What to do if Neo-Con Is Found In Load


Below the Line
The so called "ultra right' has had it's day in the sun and the recent election IMO is proof. ...
...or it may be a tactic. Here is some fiction:

GW Bush, in the role of Star Trek Engineer Montgomery Scott, but with a [-]Connecticut Yankee[/-] Texas accent: "Our power is flattering...falt...um, looks like it's going away. If we continue our current course, we will plummet into the Sun! The Party cannot hold together much longer, Captain."

Karl [-]Marx[/-] Rove, dressed in a gold tunic: "Initiate plan EnduringDeception. Let the [-]Romulans[/-] Democrats board the ship."

GW: "Aye, aye. Dropping shields."

The Democrats' ship, NewHope, docks with the FreeEnterprise, and the Democrats board and take the helm - but Engineering resists, so the [-]Romulans[/-] Democrats still can't steer the ship.

Chief Engineer GW follows through on his Captain's secret plan. He transports all the garbage from the FreeEnterprise to the NewHope. At the last minute (October 2008?), he sets off explosive charges that had been planted before the Dems were allowed to board, severing the connection between the two ships. The force of the explosion shoves the FreeEnterprise hard to port, narrowly missing the Sun. The Democrats' NewHope, now laden with all the garbage, has so much mass that it can't turn fast enough to avoid burning up in the Sun. The Federation returns to the control of its Captain, Karl.

Tune in next week, when the FreeEnterprise finds those cute [-]tribbles[/-] immigrants are less adorable in large numbers. [-]Scotty[/-] GW saves the day by using Extraordinary Transportation to beam them all to Cuba.


Well-Known Member
I had not heard that definition. Maybe that is why so much of the foreign press uses the term "NeoLiberals" - so it can be applied to someone based upon their politics.

I imagine that a lot of people use the term because they think it is about someone's politics, not that person's race.

These "Jewish Republicans" must be ethnic Jews, right? - Not necessarily practicing the Jewish faith? Or is the term applied to Repubs who have converted to Judaism, too?

A lot of "LIBS" are jewish too so does that make the liberal movement in America a jewish conspiracy? Russia's Tsarist powers were over thrown by the Bolshevik revolution and both the bolshevik and menshevik movements had a large number of it's members as jews as well as the party leadership. Stalin ended that lovefest but that's another post and another thread.

And now comes the "neo conservative" movement and it's a jewish conspiracy too! I like neo-con because I like 6 letters and 1 character of typing more than I like 12 plus Moreluck hates my books so I'm trying to help her out every little bit I can. :wink: It's not "ANTI_SEMITIC" it's being freakin'


Our OSU resident scholar and Doctor of all Knowing Knowledge sez we're all ignorant on the issue of politics and I've got to admit, he's right on the money on that one. Left wing is jewish/ right wing is jewish, they're all over the place! Now I'm just totally confused.

You know I'm lucky I've got a Rabbi that lives around the corner and maybe he can straighten out all this jewish stuff for me.

OH MY GOD! Senior, I have to talk quitely because to my "shock and awe" I just looked over at my telephone on my desk and it's jewish too! :eek: It's in the name you know, They are everywhere!

(the following not directed at you Senior obviously)

And on the term "anti-semite", Semitic history will show that the peoples that sprung from this Noahic story as told from the Bible (the Shem character) go well beyond just the jewish peoples themselves. The term semitic was first applied not to people of a specific religion but rather a larger regional peoples connected by a common language form. To actually quote the "New Jewish Encylopedia" copyright 1976' page 439 which I'm holding in my hands as I type this under the article Semites,

"A term derived from Shem......Since the middle 18th century this term has been used as a designation for the people who speak Semitic languages. Scientifically the word Semite is strictly a technical term for the semitic family of languages and has no racial implication."
end of quote from article but not end of article.

Another interesting article on the matter from a religious source is the 1913' Catholic encyclopedia now availble online. The Semite article can be found at the following link:

The 1905-1906 version of Funk and Wagnells Jewish Encyclopedia is also online but the website is having problem at present and is down. A quick Goggle search later will take you there if you like.

