Visable tattoos


New Member
A lady at our center is being forced to wear pants in ninety degree plus weather all for a tattoo on her calf. Is there anyone out there that have run into this at their center? If so, what was the outcome?


New Member
She's not. She's out on the road. Not even an neoprene sleeve was acceptable. Time for work. Thanks for your thoughts.


UPS has the right to enforce reasonable appearance standards.

In our area, the standard has been that "if the tattoo is not offensive and was present when the employer hired/promoted the employee to the driving position then it does not need to be covered up." Speak with your business agent to see how the standard has been applied in your local.

It might seem counter-intuitive, but wearing long pants and long sleeves can actually be cooler if you are working in the sun. However, a breathable fabric such as cotton is much preferred over polyester. Perhaps she can approach her doctor for a medical prescription for cotton fabric uniforms.

bigblu 2 you

Well-Known Member
i have the declaration of independence tattooed on my arms,and the constitution down my leg and calf,its my "right" to share it.btw,after a few weeks of cola increase i will be getting a "hangover face tattoo"or the gettysburg address on my back,,,i cant decide.


Well-Known Member
Tatoos have to be covered here as well. The neoprene covers do the job. They are allowed here. As long as it's covered, I am not aware of what the contract language or UPS uniform language actually says though.


Well-Known Member
Our center manager has sleeves and regularly rolls up his shirt sleeves. Even before he came in, we have many drivers with visible tats and don't think anyone has heard anything about it.