why are the language in our supplements so different?


My Senior Picture
Still on the conspiracy theory. Could you point out viable reasons how the H&W is unsustainable other than the Hoffa letter that both of us know was directed at smaller, less well funded plans? You do realize funding for H&W is apples and oranges from Pensions right? Money in from contributions, money out for claims, a little left for reserve and no long term liability as participants come and go. As is without UPS contributions the CS H&W plan is doing fine and needed no "bolstering". By adding in UPS contributions AND low claim experience part timers, sustainability becomes the least of their worries.

Care to expound on how the IBT "would have had ample leverage to negotiate an amicable contract for UPSers"? Maybe leaving the UPS offer of $30, $60, $90 co-premiums on the table? Still wondering where all the ample leverage was.

Must be incompetent, inexperienced buffoons at the helm. If only we had someone who knows how to deal with UPS negotiating contracts, maybe someone who led a national strike... where oh where would we find that person?
I will answer your question, with a series of half or unanswered questions.
Why would the IBT have to take so many other concessions in other areas of the contract if they were shouldering the burden of administering the health care for UPS employees, because UPS refused to do it anymore?
The IBT was never in a better position, with a company on top of their game, to at least maintain the status quo.
Instead; we are being asked to accept our health care contributions being moved into Central States, the very organization in which we were bought out of pension-wise 5 years ago?
Why would anybody not look at this development with skepticism?

Ok, yes I would like to expound on how the IBT would have had ample leverage at the negotiating table.
Don't come there begging for the health care money?
I don't believe for a second that UPS cared either way, rather they smelled blood in the water when they bellied up to the table and parlayed it into a win/win scenario.
We pass it they win.
We stall it indefinitely they win.
After all, they have been raking it in under the present contract?
The company must be having quite a laugh about now.


Well-Known Member
Instead; we are being asked to accept our health care contributions being moved into Central States, the very organization in which we were bought out of pension-wise 5 years ago?
Why would anybody not look at this development with skepticism?
Central States Pension and Central States H&W are as connected as UPS is with USPS. Confusing the two is typical disinformation from your appreciated TDU. You're much better than that.


My Senior Picture
:) So you are saying we should have bubblehead negotiating it. :) why didn't we all think of that. He has all the answers. I'm religious but people that get way to religious are often nuts.

I find this to also hold true with conspiracy theorists. You can't reason with these people because there's something wrong with their compression of the subject at hand. Either it's a hard head or they have to be the smartest guy in the room. I pride myself in sitting back and watching certain situations.

You know watching and learning. He's teaching before learning. He can't see that he can learn from your experience and point of view. I use people like you to learn from. I use you. He doesn't get this. There is a lot to learn if you just turn that switch and be a humble padiwon.

That's how you attain Jedi status. I'm hoping all these great guys I've come up under rubs off on me. I appreciate you and the guys that have taken me under their wings. Because my only goal has always been to pay it forward and find my own padiwon.

Is that what you do???
If I told you what I was thinking you would quit this site for a week,...again.
You should try asking a few more questions and do your own "compression of the subject at hand", instead of riding the coattails of others.
I have always been humble toward guys like ITG and appreciate and learn from their counterpoints.
Show me where I have disrespected them?
If you want to be a soldier ant, more power to you, but please don't talk down to me for aspiring to follow my own ideals and principals.
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My Senior Picture
Central States Pension and Central States H&W are as connected as UPS is with USPS. Confusing the two is typical disinformation from your appreciated TDU. You're much better than that.
Is this an involuntary reaction?
I'm not a TDU member.
I don't have their site bookmarked, in fact I haven't been on their site since the past summer, when I downloaded the master and central.
TDU is not the Boogie Man.
We have these thoughts without them.
I know these two Central States entities are as different as Tide Detergent and Duracell Batteries.
I also know that both brands are owned by Proctor and Gamble, so don't try the apples and oranges analogy.
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Anonymous 12

Non active member
Is that what you do???
If I told you what I was thinking you would quit this site for a week,...again.
You should try asking a few more questions and do your own "compression of the subject at hand", instead of riding the coattails of others.
I have always been humble toward guys like ITG and appreciate and learn from their counterpoints.
Show me where I have disrespected them?
If you want to be a soldier ant, more power to you, but please don't talk down to me for aspiring to follow my own ideals and principals.
See you just did it again.

Lol. I've never been the one that's taken it personal with YOU. You always have with ME. Lol. Lol my ass. You've crossed so many lines with me and you know it. Rember when you asked me in a text if I'd talk to you. Did it and you crossed the line. You have manufactured many things that I. Me I have done to you. It's always everyone else.
I never posted your name on this site. You posted mine which is Jim. You call me forest gump and incinuate that I fish hooked you. Ha everyone is always fish hooking you. Everyone is always doing it to you. That's a familiar thing with you.

You also are the one who told who I was. I didn't do that with you. You have been wrong and taken this onto the open forum more than once. Me I did this time because I really don't give a friend anymore. Youve already accused me of everything. Is that a common theme????? Think about it but I'm just a dumb forest gump. Cant use the three dollar words or use the proper punctuation. Lol. I'll take my way sir. I've come from less than nothing and this gives me that edge the edge is my humbleness/survival. Make fun of it how you want. I bring something to the table.

Anonymous 12

Non active member
And another thing. I may have quit this forum once or four times but I've never quit on my union activities. This forum is a fictitious thing. My life is not.


My Senior Picture
See you just did it again.

Lol. I've never been the one that's taken it personal with YOU. You always have with ME. Lol. Lol my ass. You've crossed so many lines with me and you know it. Rember when you asked me in a text if I'd talk to you. Did it and you crossed the line. You have manufactured many things that I. Me I have done to you. It's always everyone else.
I never posted your name on this site. You posted mine which is Jim. You call me forest gump and incinuate that I fish hooked you. Ha everyone is always fish hooking you. Everyone is always doing it to you. That's a familiar thing with you.

You also are the one who told who I was. I didn't do that with you. You have been wrong and taken this onto the open forum more than once. Me I did this time because I really don't give a friend anymore. Youve already accused me of everything. Is that a common theme????? Think about it but I'm just a dumb forest gump. Cant use the three dollar words or use the proper punctuation. Lol. I'll take my way sir. I've come from less than nothing and this gives me that edge the edge is my humbleness/survival. Make fun of it how you want. I bring something to the table.
What does fish hook mean?
You are wrong however, if I took any of this personal, I wouldn't have made an overture to reach out to you.
If I didn't feel I had any culpability in our disagreements, I wouldn't have reached out to you.
I know I'm not always right, but when I make my play, I believe I am.
When I think I'm right , I'm not afraid to express it and accept when somebody makes a valid point, I value the lesson.
I have never came at you, unprovoked with a dissertation like the one you hit me with last night and I'm still not mad.
All my posts to you have been my response to what I perceived your message to be in a previous post.
So Forrest, Yoda, or whatever Jedi you aspire to be today, don't mistake the fact that your approach isn't a cookie cutter approach designed for everybody.
I never thought you were dumb.
I still don't, as my comment was "I don't buy your Forrest Gump routine".
I think your dumb like a fox.