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Strength through joy
Gay porn sites registered to Virginia shooter

Beginning on September 4, 2007, the records show that Vester L. Flanagan II set up domain names for seven different sites.

CNN found that Flanagan used his name and address in Vallejo, California, to register the sites.
An email that Flanagan used when he set up the sites was also used on a basketball blog soliciting "live webcam models" with "nice bodies." It said the models "must be attractive & muscular."



Well-Known Member
What is wrong with you? How do you know being gay inspired him to do this? What inspires you to be increasingly ignorant, racist, and homophobic?

Nobody is giving him a pass because he was gay and black, and he doesn't deserve one. POS killer and attention whore supreme. Hope there's a Hell so he had a place to go.
Absolutely correct.... but need to make sure that flag is shamed too. Welcome to BS land


Engorged Member
Gay porn sites registered to Virginia shooter

Beginning on September 4, 2007, the records show that Vester L. Flanagan II set up domain names for seven different sites.

CNN found that Flanagan used his name and address in Vallejo, California, to register the sites.
An email that Flanagan used when he set up the sites was also used on a basketball blog soliciting "live webcam models" with "nice bodies." It said the models "must be attractive & muscular."


So, he's a gay sex freak. Does that mean all gays are evil like he was? Jared Fogel was a white pedophile who visited some equally weird sites. Does that mean all white straight people are evil too? I'm sure we'd all be interested in the sites you frequent as well. What is your problem here?


Staff member
I expect the same outrage against the gay pride flag as seen against the Confederate Battle Flag .

This one?