Secondly, the most widely spoken Semitic language today is actually Arabic and not Hebrew as some would love to have one believe. And speaking of Hebrew, this also is not totally specific to jews either. See same encyclopedia mentioned above under related articles. Hebrew was first assigned to Abram who was from Ur of the Chaldees (Ur Kasdim in hebrew) which was located in Babylonia around 2000 BCE or more accurately located in the Sumerian empire of the time. Many authorities believe Hebrew comes from the word "Eber" which means "coming from the otherside" noting a crossing of the Euphrates or Jordan rivers as Abram had to cross both to enter the land of Canaan. God made a promise to Abram of fathering a great people and he had 2 sons, Issac and Ismael. Both Jewish and Islamic traditions have Issac the father of the jewish peoples and Ismael the father of the Arabic peoples. In Islam they believe that Ismael was the first born and that it was he, not Issac, that Abram was commanded by God to sacrifice and therefore Ismael is the son of the promise. Are you starting to see a reason for all the conflict folks? It's a family fight over the father's estate and nothing more and it's based on religious dogma and not absolute in historical fact and we've slammed ourselves right in the middle.

Both peoples in a real and historical sense are Semitic and both are Hebrew as both came from the loins of Abram if we consider the various religious texts as being true and such individuals really existed.

If that be the case that Arabic is Semitic, then by extension this would mean the Arabic peoples are Semities and then those who hate and kill Arabic people are therefore themselves anti-semitic in the truest definiton of the word!

Now that really puts a different twist on the efforts of some to stamp out honest debate with that anti-semite crap!

Now I might not know politics but I could also easily suggest to some that they don't know history or cultures and they also don't know when they just might be talking to someone of jewish faith and/or someone with knowledge of jewish/Israelite/islamic history in this forum. I've seen a number of jews use the term neo-con, some in negative contexts and some for reasons as simple as my laziness mentioned above. Even the "father" of Neo-Conservatism (a title given by Neo-Conservatives themselves to the man) Irving Kristol, yes himself a jew if that really does matter or makes a difference (obviously to some it does since they happen to raise the issue themselves) has written and used the term and obviously his would not be in a demeaning manner. See AEI's website for some of his writting on the term. Francis Fukuyama (now that ain't a jewish name for sure) who himself for many years a "neo-con" by his own admission and actions has used the term and not in a demeaning way either although he's parted company with the cause over the Iraq war specifically.

In 2006' he came fully over to the darkside!

Liberalism may be a mental disorder but authoritarian fascist attempts of controlling honest debate via alledged thought crimes is an incurable disease! And Mental disorders can be overcome with the proper meds so there you go.

Gee, some folks do have a lot in common with the those lib democrat politicians they love to hate as like them, they want to limit free speech to the areas they think we should only be talking and thinking in. You think if they ever get total power again in Congress that like the liberal dems, they will try and invoke their own version of the dredded "Fairness Doctrine?"

Let me ask or even suggest this in closing. OSU raised the issue of jews and the neo-conservative movement. Now looking at the folks who run organizations like AEI or Project for A New American Century or the people that associate or contribute and support them to me when I look at the names I have to admit I just don't see that many names associated with the jewish faith but I see a whole host of names I more associate with western european, christian ideals and principles so in my view, this political movement is more about that than some covert secret jewish conspiratorial nonsense. In all our discussions on this topic both pro and con here, no one and I mean no one has ever brought up this idea of any jewish connection. If I've missed one fill me in.

That said, my question to the rest of you, could it be that OSU is the only anti-jewish person here and he's using a ruse to push us towards seeing this political movement as some type of jewish/zionist conspiracy and then he's got a prepped garden in which to breed new members for his ilk?


Well-Known Member
In your subliminal way I see what you are saying and it's possible but I don't think these guys are that smart or rather yet they are to greedy for power to actually entertain such longthinking terms. I also think the dems are smart pushing for the repubs to end the problem before Nov. 08' but if I were a democrat, I'm not sure I'd want to be President. There will be a whole lot of mess to clean up and I'm just not sure the type of measures they might want to use (what the core party supporters want) are gonna fly with the public when if you look as the economics of the last 25 plus years, it's all been about the same. GW's mistake was accepting the premise that excessive spending and debt is OK and he should have forced the Congress and especially members of his own party to tow a more spend thrifty line on discreationary and porkbarrel items. Do that and the repubs still control the Congress IMO.

Bill Clinton publically was no hardcore supply sider but he did little as President to dismantle Reaganomics during his terms and we had it pretty good during those years from that aspect as he and Gore who publically talked of reinventing gov't did balance the budget and was on the way to surplus which could have helped to paydown national debt. Maybe Bill was a lot smarter than some want to give him credit for.

Of the current bunch and as much of a shock to some as this might be, except for a couple of things here or there, I think Hillary would be much like him. Remember she was there and saw what worked and she wants the power and position more than making some type of idealog statement. As Senator from NY she's in position to do the idealog thing and as of yet she's not done a thing really. I also think this is another reason among several some of the more leftward side of the party are thumbing their noses at her and going elsewhere like Obama.

