"When the UPS guy asked if he could try out my package."


Don't believe everything you think
Hey I told him not to take my pic, know im going to have to explain it to my center manager. Just kidding.


Would it be against policy to skateboard down long driveways while delivering?


Gone Fish'n
What are the six keys to avoiding slips and falls?

Look before stepping
Establish firm footing
Adjust to weather
Don't run, walk at a brisk pace
Stay off chutes, rollers, slides and belts
Don't skateboard and get caught on camera.

I think I posted in another thread about putting yourself in a situation where your integrity can be questioned, this is an example. Imagine if this person hurt himself legitimately say a week later on UPS time and out of nowhere this photo surfaced. Doing stuff like this while in uniform is a train wreck looking for a place to happen, it's a matter of when, not if.


Slow & steady wins the race.
Reminds me of the time about 15 years ago when I had a bicycle shop on my route. I drove up one day and the owner was riding a vintage "Penny Farthing" bicycle around the parking lot. He asked if I'd like to try it out so I did. I spent about 5 minutes sitting way up high riding that bike around the shopping center parking lot. It was awesome. I wouldn't have the guts to do that today with Facebook and Youtube.