Upset is an understatement!!!!


Nine Lives
These are some of the results of Ups wanting to stretch out longer and longer to top rate. When I started it took me 9 months to get to top rate, now 4 yrs WTF? Concessions/givebacks only hurt the future ones looking for a job at Ups. when you get hired you know up front the deal...Can it take 5-6 yrs down the road? By then everyone will be working for P/T wages for many yrs before top rate (UPS PLAN more $$$ for the stockholders), No reason for concessions when Billions are made yr after yr...I go back to 81....And I can't recall them losing any $$$ in any yr. Please correct me if I am wrong..

Another example of senior drivers voting more money for themselves at the expense of their future brothers.

UPS Drivers are greedy bastards as far as I can tell, never caring for anyone but themselves.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Another example of senior drivers voting more money for. themselves at the expense of their future brothers.

UPS Drivers are greedy bastards as far as I can tell, never caring for anyone but themselves.

Com 'on! You cant blame full timers. They take what's given. Part time can own each contract. They cant even vote. They are getting what they ask for. Little


Well-Known Member
Another example of senior drivers voting more money for themselves at the expense of their future brothers.

UPS Drivers are greedy bastards as far as I can tell, never caring for anyone but themselves.
I bet you have at least a dozen full gas cans in your garage...


Well-Known Member
Another example of senior drivers voting more money for themselves at the expense of their future brothers.

UPS Drivers are greedy bastards as far as I can tell, never caring for anyone but themselves.

Be careful... you are about to get 101 excuses justifying that behavior

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
Another example of senior drivers voting more money for themselves at the expense of their future brothers.

UPS Drivers are greedy bastards as far as I can tell, never caring for anyone but themselves.

Hoax if there is Greed it is at the Board Table in Atlanta. I was always thankful for what I made over the years. I was happy with my wages which were well earned. I would of been happy with a quarter raise just keep my benefits pkg healthy. The part timers who did not get involved and took the Bonus money on some contracts just hurt themselves because they only cared for THEMSELVES at the time. They knew for the most part they were not going to stay any longer than they had to, get their college funds then hit the road when college was finished. Just for the record..How many yrs did you drive, how many peaks did you endure? Was it it a cold snowy ,icy climate? When your pens would freeze up while still on paper? Crappy defrosters and heaters in the old P-600's we had to deal with? To call drivers must first look in the mirror at your puss..............Then look at the BLOATED salaries of those sitting in their cushy seats at Board meetings calling the shots from the saftey of their Glass Tower who do indeed instill Greed into the mindsets of those in their fancy suits while the so called GREEDY drivers are are out there making sure their Fat butts can give themselves another bonus, or make some arranged donation in front of the Media to make them look like good guys....All the while planning their next move to make more by paying less and less to the ones who make it so their checks don't bounce. What an insult to all of the Drivers and other hard workers that made UPS what it is today..

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
Hoax ever have one of these days? No snow in Atlanta, Greenwich had some at times that's why they high tailed it south.... My old Crappy P-600, wooden shelves, hard to open bulkhead door. And oh yes those splinters we got..they were a bonus along with the single 40 watt bulb in the rear facing forward, made looking at shippers numbers in the dark fun..Ah the good old days , the Greed Formula was brewing.........
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nowhere special
View attachment 10492
Hoax ever have one of these days? No snow in Atlanta, Greenwich had some at times that's why they high tailed it south.... My old Crappy P-600, wooden shelves, hard to open bulkhead door. And oh yes those splinters we got..they were a bonus along with the single 40 watt bulb in the rear facing forward, made looking at shippers numbers in the dark fun..Ah the good old days , the Greed Formula was brewing.........

Those old P600's would chew through snow though. Not like the new junk most people are driving. I agree those old trucks had minimal heat, crappy dome light, and those wooden shelves - dust and splinters, but when they were new they were a good design (for daytime use).


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely right, but cazlinsky is referring to the PT progression which is an even worse deal than the new 4 year FT progression. When I was first hired under the 2002 contract, I had no progression and was making over $13.00/hr after 4 years with skill pay. The progression agreed to under the 2008 deal (which was the first time PT'ers did not receive the GWIs and received a progression instead) set wages it to $12.87 (with skill pay) after four years, after which the GWI would kick in (most of the progression raises were smaller than the GWI for PT'ers). The new progression under the TA addresses this somewhat, with a PT'er finishing progression after 4 years making $13.50 with skill pay.

Quite frankly, the huge wage disparities among PT'ers plays a large role in why the PT ranks are so divided. Drivers finished with progression are all making the same hourly rate of pay, while less senior PT'ers are literally working alongside people making more than double their hourly rate.

The additional year to top out as a FT'er is just adding insult to injury after already having to wait 15 years for a FT job. I guarantee you UPS will try to bump it up to at least 5 years during the next contract, if they don't demand a two-tier wage/benefit system outright.

New hire Part-Time employees have had a wage progression. It was not new in 2008.

1 year$9.00$9.50$10.00$10.50
2 year$9.50$10.00$10.50$11.00
3 year$10.00$10.50$11.00$12.00
4 year$10.75$11.25$11.87$12.50

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
My post certainly was successful in eliciting some guilt ridden responses!

No Guilt here Pops.......You did not answer my question...Did you ever drive and I mean not just 3 weeks, then put your letter in because you could not hack it..Just wondering? No memories because you don't have any......:surprised:


Nine Lives
No Guilt here Pops.......You did not answer my question...Did you ever drive and I mean not just 3 weeks, then put your letter in because you could not hack it..Just wondering? No memories because you don't have any......:surprised:

​I worked in the hub for 5 years.
I drove for 17 months and was in operations for another 5 years in various management positions in operations.

If you haven't worked in the hub, you ain't diddly.

​I assume you did not work in the hub since you have nothing but disdain for part-timers.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
​I worked in the hub for 5 years.
I drove for 17 months and was in operations for another 5 years in various management positions in operations.

If you haven't worked in the hub, you ain't diddly.

​I assume you did not work in the hub since you have nothing but disdain for part-timers.
Which sort in the hub and what positions? Not trying to flame you, just asking.