Sometimes you learn more about the leaders of a party or the candidates when you watch the supporters, especially the core supporters of the party than listening to the tripe from the otherside of the isle. Plus American politics really is about campaigning from the extremes during the Prelims. and then running and governing from the middle in the general election and when actually in office.



Well-Known Member
wkmac......I am in awe!! You definitely need to be on Jeopardy earning $25,000 a night.

Thanks more but I have to work every night at UPS but if you could put in a good word!

I'll even give you all the vacation trips but I'm keeping the money!:wink:


You smell that?
What makes Fred Thompson so special?

I don't remember him actually doing anything worthwhile when he was Senator of my state. Unless you count riding around in that stupid red truck. Yeah, that was genuine.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Judging by his popularity I'd say that more people than not thinsk that he did a decent job while he sas a senator in Tennessee, which is my state as well. The word on political talk radio is that he is to be the favorite to lead the republican candidates in the upcomming election.


Well-Known Member
Since you guys are kinda on the subject of the 08' elections, link to article concerning comments Gingrich made to an AEI group on that matter. I'd have to say that Gingrich is in agreement with Diesel on a Demo sweep in 08' if blah, blah, blah and if you look at the field, other than Ron Paul who is vastly different for obvious reasons, the rest of the beauty queens IMO show no difference to the current bunch in power. No real message other than doing about the same thing as I see it.

Whether Fred has done much or not is open to debate I guess but at least he's more directly connected back to the 94' Republican Revolution as they called it than the rest of the current field or at least that's how I see it so this does give him an advantage that people just might give him a listen for that reason alone.

We'll see I guess as this greek tragedy plays out although my thoughts of today's American power tend to compare more towards Roman political excess.


Well-Known Member
Never forget the stupidity of a large group of people.





Believe me ,we won't forget


Well-Known Member
And on the term "anti-semite", Semitic history will show that the peoples that sprung from this Noahic story as told from the Bible (the Shem character) go well beyond just the jewish peoples themselves. The term semitic was first applied not to people of a specific religion but rather a larger regional peoples connected by a common language form. To actually quote the "New Jewish Encylopedia" copyright 1976' page 439 which I'm holding in my hands as I type this under the article Semites,

"A term derived from Shem......Since the middle 18th century this term has been used as a designation for the people who speak Semitic languages. Scientifically the word Semite is strictly a technical term for the semitic family of languages and has no racial implication."
end of quote from article but not end of article.

Another interesting article on the matter from a religious source is the 1913' Catholic encyclopedia now availble online. The Semite article can be found at the following link:

The 1905-1906 version of Funk and Wagnells Jewish Encyclopedia is also online but the website is having problem at present and is down. A quick Goggle search later will take you there if you like.

Secondly, the most widely spoken Semitic language today is actually Arabic and not Hebrew as some would love to have one believe. And speaking of Hebrew, this also is not totally specific to jews either. See same encyclopedia mentioned above under related articles. Hebrew was first assigned to Abram who was from Ur of the Chaldees (Ur Kasdim in hebrew) which was located in Babylonia around 2000 BCE or more accurately located in the Sumerian empire of the time. Many authorities believe Hebrew comes from the word "Eber" which means "coming from the otherside" noting a crossing of the Euphrates or Jordan rivers as Abram had to cross both to enter the land of Canaan. God made a promise to Abram of fathering a great people and he had 2 sons, Issac and Ismael. Both Jewish and Islamic traditions have Issac the father of the jewish peoples and Ismael the father of the Arabic peoples. In Islam they believe that Ismael was the first born and that it was he, not Issac, that Abram was commanded by God to sacrifice and therefore Ismael is the son of the promise. Are you starting to see a reason for all the conflict folks? It's a family fight over the father's estate and nothing more and it's based on religious dogma and not absolute in historical fact and we've slammed ourselves right in the middle.

Both peoples in a real and historical sense are Semitic and both are Hebrew as both came from the loins of Abram if we consider the various religious texts as being true and such individuals really existed.

If that be the case that Arabic is Semitic, then by extension this would mean the Arabic peoples are Semities and then those who hate and kill Arabic people are therefore themselves anti-semitic in the truest definiton of the word!

For those who prefer a little scientific DNA data to support such claims as above I give you this.


Moreluck, you can be in more awe again of me as I was ahead of science on this matter!

Wake up people! We've gotten ourselves into the middle of a family feud of brother verses brother over the father's estate!