old is yucky and smelly.

That old, yucky and smelly piece of paper has been amended 27 times.
Hell, when it was written, it was only for white people.
Perhaps that is playing a role in what is happening now with Obamacare?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) is worsening, instead of improving, access and affordability.

People with coverage will be charged more for it. Small buisnesses will see an increase on payments for coverage, as will big buisness. Thus might cause them to lay off more employees. Why is the issues being brought up now with the union and UPS? Well, Obama care dead line is in October, I'm not one to believe in coincidence. And again, I am stating the obvious, these talks are over Obama care. Deal with it as you must, it is a reality, friend.

Also the mear fact that Obama wants to force people into coverage, being a little thing called "unconstitutional". Yikes, this guy and that silly constitution. What gives with that old piece of paper anyways, its just.....old..... and old is yucky and smelly.

You just have to love a "constitutionist" when they visit a post. Lets see, where to start... How about small business... First, under the new affordable health care law, if an small business is under 50 employees, then its not AFFECTED by the law and would have to refer to state laws and guidelines for insurance. Thats a little something your "programmers" at FOX NEWS or Right wing radio wont tell you.

Second, as for the health care law being unconstitutional? Where do you see that? The supreme court ruled in a 5 to 4 vote that it met the standards of the constitution under the General Welfare clause.

The founders THEMSELVES mandated health insurance for sailors and dockworkers and created the "maritime hospital" system to care for sailors and dockworkers. This insurance HAD TO BE PURCHASED by the sailors and dockworkers. They did this under the GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE.

Again, something you wont hear on FOX NEWS or Right wing radio.

Now, tell me again how the affordable health care act is unconstitutional?

Lastly, that old piece of paper was a flawed document to start out with. It was amended several times to "CORRECT" err's and prohibitions on citizens.

That old piece of paper is a living document adjusting to the times.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[SUP][note 1][/SUP] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Did you miss this part of the preamble of the Constitution?




Well-Known Member
You just have to love a "constitutionist" when they visit a post. Lets see, where to start... How about small business... First, under the new affordable health care law, if an small business is under 50 employees, then its not AFFECTED by the law and would have to refer to state laws and guidelines for insurance. Thats a little something your "programmers" at FOX NEWS or Right wing radio wont tell you.

Second, as for the health care law being unconstitutional? Where do you see that? The supreme court ruled in a 5 to 4 vote that it met the standards of the constitution under the General Welfare clause.

The founders THEMSELVES mandated health insurance for sailors and dockworkers and created the "maritime hospital" system to care for sailors and dockworkers. This insurance HAD TO BE PURCHASED by the sailors and dockworkers. They did this under the GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE.

Again, something you wont hear on FOX NEWS or Right wing radio.

Now, tell me again how the affordable health care act is unconstitutional?

Lastly, that old piece of paper was a flawed document to start out with. It was amended several times to "CORRECT" err's and prohibitions on citizens.

That old piece of paper is a living document adjusting to the times.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[SUP][note 1][/SUP] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Did you miss this part of the preamble of the Constitution?



It was deemed constitutional based on Judge Roberts beign the swing vote, and he ruled it was a "TAX" which the constitution grants the right to tax to the federal govt. Ironically, the backers of Obamacare initially said it wasn't a tax.


Well-Known Member
It will only be after a strike. Hall has made it very clear to ups that as long as us paying 1 cent for healthcare is on the table. Negotiations will be at a stand still.
I guess we should prepare for a standstill. I believe the best you will get is current FT and curretn PT are grandfathered in. But new folks will pay. For all you younger folks out there. You know the pay you get compared to opportunities out there, you know even with the proposed HW payments, it's still better then the competition. You also should know.. if there is a work stoppage, then those at the bottom of the pile will get hurt the most and for the longest. We will lose a lot of volume, and it will not come back quickly. (if at all).


Staff member
It will only be after a strike. Hall has made it very clear to ups that as long as us paying 1 cent for healthcare is on the table. Negotiations will be at a stand still.
It was made very clear at the meeting I went to that this was an issue that we would strike over. Save your money.

Mr Shifter

Well-Known Member
Ok I have a question for you guys who were around during the 97 strike.

Did you guys strike on Aug 1st or were there still ongoing negotiations after the previous contract expired? How long was the strike?

I'm getting my finances ready and I'm anticipateing some sort of public outcry with decreased volume or an outright strike. Thanks!


New Member
We were on the picket line at 12:01 am 8/1/97. It lasted 15 days. It's February, the month you decide to do with your option weeks. Cash them and set aside for August. Better to be prepared. Had a Rally here on Saturday, Hall and O'Brien were ADAMANT that would will not pay one cent for healthcare!
We were on the picket line at 12:01 am 8/1/97. It lasted 15 days. It's February, the month you decide to do with your option weeks. Cash them and set aside for August. Better to be prepared. Had a Rally here on Saturday, Hall and O'Brien were ADAMANT that would will not pay one cent for healthcare!
No they wont pay one cent...but they will be happy to take your union dues!..Keep you partime and let the company Crap allover the contract!!Ever play monkey in the middle..If not you are now!...just saying


ya know , i can see the problem for the co. point of view. my wife was in the hospital for 3 DAYS and the hospital bill was for $38,000 and the insurance co payed every cent without a fuss.

something wrong with that. they should of at least negotiated the bill. without checks and balances with health care costs there will be no limit what hospitals will charge.

Mr Shifter

Well-Known Member
Whoa I was at our local meeting and they did discuss that there were rallies taking place. Time to stock up on rice n beans. =[

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
I THINK THE COMPANY KNOWS THEY CANT MESS WITH OUR HEALTHCARE...They arent dumb by any means.. It's all a ploy to keep other issues at bay like over 9.5 language, pt pay raises, pensions etc...They also don't want a strike which would really upset the stockholders...I take ever rumor with a grain of salt until mid to late June...IN THE's a good time to put away a couple of grand($) for a hot, August day just in case!


Well-Known Member
I worked for UPS for a while(7 years ago) and while I wasn't topped out I'd gladly have paid 90 a week for healthcare
now I'm at FedEx pay 110 a week for healthcare, have a ****ty wage, and have collected welfare because we don't make enough to cover all the expenses.
Be happy with what you have... fight for it, but realize at least you can afford it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It was deemed constitutional based on Judge Roberts beign the swing vote, and he ruled it was a "TAX" which the constitution grants the right to tax to the federal govt. Ironically, the backers of Obamacare initially said it wasn't a tax.

The founding fathers stated the mandated insurance purchase was also a TAX, but was interpreted as a fine.

Justice Roberts ruled on the side of the constitution and the history of the USA. The other conservatives voted strickly on party lines and proof would be Justice Thomas HALF PAGE summary. The man is soooo stupid, all he could put together was a half of a page. The others provided PAGES of opinion, yet Thomas could only muster a half page of party line talking points.

At the end of the day, TAX, FINE, PENALTY, FEE, whats the difference?

Nice try.




Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) is worsening, instead of improving, access and affordability.

People with coverage will be charged more for it. Small buisnesses will see an increase on payments for coverage, as will big buisness. Thus might cause them to lay off more employees. Why is the issues being brought up now with the union and UPS? Well, Obama care dead line is in October, I'm not one to believe in coincidence. And again, I am stating the obvious, these talks are over Obama care. Deal with it as you must, it is a reality, friend.

Also the mear fact that Obama wants to force people into coverage, being a little thing called "unconstitutional". Yikes, this guy and that silly constitution. What gives with that old piece of paper anyways, its just.....old..... and old is yucky and smelly.

My friend, I am begging you...PLEASE START THINKING FOR YOURSELF!! STOP BELIEVING EVERYTHING THAT FOX NEWS SPEWS!! Your link gave 0 facts! NOT 1 FACT! The insurance exchanges have not even been implimented in 1/2 the states!

Look, have you ever wondered why an ER visit averages over $5 grand? It is because for every 1 that gets paid 5 have to be written off because so few have insurance. Is Obama Care perfect? HELL NO! Nothing is perfect from the get go. It just needs to be tweeked and perfected. BC/BS, ETNA. ect al are pissed because now they are compeating on a more level playing field, they are going to have more competition AND they just can not do whatever they want to now like in the, "what, you had a tummy ache back in '95, sorry thats a pre-existing condition so now, even-though we have been taking your money for the past 18 years....your ulcer treatment or colon cancer treatment is a DENIED service and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. screw you, see you on the beach in Maui."

Heres a project for you....research where the vast majority of the insurance industry's lobbiest dollars have gone in the past decade then make an informed opinion. Right now you look like an idiot because you are un-infomed and un-educated. Get a clue and enrich your life.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
We were on the picket line at 12:01 am 8/1/97. It lasted 15 days. It's February, the month you decide to do with your option weeks. Cash them and set aside for August. Better to be prepared. Had a Rally here on Saturday, Hall and O'Brien were ADAMANT that would will not pay one cent for healthcare!

I think you might have your dates mixed up.

The contract expired at 12:01 AM on 8-1 which was a Friday morning. On Thursday, July 31st the union agreed to a 3 day extension of the old agreement, which expired on Sunday night. We worked on Friday, then showed up on Sunday night to start picketing right at midnight.